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Well, that game was actually rather odd. I mean, I had no idea how to beat the first boss. In fact, I just avoided him and I beat the level! I still didn't get the medal. Wait, was that not the boss for the medal? The scarecrow was.

This was still pretty good. I liked the old school graphics. It really did feel like a Game Boy. The music was pretty good too. Wow, another holiday here.

Harlemblack responds:

Thank you for your review. Yeah the skeleton guy is like the thing in life that annoys you very much but you cannot do anything about it except maybe avoiding it, haha. Cheers!

Well, it looked nice. It was just nothing but making ripples in the water. That's it. We all have to start somewhere. It's nice how you were on the thumbnail. Maybe not that high of an honor.

You did want to make something pleasant. I wish there was sound. Uh, Happy New Year? It's still been a rough start of the year. Well, at least for Trump.

I have to admit that I was never a fan of typing games. There wasn't much interactivity. I couldn't get very far. I don't even know how you're supposed to advance. This was definitely something different from BoMToons. You can always try new things.

Congratulations on appearing in the Flash Forward Jam! Man, as if 2020 couldn't have gotten more depressing! I guess there's at least some unique things. I don't know what the point of the typing screen on the bottom is. It does look nice.

BoMToons responds:

Text adventures aren't everyone's cup o' tea, but this one has some twists if you get very far!

The keyboard is for mobile players since Ruffle lets flash be served on mobile devices!

Yes, that was indeed weak for a demo. lol. Anyway, anything you make is good. I do wish there was more going on. I'm not that much into point 'n click adventures anyway. I've never played a game from you.

You've never done stuff with aliens either. It's always great to try new stuff. Well, not that much going on. Weird to see it without color. You won Daily 2nd Place, so good for you.

Wow, I have to admit I'm impressed by this gameplay. I mean, I didn't know when to stop. 1-7 was when I knew to stop. It was the hardest okay! It was definitely unique. It looked a lot like Kirby.

I don't think I played the first one. I'm not good enough to earn any medals anyway. The music's fairly nice. That dying after getting the final coin is pretty annoying though. It's still worth playing.

Hmm, this was certainly interesting. I will admit that I wish I could draw curves. It's still nice. I mean, it's quite an original idea. I didn't know how to clear the screen at first. I thought I had pressed space!

Well, whatever, it's fun for a little bit. I'd probably have to experiment with it a lot more to enjoy it. That robot drawing makes it look so easy! It also makes it look more fun. I know other people will like it.

This was a pretty good game. I admit to never being a fan of the "Snake" games. They just seemed kind of too bland. I appreciate the little homage. People who do like these games should enjoy this. I like the name.

It gets fast really well, fast. I mean, that happens in most games, but this seemed more so than usual. I like a challenge. I assume I'm not supposed to touch those other things. Maybe could have used music.

Aprime responds:

Music would be distracting, but I guess I could have given the option for it.
I probably does get fast too quickly, maybe my formula could have done with some tweaking :D

Wow, I thought I'd suck at this. I still kinda did. At least I got to Level 4! I have really no understanding of chess at all! I appreciate how simple it is. Well, it's still a pretty hard game.

The music's nice. I just can't get past Level 4. I'm sure I can look it up. That does take away from the excitement. I suppose chess fans will like it more.

Rob1221 responds:

Level 4 introduces stacking, where a piece falls on top of another. The rook can't get to the right side without using the king as a platform.

Oh um, 32 votes? Not a whole lot. I still enjoyed this. I always want to find out stuff like this. The layout just wasn't that good. Happy New Year at least!

Any new year would be happy for 2020. I guess I was hoping I'd appear here somewhere. You know, most reviews written maybe? I'm pretty sure if I did, I'd get an e-mail for that. Yeah, ,I remember going to the BBS.

Little-Rena responds:

I mean, 32 votes is better than the 19 last year, hopefully it will be more for the 2021 awards!

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