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I thought this was just okay. You seemed to have more mobility this time around. Why is Dickens yellow? No one else is. Simpsons reference? The music was quite nice.

I didn't know how to walk in. I don't have a keypad on my laptop. I still have the number keys though. It seems like a harmless game. Well, games are rarely harmful anyway. Weird how it was given Daily Feature an exact year before 911.

I love your honesty. The best part is probably the animation. Everything is so sleek. I find your games to be pretty good. Yep, I suck at this. I assume everyone else does too.

It's nice to give us a warning. Cowboys were never really my thing. This is still kind of funny. It's not one of your better submissions. Well, if you're even still here.

That was so impressive! You're always great with your graphics. To get the first medal, just uh, keep clicking. There's really a lot of detail put into this. It helps that it really is an interesting story. Zombies are always cool.

I just saw "Hotel Transylvania 3" so I'm in the mood. These are all really nice designs. I am eager to find out he died. I'm still not into point and click adventure games. I can still appreciate all the hard work and effort that went into making this.

Muja responds:

Thank you a lot for your kind review, especially since this isn't your favourite genre! Means a lot!

This was better than I thought. I admit it was kind of a dumb concept. I really did like that joke at the end. I just love how cartoonish this is. I can always appreciate that. I love cats.

This was fine for a really quick cartoon. I'm sure that's the intention. The colors are nice. It's not that great though. It's good for what it is.

When it said, "Hit The Dump" I assumed the game would involve toilets. It was still kind of fun. I wish the electricution was longer. Was the skeleton supposed to look like Hitler? Oh, he was the Austrian.

I thought you were talking about Arnold Schwarzeneggar. This guy looks Asian. The music was pretty funny. The bucket thing kind of went on too long. Assassin stuff was really big here.

I enjoyed this. I probably wouldn't quite recommend it, though. This seems like early "Madness Combat". It's always nice to see where influence started out. I will admit the loading time is way too long. That's the longest I've seen in a long time.

You really were quite prolific. I prefer the "Un-named" series the most. I wonder where the term "going postal" even came from. I'm pretty bad at this game. Well, I wasn't motivated too much.

What does that say? Everything is backwards. I think it's "Raeh enod Rey". Or is it "Yer done hear"? Oh, that's it! This was more fun than the other entries in this bunny kill series.

Wait, don't confuse that with the actual "Bunnykill" series. Well, that's a lot better. It was pretty enjoyable with how simple it was. I can usually appreciate that. The music was fairly good too.

This game was pretty enjoyable. It's mostly because of how it's something different from you. I think it worked out quite well. I admit it was a tad boring. I mean, it was just these hands walking around. Still, it was quite fun.

It's nice to have this music too. It's good for a quick play. The medals didn't show up on screen. I'm so used to seeing them.

I admit this wasn't anything that great. The music was okay. There were only three commands. Tamagotchi is even more forgotten now. Was Digimon related to it? This is why some people think it predates Pokemon.

It's at least better than a lot of other stuff at this time. Congratulations on your first submission! Everyone gets better later. I admit the Molest was pretty funny. Wow, I'm a sociopath.

I was confused by this. I know it's a sample, but it's practically nothing. I mean, it's just you shooting one goth. Did this become a full game? Where's the music? It's really not appropriate for this website.

Well, maybe it was back then. I actually did like the animation. I mean, you really have gotten better! It's just mostly lacking. That goth looks like Voldemort.

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