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I did not care much for this game. It just didn't have much style to it. It seemed like it was just the same thing over and over. The graphics looked fairly shoddy. I was confused as to how I even got a high score. It still isn't terrible.

I like the environment. Penguins are always nice. The music isn't bad. I did have some fun working on the best strategy. I bet you are glad the score is so high, but I just don't care for it.

TheeSeaverShow responds:

Thanks for your response. Ever since I uploaded this version onto newgrounds, I have been working on a much better version of the game for mobile. Hopefully when I get it out you will check it out and maybe I can change your mind! :D

This game was more interesting than I thought it would be. I think it's mostly because it's just so unexpected. I really had no idea it even could be this complicated. I managed to challenge myself that way. The music is quite good. I also appreciate how well it flows.

You really have to figure it all out on your own. It was interesting to see how fast it escalated into difficulty. While not great, definitely worth looking at. The name's pretty cool too. It's a nice cute little game.

This game was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. It still wasn't great. It got a bit repetitive. I really like how you put all this effort into creating different colors. I was amazed at how hard it got. You really just have to keep on playing and playing.

I don't think this was very scientifically accurate. The sound effects were decent. I still didn't fully understand how my color changed. Many times, it's hard to get a good combo. This was pretty original as well.

This is a rather strange game. I actually did manage to get used to it pretty quickly. It really is fun when you get used to it. It just didn't do that much for me in the long run. I was still pretty impressed bit. I appreciate the music.

It could have used a bit more detail. I like how I was able to figure it out. The answers don't seem to respond to any actual page. It says it isn't found. This is still a nice little game.

I found this game to just be okay, as most people here. It did have pretty good graphics. I don't understand how basic it was. It was pretty much a standard game of tennis. Well, it did have this weird settings. It had sort of a cute appeal.

It looks like you were at least trying to do something different. I still didn't care for this. I guess it moved at a pretty good pace. It didn't get too hard. It just didn't get interesting either.

I really do like this game. It's mostly because there are always new things to do. I thought it might just be a platformer or something at first. Some of the stuff is pretty hard to understand. It just changes so quickly. The design isn't too bad.

I would know about hobos. I came from a town that celebrated them! It's great for you to honor them. I guess it wasn't that innovative. While not too memorable, it was still decent.

I guess this game is more popular than I thought. I was quite impressed at how stylistic it was. It was really neat to see all these pictures come together. The pizzas we have are usually done with eight slices. The music is also very nice. You really didn't know what would come up next.

There was no sense of rush or anything. It was just fun stuff. I guess puzzle games really are fun here. They remind me of when I was a kid. Recently when trying this, I'm losing pieces.

Wow, this game drove me absolutely insane. I had no idea how to even get the easy medals. I admit that it is completely unexpected. I was wondering why the medals looked so weird. I didn't even notice they were boxes at first. Wasn't this joke already used in SpongeBob Squarepants?

It was still pretty funny. The redundancy drove me bonkers. I guess the sounds and music weren't bad. I hope to never look at this ever again. If you want to torture yourself, play this!

LoadCartoons responds:

The game was meant to be hard, this is Major League Boxing!! if you cant take the madness then you're not MLB material! now take your 2 bit critiquing and go back to reviewing Sonic vs Mario sprite videos *kisses*

On the screen, I didn't know whether it meant click Enter or click the actual "Enter". It was the latter. This is another game where it doesn't load while you go offscreen. Anyway, this was a good game. Those enemies seemed to get stronger. Originally, it was just about getting the powerups.

It then started to be more about shooting the enemies. The sound effects were pretty good. I found the setting to be fairly original. I don't know why these things are raining down, though. While not too memorable, I would check this out.

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