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I remember playing this game just yesterday! I beat it and got my highest score yet! It's one of the best games here! It's weird how you'd release a demo like this. I mean, the game's already perfect as it is! I still liked playing this.

I do wish there were some enemies. Maybe I just didn't run into them? I liked the screen when you died. Wow, that's too morbid. Hey, it's Tails with his own game!

Damn it, I can't even get past the third level! I mean, there's always walkthroughs but this got hard right away! It's hard to enjoy something this hard. I've played this kind of game before. It was still difficult by any standard. The music's at least quite good.

I know there's a bunch of walkthroughs for everything. At least the first level was easy. If only the medals were easier. I say that too much. That's why I play these games, alright?

Rob1221 responds:

You just push the right side tiles up a few spaces. I'm guessing you were not switching players, and it's impossible to complete most levels without doing that. I've added text in level 3 reminding players about that feature.

I guess it's hypocritical for me to say this is too amateur. I couldn't make a better game myself. Still, I do hate this game. It's mostly because it's just very ugly looking. I couldn't tell if I was doing something on my computer or this uh, computer. I do like these kinds of games.

This was just frustrating. The shapes were way too simplistic. Those are some pretty long tags. I've never seen ones like those before. This was just far too boring.

Anniemation responds:

Hello ericho
I am the creator of this game
And while i do understand your Critisicm
the game was made for List jam and in about 2 days
so couldnt have done it diffrent
uh anyway i wish you a nice day
p.s i jusst realized i have been critized by a Levekl 100 critic thats neat

I don't like poop and pee colors. I do like green animals. It's just like Beast Boy! It wasn't much of a dating sim. I didn't even interact with the other monkey! I can still appreciate how it's kind of a different idea.

It is just the same stuff over and over. I'm glad I could jump from the objects, although it has to be right away. This isn't much of a relationship. I literally just chase her all day. Well, maybe that's what monkeys do.

At first, I thought this was some glitch on my computer. I mean, my computer's been glitching a lot lately. I uh, don't know what to say about this game. You do nothing but click space. It was uh, realistic for blind people. I always thought I'd rather be blind than deaf.

I mean, words are just that important to me. You don't talk to anyone else here. It was weird how the medals had thumbnails. I guess you do have some idea on what's out there. Umm...I can't recommend this.

This was indeed one of the best shooting games ever made! You had to train to get rid of the annoying bits. I was amazed at how pricey those upgrades were! Still, this was unbelievably fun. I'll always miss "RaidenX". I especially like how they have health bars.

Meteors AND enemy ships? Thank you so much for the full page option. I didn't know how to go on with this. It's everything a space shooter should be. The designs and graphics are great too. The endless mode can go on for, well, ever.

Kitadashi responds:

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the game. 🍀

Wow, I can see why this game is at the top of the front page! It's amazing! At first, I couldn't understand how to use the gray parts. I'm glad it taught me how to! For having little color, this was certainly colorful! It truly is one of the best stick games ever made!

It is, without a doubt, the best thing under List Jam. I mean, I don't even blink when asking what the best submission is. There were like four explosions at the end! I'm glad the cutscene destroyed the tank for me. Well, probably too short for a cutscene. It's so damn addictive!

Okay, I have to admit that this game was very hard. I mean, I had no means of defense against my enemies. I did still love the music. I mean, the tone is great. It feels like a throwback to 1920's cartoons. I haven't even seen many of those.

The title was still really cute. I liked the graphics or animation. It was just really annoying with how hard it was. I wish those spikes didn't instantly kill you! Well, I guess it was worthy for the list jam.

Wow, how cool! I didn't know it would be this big! I didn't even understand the structure of it at first. I admit that it's very hard to get medals. I mean, I don't want to just click everything. I want to take in how cool it looks!

You guys have great music too. I knew we'd have something really high rated for this Daily Feature! I remember the word "Isometric" from "Steamed Hams". It was fun to see everyone working together. It was well organized.

Well, I have to say this is the best entry in the jam so far. Damn, everything's a jam nowadays. I liked how fast paced it was. It was still a double edged sword. That made it hard to concentrate. The graphics were quite nice.

I just had to remember everything when I died the first time. The second times and beyond were also pretty bad. I guess this is a pretty unique jam. It's a cute little game, but not one of the best. You just have to keep up!

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