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Well, this was kind of a mixed bag. I mean, the graphics were fantastic! They were truly amazing! I was impressed at how a game like this could even do that. It was just too hard. I didn't know why hitting a cone would blow up your truck.

It was certainly challenging. I'm glad you didn't get a medal for not losing any cargo. I could never get that one! I NEVER need to speed up with this. I appreciate everything the work put into the graphics at least.

This was a well put together game. I will admit that I'm just not into sports games at all. Congratulations on being the highest rated submission for Flash Forward 2023. We've gotten good variety for this. I just don't really care about sports. I don't play them in real life.

Wait, real life? I'm not thinking of murder simulators. I thought this would be a new version of the old "Portal Defenders" game. We do in fact rarely get sports games here. I'm still not complaining.

I'm not into dating sims, but this was great! I mean, it's mostly because it wasn't about porn. I understand visual novels a lot better now. I never knew I was so bad at Hangman. Happy 420! Wait, this isn't Valentine's Day!

Have Marijuana Man appear or something. It was just fun to see these great drawings. Well, they were mostly drawings. I thought the clock was a count-down at first. This is easily the best submission for Flash Forward 2023!

I'm not into Dress Up Games, but this was actually quite good. The best part was probably how easy it was to get the "secret" medals. No, I don't have them all. You should be able to figure it out on your own. This was very tongue in cheek. Boy, was that unsexy.

Honestly, this might have been the best of these Flash Forward submissions. I honestly haven't been a fan of these at all. I also love the simplistic title. I thought those arrows were all part of the same thing. They're hard to grasp.

Cyberdevil responds:

Haha, I guess you could say that. :D Not the sexiest foundation for a dress-up game for sure...

Really appreciate it Ericho! Glad you enjoyed this even if you're not in the 'genre' overall. Good feedback in regard to the arrows, didn't want them to take too much space so I kept 'em small, but could've probably made them a bit more intuitive. Different visuals, overlays, different placement maybe...

It's weird to say that I enjoyed playing this. I mean, it's pretty cheap all things considered! I recognize "Carmalldansen" anytime of the week. I really did get quite far with this. I thought it would be nothing but joke questions. Wait, maybe that would have been funnier?

It's so weird I found this to be far better than the highest rated submission here. I thought I was a critic! Happy Flash Foward 2023! Oh, and also 420. I know more about space than I thought.

fe3l1ngsk1lled responds:

420 indeed! :3

I admit to not being the biggest flash of this jam. I mean, Flash Forward. This was still pretty enjoyable. I liked the brick one the most. I do remember games like this. Congratulations on being the thumbnail!

I guess I'm seeing more stick figures. That's definitely something old! Stick Slayer won after all. I mean, we are killing the sticks we still have. The re-do button looked like a smile!

Noobliss120 responds:

Thanks for your review!

Well, that was just okay. The animation wasn't good. That seemed to be the point. This almost reminded me of Earth-Mage-2000. I loved the easy medals. Well, I loved how they were worth a lot.

I appreciate how easy it was to understand. I'm normally not into RPGs. I might have gotten used to them. This might be good for a quick laugh. I do like the protagonist.

This was a good game, but it did seem to have a major flaw. I didn't know how to select levels I already beat! I accidentally went back on the page. Whatever, this was still a good game. It was a little hard to understand at first. I'm glad I got used to it.

It got quite enjoyable after a while. It is a pretty unique idea. I'm glad both of them didn't have to go through the door. It wasn't too hard, either. That was a lot of music!

Bleak-Creep responds:

A level selector is honestly something that I hadn't ever even thought of myself, but seems like something so obvious. I'm sure we'll add that later on at some point. There are a couple other little QOL things we wanna get to at some point or another.

Intrapath responds:

Hey, thanks for playing! I agree, a level selector would be a good idea. And Taxmann hit it out of the park with the music, there's a Spotify link in the description if you want to add the tracks to your collection!

This was an enjoyable little game. I'm glad I learned how to get past the menu. You just had to solve the mini-game on the top. I liked how simplistic it was. I guess it could have been more detailed? It really didn't need to be.

It just wasn't as enjoyable as I thought it might be. I really liked how you didn't automatically lose when you trapped a guy. It was fairly easy. It did manage to escalate quite well. It did indeed utilize pixels well.

blit-blat responds:

Yeah, trapping pixels is actually a necessary tactic for precise and bad pixel modes. Would be a bit harsh if you lost on the other modes for doing so!

And sorry to hear that it wasn’t enjoyable as you thought it might be! Feel free to send me any suggestions as to what would have improved it for you!

Wow, I got all my medals! Anyway, this game was quite enjoyable. I was thinking there'd at least be some end. It still worked out well with the way it was. You know how to create colors. It was actually vaguely like Nyan Cat.

Of course, it wasn't as good. I thought you were supposed to collect the pipes. You know, like in "Super Mario Bros.". This was quite nicely paced. It just didn't come off as great to me.

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