View Profile Ericho

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Well, that was good as a Tetris game. I'm just not that into Tetris. The game's too hard! I appreciate how it's faithful to the original game. I guess the graphics are kind of different. I like hearing that "Final Fantasy" sound.

I've heard it so many times I think it's from FF. I guess it could just be better detailed? Well, it is just Tetris. No jokes about wanting it to have a plot. Maybe the background could be better.

stevetherapper responds:

Tetris isn’t even hard you just suck at it.

Im joking don’t take this personally

Yeah, it took me awhile to understand it. I love how there's no award for beating it on any difficulty. You can just go the easiest and win. That's a good characteristic. Yeah, it could certainly get frustrating. I didn't mind all the green.

The title reminds me of "Goomba". Well, you see Mario everywhere. I think the music is pretty good. This is a fairly creative game. It does get frustrating with how it's just one boss, but still very playable.

This deserves a high score if only because of how you did a lot with a single image. It was hard to tell when it ended. The voice sounded like Kirbopher. I've listened to him a lot. Not all of them feature the finger. This had that great music too.

I appreciate so many artists working on this. You never see that in a game. Well, this wasn't as much of a game as a collab. Either way, it was fun. I'd have to pay attention to when an image repeated.

LeviRamirez responds:

I think the guy speaking in this game actually died recently, he got sucked into a watery vortex and drowned. Really tragic but yeah thanks for the kind words :)

I admit this was a very weird game. I still loved it! I've never seen a Pong game like this before! I certainly didn't even know it would be like a "Pong" game. It was very unique. I love the sprite work.

I could feel for this guy and his dog. I wish there were more boy and his cat stories. This is still a great game of course. I really had no idea what was going on. In this case, it was good.

This was a very impressive game! I'd tell you what level I'm stuck at, but they're not numbered on screen. I loved the level where you beat it by just dying. The green bird then randomly appeared. What interesting gameplay! I loved the layout.

He seemed to be wearing a cute little tie. For someone that looked like a bird, he couldn't fly. Well, lots of birds can't fly. You do a lot of detail with pretty simplistic shapes. You deserved this Daily Feature.

Woah, I loved this cartoon! My favorite part was how I haven't played a "Bullet Hell" game in a long time. I've forgotten how much I love these! It's such a shame that stupid player won't let me play "RaidenX". That is some bias. I'm glad I understand how these work.

It's great to have all these unique enemies. I just love not knowing what will show up next. That bomb thing comes in really handy. It's hard to tell how much power or how many lives I have. I'm just so into the game I can't be bothered to look at that stuff!

Dogtopius responds:

Thanks a lot for playing!

This was quite an enjoyable game. I will admit it got kind of annoying with how simplistic it was. It still worked. I got up to Level 8. Well, that does kind of look like infinity. It's fine for a little game.

The idea really is quite original. The red bars were what got me the most. It's still easier than it looks. I think this should have won some award. Daily 5th, maybe?

Jordio94 responds:

Yeah, I was just playing around with something a bit different and kept it quite simple. It does get a bit more interesting and harder as the levels go up, but the core gameplay remains pretty basic. Thanks for giving it a try anyway!

Uh, that was quite strange. This was under my subscriptions, but I'm not subscribed to anyone listed. I thought I beat the game after two levels. I mean, I thought I was back on Earth. People do seem to love this.

I just don't think it's great. I mean, I was motivated to go on. I just thought something really amazing would happen. It never did. Well, this is great for medals.

Ant responds:

Ericho you're gonna be the death of me

I'm not into games like this, but as far as these games go, it wasn't bad. I liked how goofy it looked. That's what the Internet is known for. This wasn't frontpaged until...Veteran's Day? How strange. Uh, Happy Veteran's Day?

The music was pretty good. That's rather ironic, given the premise. I don't think the maid costume was that sexy. Isn't that what Halloween is for? Thank you for the walkthrough.

toffeescoffees responds:

thanks so much! happy veterans day LOL

The difficulty? Actually, it'll be super easy. Barely an inconvenience.

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