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I thought this was going to be a Mario parody. You know, with the Piranha Plant. It still ended up being wonderful. I appreciate the graphics. Green is appropriate for a plant. It was a bit annoying with the lack of mobility.

I didn't even know what "Verdure" meant. Oh yeah, green again! A carnivorous plant does indeed eat insects. This was a great little game. Congratulations on those awards.

That was a cute little game. That is really all it was. A cute little game. It was certainly enjoyable. I guess it's hard to make suggestions. It works fine for what it is.

I like how simple it is. I'm glad there was variety with the blocks. My favorite was probably the exploding blocks. They beat the level for you. I should pay attention to tags more.

Well, this was indeed quite a good game. It's mostly helped by how unique it is. I've never seen something like this set up before! It was sadly quite difficult. I guess it is in fact nice to try. It was definitely appropriate for roles being reversed.

That title was pretty funny too. I managed to at least get past the first level. It was certainly something unpredictable. I couldn't predict how to beat it! Yeah, that was a lame joke.

Well, it was certainly a game that motivated me to keep on going on. That was mostly because of how hard it was. At first, I thought the objective was to just collect all the clocks. You had to collect all the keys. It was really hard. It didn't help that the button that opened the gates was on the ice.

I guess I just went to the hardest key. This was still a really creative game. How can it snow in summer? This isn't Antarctica! You mean twenty clocks, right? That better not be twenty keys.

pictocat responds:

The title of the game is kind of dumb. You start with 17 seconds and there are 3 keys, so there is twenty, in total. We just never really came up with anything better, lol.

This is going to be painful to say, but I didn't really care for this. I mean, it was just me walking around. I mean, just her walking around. I wasn't motivated to get that far. I did like the animation. Can someone just tell me if I should call it animation or graphics?

I couldn't get very far. I guess it didn't uh, look interesting enough? I didn't recognize this character. It just seemed a pit too mundane for the Pico Universe. It's a universe, right?

Well, this did have good graphics, but it was too short. I liked the name pun. She just ran off and that was it. You can definitely do better! Just have more gameplay and more of an ending. The ghostbuster wasn't an obstacle at all.

Well, that did make it very easy. Yeah, it was too easy. I did like how everything was set up. The music's pretty familiar. Please just have more gameplay with these good designs!

Oh, this was some good role reversal. I have to admit that I'm stuck at...uh, I can't tell because it doesn't say the level's name on it. This was an obvious nice homage to "Alien". The music's good and upbeat too. I didn't know it would get so hard on that one level. These were some good graphics.

The enemies seemed to have big teeth too. I guess that was just a symbol. The colors were very nice too. I even liked the level transitions. The fine details made it work so well.

Wow, that was a very creative game! There was something wrong with the sound, though. It didn't work except for some times with the hands firing. You should also thank us for having you be the thumbnail in this jam! I was surprised at how I had to use strategy.

It was a unique game. It's rare that I fight myself in a game. Well, myself from the past. I think this was more about reincarnation than time travel. Well, it was more about the afterlife.

Yeah, I thought this was kinda bad. The graphics were nothing that interesting. It was basically just the same thing over and over. You just shot at stuff. It was way too easy. I got a bunch of easy medals.

It really isn't worth it. I wish the guy could fly around more. It needed more obstacles. The enemy didn't even move around! I just can't like this.

SkilledFella responds:

You know, you seem to be right slowly. I suck at making better graphics and blocks, maybe I should make them a little better and also I should have made stuff better. I just got lazy for some reason.

Wow, this is nicely done, but it wasn't great for me. I thought it would be too silly for the trash can to actually be his girlfriend. I don't remember the first one, okay? I appreciate the animation. I guess I'm into visual novels. Damn, a lot of people worked on this.

The voices were quite nice. MC-Kun doesn't even have ears! I'm glad it wasn't hentai. We have too much of those in dating sims. I'm impressed that so many people worked on this.

Bleak-Creep responds:

There's no hentai, but there IS a horror VN hidden underneath it all if you know where to look. :)

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