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This is a very strange game. It's not so much that it's hard, it's just that it's complicated. It's weird to have all these different ways of attacking your enemies. There really are a lot of weird combinations, but so few of them work. I at least have to give you credit for having some creative graphics and characters. For some reason, it waited awhile for me to lose a level.

Level 6 is the one where I'm really having trouble. I have to put everything in the right order. You are truly limited with what can be used to destroyed what here. Well, there's always the walkthrough. It's probably worth checking out.

I found this to be a pretty good game. The only thing I didn't understand was how I immediately lost my only troop. It started off with a troop that had full health and then I didn't have any eventually. I knew this game was too easy to go on like that forever. I will say that it was pretty cool to be in that environment. I liked how the gameplay was fairly straightforward.

I was still never able to get more than one soldier. I guess people who are bigger fans of these games should do better with it. I thought it would be a defense game at first. It actually was pretty unique. I haven't played the other City Seiges, or at least don't remember them.

I really did not care for this. It was mostly because it was too easy to die. I do have to give you credit for having the levels get easier, which is a cool idea. It's just that you should have a means of defense against the enemies. The medals didn't even show up on the screen! Anyway, it's still nice to see some interesting designs.

The music is fine and fits the mood well. It was weird how you just exploded from hitting a robot. The hidden places are harder than I thought. This really does make you want to advance, if only to try to understand the game more. In that sense, it's at least playable.

As I am a person who can not do well with point and click adventure games, I didn't care much for this. I will say that I was impressed by how good the artwork was. I am so proud of myself for being able to get past the first obstacle! That's not much, but I would have gone nuts if I hadn't have done that. The details of the creatures are really good.

It just gets a bit too talky with those you come in contact with. I didn't have the time to read everything they said. Anyway, for people who are fans of these kinds of games, you should not be disappointed. The way the colorization makes it look old is neat. I was hoping there'd be a medal for just getting past the first part.

Okay, people are probably going to call me nuts for this, but I thought this was really cool. Granted, it's probably only because I was able to get so far on it. Seriously, I don't think it was until the fifth level that I even had to remove more than one block. I simply can't say bad things about a game I'm so good at. The designs were actually decent. I thought it was pretty cool how some of the blocks changed color.

It was also nice to have a game that plays out for you. You don't think you're going to get past a certain level but then it manuevers itself so you do. It's nice to see how funny and silly they look themselves. The colors were nice and bright too. It's harder to get all three stars than you think!

While I can tell it wasn't meant to be a big game, it's still decent. It's probably the first game I've played that had limited movement like that. It still has some really good graphics, though. Yeah, you're going to need to shoot your enemy on the second level. The detail wasn't great, but it was still decent. It's so nice to have an easy medal at first.

This doesn't have much to make it unique, but it's a harmless game. I appreciate the fairly good amount of technology that's shown. It did seem to have too much of an opening sequence. I really am motivated to get more points on those chances. It actually was unique in that sense.

I'm surprised this doesn't have a higher rating. What I found to be weird was how it was hard to tell whether you could eat something. The last time I died I knew there was an arrow that said "Eat". I imagine that there was just a smaller fish around that big fish. I loved the funny references, like the Squiggly fish. The sound effects are fairly decent too.

It's great to see someone who has made so many unique games. I liked how the fish were all uniquely designed. It's pretty basic gameplay, but it gets better as it goes along. While not great, it's a fun game. The name is pretty cool too.

poxpower responds:

Yeah well there is no perfect system for this given how every fish is different. Like some have a big head and tiny tails or the lobster have bit antenae.
I've tried like 3 different ways to compare the fish sizes and people complained every time.

In the end I just put the little "eat" tags as a foolproof method of telling you what you can eat for sure.

Also yes sometimes fish overlap and it looks like there's an "eat" tag on top of a bigger fish so you have to be careful I guess : p. I might look into that issue.

This was a pretty weird game at first. It said I couldn't press "Enter" at first, but I did and got past the game. For the most part, this was actually quite enjoyable. The hints are a lot more obvious than you would think. I just stopped memorizing the pokemon after the fifth (or fourth or whatever) generation because there were too many of them. I admire anyone who can keep track of all of them.

The music was also nice and pleasant. The first generation ones were the easiest. It was kind of done in a weird format with the one pokemon (now I don't know the name of the one with the sunglasses). Interestingly enough, when it came up, I couldn't advance. Pokemon fans should enjoy this.

Sandile responds:

The "enter" was literally pressing the "Enter" key. It was a glitch from an earlier game that I fixed where pressing the Enter key would mess up the input. I somehow accidentally fixed that glitched this time around, lol.

I didn't find this to be that good. I think it's mainly because there wasn't much of a background or designs. I didn't even know if you could stomp on the heads of those yellow guys. I was impressed at how there was a bit of creativity here and there. It did seem pretty out of place. Nothing just seemed to match up too well in this game.

You have this girl who is made of sapphire and it looks like she's in a Mario-esque setting. I guess it probably doesn't make any less sense than most Mario games. The music is pretty decent at least. You mispelled "saphire", but that may have been the point. The artwork just looks too rough.

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