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Maybe this guy does deserve to be blown up. This still made no sense to me. Shouldn't he have a health bar? How could I tell when he was doing to die? It was too boring. Well, everyone was mostly at this time.

It gets better later. I can say that about everyone. It needs way more detail. The music's alright. It's just pretty dumb.

This seemed to be the same as the first game. I mean, it was just you shooting bunnies. I was really weirded out by how I killed them. I fired in the same area. Apparently, it took some special area to finish them off. I shot a rabbit four times and it didn't die.

That's completely insane. The graphics don't hold up. Wow, a month into this website and already we have over 1,000 submissions. I can learn to get used to it. I just don't want to.

What happened to the first one? I assume it was deleted. They do that way too often here. The graphics were pretty bad. I didn't even know you had to kill them exactly. It was just you shooting bunnies over and over.

There wasn't enough time. At least the music was okay. I can forgive this for being an early submission. You get better later. Actually, everyone gets better later.

To a certain extent, I can admire this game for how weird it is. I'm still not able to go anywhere beyond the first room. This was still at least notable. I like how goofy it is. You can enjoy it for how bad it is. The sounds are nice.

It's just so weirdly designed. It seems like different styles are coming together. I usually like that. Not good, but at least creative. I just wish I knew how to advance.

This was really bland. I mean, it was just you driving and hitting people. It was hard not to hit them. They weren't even on the screen. Well, this was your first work. Actually, it was submitted the first month the portal was created.

I can excuse how lame it is. I've seen you do much better. The title was pretty self explanatory. You do better stuff later. I deserve to be arrested.

I admit to not being able to play this. I just go to the side of the screen and nothing happens. At least I like the layout. It looks like a Game Boy. Do they even still make those things anymore? The sprite work was alright. It just wasn't playable.

I didn't know what to do with this. It seemed too simple. I wish the screen was bigger. It didn't do much for me. At least it was different.

Judging from the thumbnail, I thought this would just be porn. I'm glad it wasn't. Well, there's porn or at least erotica somewhere in this game. I believe this is the highest rated submission for Clock Day 2013. Good for you! It's still not great though.

I do love killing that goomba. Shotguns are always neat. I generally don't like RPGs. This was just too short. It's still fine for a quick play.

I never cared for text games. It seems like this didn't even do well with fans. Well, there aren't many text games here. Or in general for that matter. I guess it's not the worst game ever created. It seems to have everything a text game should.

Happy Pico Day 2013! Yeah, it declined by this time. At least it's something. It's better than other worst Pico Day submissions. I guess others might like it.

The medals don't work! I assume that one screen counts as a level. This just went on forever with nothing showing up. I wish this had an ending. That would have made it better. Still, I can't complain that much.

This was a perfect time waster. You just had so many kills. It's great for Madness Day. Just get those medals fixed. I know I upgraded ammo five times.

I generally try to get at least one medal in any game. This game was so poorly done it was hard for me to even do that. Well, I did manage to get one medal by rescuing Nene. Even the music is annoying. At least it's not too hard. Emphasis on "not too".

I also thought the designs were really cheap. There's just no reason to keep on playing. Well, I'm sure you can do better. Everyone must be talented in some way. Happy Pico Day 2012 I guess.

h2o0tterART responds:

Thanks much Ericho (hopefully us creative folks are all trying to update themselves, and have fun doing it haha).

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