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I admit that this game wasn't that appealing to me. I guess it's mostly because I don't seem to have much mobility. I don't know why, but these kinds of games just don't do well with me. For a minute, I thought it was going to be about me as the bat killing the mouse. I'm disappointed it was not. I guess it's mostly my fault for not being better at this game.

The graphics are a bit too simplistic. I still like the music. Gee, that thing never gets old. It has a fairly simple layout, but it still manages to have pretty complicated gameplay. There seems to be something wrong as I can not press "Start" again.

I don't recall any pianist named Giuseppe. The only historical figure with that name that I can recall is Garibaldi, who I doubt was involved in this. It's pretty bad how I can't seem to get a single medal on any of the games I've been playing recently. I can see only have a dozen guys who have over five thousand points. And that's the easiest medal! It's still quite inventive.

It really is a fairly unique experience. I just wish I was able to advance so far. At first, I thought you could just go in the background to get the medal about not activating the piano top. It's a lot harder than that. I like how angry everyoe looks too.

I personally did not care that much for this. I guess it's mostly because I'm not that good at it. It doesn't work out when a game doesn't come off as particularly rewarding. There were definitley some shiny things going on, but not that much original material. The graphics could have been a bit better. I was able to complete the tutorial, but didn't get a medal.

The sounds are decent. It really is a puzzling game that's a challenge. If you are patient, you should be able to get pretty far. I just don't think it adds up to that much. The graphics aren't terrible, just need improvement.

Pinchanzee responds:

Sounds like it's just not your type of game, which is fair enough - although constructive criticism would've been nicer. Thanks for your time anyway :)

Wow, I think this may in fact be your strangest game. It was just so confusing with how it was supposed to be played. I could tell that this was the intention. The music was at least decent. I had no clue what was going on, but at least there was a pretty clear understanding of how to play the game. You basically just keep jumping...somewhere.

Here's to creativity! I guess this wasn't as enjoyable as most of the other games because it was so different. It's always interesting to experiment. It just came off as a bit too flashy. From a distance, it looks better.

That was a fairly strange game. Given the title, I thought it would be something like how you had to run into your enemies to kill them. I wish I had any idea what you even did in order to get more ammo. That being said, I still enjoyed this game for its originality. The sounds and atmosphere were nice too. I just wish I understood how to advance further.

It was hard to really understand much of anything in this game. That at least made it a challenge to complete. I appreciate the different designs of the enemies. I just like the overall ambitious atmosphere. Space shooters are always fun for me.

This did not have that much detail put into it. I don't really care that much, though, because it was still a pretty good quiz. I was impressed at how specific you had to get with everything. I thought you could just type in "Mario" and be done with it. At least you don't seem to care that much about capitalization. Yeah, I don't know some of these.

In that way, it's harder than you think. You do have a fairly good amount of time to give an answer. Of course, with only a picture, you can't really search online. The music was quite good. It's strange how something so simplistic looking can be so difficult.

This managed to be more entertaining than I thought. I was quite interested as to how there were different kinds of paths to take. I thought it was just going to be really easy and you would just get medals over and over. There is in fact a reason why these medals are labeled as "secret". While most of them you get by accident, you do need strategy.

I also felt that the artwork in this was really good. I just like how much depth you give to the characters. It reminds me of "The Walking Dead". Speaking of which, I just missed the latest episode! The sounds are nice and give off a good country feeling.

I admit that this game was fairly unique. It just didn't do much for me because it was weird to understand. The graphics were pretty weird, especially with how you just had the same slashing motions with your sword. There were half a dozen enemies that attacked me at once and I could only fight one at once! The sound was at least decent. It just looked a bit too cartoonish.

I guess this did take some creativity. I am pretty bad at this game, as I couldn't save the first guy I met. I only managed to open one chest. It was weird how complicated it turned out to be. I got a chuckle when I saw the giant rats. Those should be easier to kill than the skeletons.

I found this to be a fairly enjoyable game. The biggest downside was probably how the graphics were not that impressive. Then again, they really didn't need to be that good as that was not the focus. This still ended up being a good game. It helped that it was pretty easy to understand everything. I'm still not quite sure how those green guys work.

I think they just go in the same direction, just not at you. The sounds were pretty fun and goofy. I like how cheerily paced everything is too. This works for being a fun and simple game. Some of the sounds do get a little annoying though.

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