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I admitted that the layout was cool. Dang, I've played so many games, the Nintendo DS seems new to me. Anyway, what really makes this is the awesome music. It isn't changed from the last game, but it's so good it doesn't need to be. I admit it is a tad distracting with how the screen is so small. That's nothing expanding the game shouldn't fix.

I was amazed at how fast paced this was. It was fricking easy to run out of fuel in a few seconds, so you had to keep on going and going. The fire sounds are very nice too. The resolution looks a little strange. Thank you for having a game that makes you want to keep playing it.

I seem to have had this mistaken for a cartoon by Knox. He's made so many things, it's easy to get some mixed up. I was impressed by how playable it was given the simplistic design. I do admit that it did get pretty repetitive. I wasn't even sure what I was doing with collecting those blue things. I knew they were giving me more of something.

This is actually really good for a time waster. While it's not something I'd go back to, it really is decent. It's mostly because you're motivated to beat the level or the game. You can't even die by hitting things, just by running out of time. It's easy to see how this became popular.

I admit that I was quite surprised at how cool this was. I thought it was one of those clock games at first. Now that I think about it, I might have liked it more if it was. Anyway, this is still great. It's mostly because you have such good graphics. I'm fascinated at how good you can do this with simplistic designs. The sounds are quite authentic as well.

I just think it's cool for these guys to strike each other like that. It doesn't accomplish much, but it's fun to watch. Even more fun to play! I like how they just float up and down between actions. This is an interesting game.

Well, I only checked this out because his actor died. I am not a fan of "The Sopranos" but recognize how popular it is, or was. It seems like the best use of this would be to make prank phone calls. Unfortunately, with caller ID, we just don't do that anymore. I can still recognize his voice. It does seem like this would appeal to fans of the show.

Only, it has a fairly low rating. I guess it isn't really better or worse than most other soundboards. They themselves aren't much alone. I still can't find anything particularly bad about this. It looks too dated.

This is a good game, but I will admit that the graphics could be better. I also did not like it how you couldn't even seem to know where the money you had was. I couldn't see much with the screen blocking the question marks. Still, it's nice to play. It's mostly because of how simple it is and how it's fun to just blow stuff up. I like how they blow up when they hit your fortress.

Apparently, I needed money for the mines or anything else. The sound effects were pretty good. It's just that you used some easy text for a lot of things. It still is pretty good for a time waster. You might want to put more variety into the enemies too.

This game worked out pretty well for me. I kind of feel there wasn't that much need for a story. This was still nice to look at, because of how good the perspective is. You get a good understanding of what's going on. Be sure to read everything. I feel ashamed that after thousands of games reviewed, I still can't figure some parts out.

Well, that's why the instructions are there! I thought the sounds and such were quite nicely done. It seems like you have a lot of freedom to go out and experiment with the controls. The details are good, but could have been a bit better. I especially like how this guy's drawn.

I found this to be a really flashy game! And that's not just because it's a game made in Flash. Dang, that's a bad joke. Anyway, the only thing that bothered me was how I couldn't aim well at first. It took awhile to get used to, apparently you had to do it right in the center of the body. I thought it was also cool how you could change weapons.

This first person perspective is quite cool. You have some good options with the weapons. In some games, if the enemies got past a certain point, you'd just be dead. I really like the logo you have in the beginning. You always seem to have good logos in the beginning of your games.

I found this to be a pretty good game. By "pretty good" I mean very close to being mediocre. It's pretty nice to see some good graphics at the beginning. The actual game itself doesn't really focus on that. It gets a bit too redundant with how it works. I'm not quite sure what the title means.

I don't know what the flash is supposed to be. Are you saying this is just a flash representation of fodder? The music and sounds aren't bad. It's annoying with how you have to hide behind places. It's mostly best to just get this done with on the go.

I admit that this could have been more interesting if there was more actual gameplay. This is still a good game, because of how funny it is. It's interesting to see the different ways you can angle your cannon. I was kind of hoping that you could bounce off the walls. Once again, that may be too easy. I just find it funny how Rufus is just jiggling around like that.

Maybe it's meant to show how unstable the pie throwing is? It almost makes me sad to see all those pies put to waste. Of course, that's what they're for. On the second level, I didn't even notice the one target in the top left corner. The parts of the level were blocking it.

This wasn't bad. I thought it was pretty cool how you had a good estimate as to where you were going to hit your target. I didn't like how it still seemed kind of limited. I wish there would have been parts like that all over the field. Then again, that might have made it too easy. It's pretty different for a game in this series.

I like how there's really funky music in it. It's not flawless, but is fun to listen to. I wonder why there's a part that says "How To Play" when you encounter that during the actual game. Is it some glitch in the system? I like how happy he looks.

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