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I wasn't all that interested at first, but it certainly got better the longer I played it! It was interesting with how each robot was unique. That did put you at a disadvantage when two different kinds were attacking you at the same time. The music was quite omnious. As it was made around Halloween, I couldn't help but think that was intentional. Oh, and I hope you had a happy one!

It was fun to see the robots change like that. I don't even know how I got control of the red skinny one. None of them seemed to jump high enough to get a certain powerup, though. It's really a fairly unique game. I found out I prefer kicks to punches.

RatherRandomReality responds:

Sometimes you don't have to jump HIGH enough. You have to jump FAR enough ;)
Thanks for playing, Ericho!

I thought this was a pretty cool game. The only thing I didn't like was how it escalated pretty quickly, but most games are like that nowadays anyway. It was quite convienient to simply be able to let the game play for you. At least one of my medals showed up. I thought the designs of all the monsters were pretty creative. It was nice how you made them all different.

The music was also fairly cool and set up the game well. I don't even remember the original Pocket Creature. I probably reviewed it at some point and forgot about it. My favorite was probably the Variant, as he seemed to last the longest. Don't be fooled, this game gets harder.

While the game wasn't complicated or anything, that did somewhat make it enjoyable. It was very straighthrough, but maybe a bit too straighthrough. You do kind of realize you're just killing the same guys over and over again. It's still great fun for Madness fans. It's funny how you used the Madness 2012 logo when this was made on Halloween. I guess I'm a bit too late for this.

The graphics were as good as most Madness games. While it didn't stand out much, it was still nice to look at. The music is stylistic, as is most music in these games. I had no idea the zombies could hurt you just by punching you. I guess you'd just go down in one hit if they bit you.

io3creations responds:

Since this is a scaled back "demo" (due to many strange bugs), having headshots would make the game way too easy. The full version will have headshots and MOAR challenging enemies.

Yes, these are special "zombies" :)

I found this game to be pretty good, but my main flaw was that I couldn't advance. I was amazed by how complicated this turned out to be. I have no idea when I'm going to get my first medal. There was so little description, but I guess that was the point. There wasn't much in terms of graphics, but it was nice for what it is. I wish I could understand what the title meant.

I'm not really good at these puzzle games. The music was actually pretty nice too. I liked how it at least had pretty straightforward gameplay. For people who are more competant at these kinds of games, check this out! People probably should because of how crazy it is.

Okay, dude, you have officially set a record for the longest time between a flash or game submission on this website! The last one you did was over NINE YEARS ago. I thought you had like, died or something. You do have the most viewed game and the most viewed flash submission on the entire website! That being said, this didn't disappoint. I just want to say right now that I'm not a fan of hentai.

I could at least appreciate this for the great artwork. I have no idea how I managed to miss this the first time it came on the Portal! It will probably be one of the most significant submissions ever! I also loved how the music was really good. I will say that the designs do look a tad old.

sim-man responds:

Yes in fact the game is 10.5-year old. I hope you will also enjoy Simgirls 2 that I am working on.

It's so nice to be reviewing a Halloween game when it's actually Halloween! I was really intrigued as to how this was going to play out. It was about the same in terms of difficulty as most of these kinds of games. It didn't have that much to make it stand out, but it was still good. It was funny to see all those weird faces. It was especially nice when something managed to stay on long enough to beat the level.

That mostly works with the pumpkins. The music was also fairly nice and quite enjoyable. The sound effects are good too, even if there aren't many of them. This is sure to be a hit. Even the background is pretty nice. Oh, and Happy Halloween!

I thought this was a really cool game. The main flaw was how it took a short time for me to understand how hard this game was! Then again, I guess it wouldn't have made much difference. I recognize your graphics. It's wrong to complain about how the medals are worth so much more than the acheivements. I thought the graphics were as good as ever.

It's kind of like "Pac-Man" with how the gameplay works. The title reminded me of Flippy from "Happy Tree Friends". I don't think that was a reference, but was funny to think about. The music was also cool, especially when you got into the other world. I love how the heads are square and move around funny.

Well, this was another weird game. The funny thing is that I was actually eating a giant cookie before I played this. I guess I liked this because it had such a fun spirit to it. I have no idea how you're supposed to get most of the medals. It was really cool when you got the medals that were down on the side of the screen like that. Doughnuts aren't really Halloween food.

Dang, was it fun just bouncing on those people over and over. Eating 363 doughnuts is good enough for me to get fired! I didn't even understand how I didn't get to the main level the first time. The sound effects were nice too. I liked the sound of the doughnuts being eaten.

I actually liked this game, even though I couldn't understand it. It looked like this ghost was after me. It didn't kill me when I first came across it, but it did eventually. I had no idea where I was even going. You basically just keep going around in this game forever. It probably could have been a bit more detailed.

The music was great and really created a good atmosphere. With all the darkness, you knew it was going to be a Halloween game. I just wish I knew where it ended. There was no "Game Over" sign or anything, I just went to the menu after a skull was shown. Crazy, but playable.

I was truly surprised at how hard this game turned out to be! The weirdest thing was how it had such a simplistic look to it. That's in no way intended to be an insult. The part that really got me was when those three platforms were moving so freaking fast! I just had to quite after I got one medal. Anyway, the best thing about this game was probably the graphics.

I also found the music to be rather soothing. For those of you who are really good at games like this, you should like it. It was strange how there wasn't a lot of detail. I guess a game as hard as this didn't need to have those things. It's okay for a quick run.

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