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Wow, that was rather odd. I didn't know what to expect. It was certainly unique. The best part was the graphics. Everything was so wonderfully vibrant. I didn't know the sidewalk literally ended like that.

I'm glad I figured out how to get more money from the mailboxes. I missed his lack of mouth moving when he quacked while wearing the suit. That actually was a good disguise. I should have known they'd be pigs in both sense of the word. I never understood that phrase.

Well, what can I say? I mean, the game is technically good, but the controls were quite annoying. Why did there have to be two different ways of jumping? I mean, two jumps would have been just fine. The red color was kind of distracting. It was still pretty unique.

You need a LOT of patience for this one. It was kind of an eyesore. Well, I guess that's the point. The sounds are pretty good. He kind of resembled a square Kirby.

Yeah, I did learn to love this. At first, I was afraid it would be too repetitive. I loved the newer enemies that we saw. Killing zombies are always cool. Well, we got a wide variety of other things too. I was waiting for the zombies.

I thought it would be more straightforward, as in literally. This is still quite creative. I would love to see some medals on this. I can only imagine what kinds of achievements you'd come up. I got a 6 combo as my highest.

I've remembered to hit the "Escape Button". Anyway, this was extremely creative. I could really appreciate this interesting world. It really is a world. The mobility was awkward. I didn't know how to turn around, though.

I just wish it could have been bigger. Looking around was cooler than the actual artwork, though. I could even phase through some walls. It didn't really lead me anywhere, though. The music was nice too.

Well, I did in fact like this way. It certainly was complicated. It was quite an original idea. I appreciate that. You really had no idea what to expect. It wasn't quite color matching.

The music was so good too! It was very upbeat. I liked how the obstacles looked different. I was afraid you'd lose if you touched them after you beat the level. You did not. Not into puzzle games, but this was good.

That game was just okay. I admit that I didn't really like how it went. I mean, it was too fast. Even at slow, the train was hard to keep up with. It did indeed seem like a runaway. I thought you were supposed to go off the screen.

I guess that doesn't make sense. I wish you could just choose as to when the train took off. That's a lot of medals. I do like how it was sort of an original concept. It's just not really for me.

HamsterAtDawn responds:

I think that could be a good idea to allow the train to leave after you've had time to assess the situation, thanks for the suggestion. I know some people have enjoyed the speed of the game but others have found it too fast. Although it's never going to be for everyone, I would like to make it as accessible as possible and I appreciate the constructive feedback.

Update: I have made a minor tweak to the game. You now have unlimited time before the train arrives when starting a new game. The train will not leave until you start switching the tiles. It will still leave automatically when completing multiple levels in succession but this will reset after you get a game over. I think that this should maintain the challenge for the people who want it but hopefully make it more accessible to other players who have found the game too difficult.

That was a very enjoyable game indeed, but there was one main problem. It was too short! I guess I have to give this a great rating because of that. It's still a negative! I was a bit annoyed at first, but got used to it. You just have to keep on moving.

The title's weird. It was hard finding new places. I did really want to keep on playing. How did this not get an award? Were people hoping it was related to marijuana because it was 420?

Wow, that really was a great game. The graphics were fantastic. Finally, a break from Pico Day! I had no idea it would be this hard. I couldn't quite deliver the package in the right place once. I have no idea why.

Hey, I said, "No idea" almost in the same part of this review! The music was nice and uplifting. The colors were wonderfully bright. This is my favorite in the Delivery series. Everyone seems to agree with me.

The loading screen is kind of confusing. You use the arrow keys and then you just press Z. It was wonderful to see this great animation. Seriously, this looked fantastic! It's some of the best artwork for this year's Pico Day. Dang, these bosses were hard!

I didn't even know how to avoid the books most of the time. Then you had to beat him a second time with restored health! It seemed pointless to have different health bars. I'd love to see a cartoon like this. That song's a tad catchy.

Well, I admit it was indeed a very challenging game. I will admit that my computer just seems too slow with this. I was wondering how you restarted at first. In the first level, it just refreshed the page and I couldn't play. I guess that isn't your fault. I'm glad there were a wide variety of enemies.

I wasn't expecting a lot of them. Will Pico Day ever end? I love how it took one shot to kill the Madness guys. They're always the easiest to kill. Happy Pico Day 2023 yet again!

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