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Geniunely good

This was pretty fun to play at first, but it did get a little repetitive, because you pretty much were just shooting the same guys over and over. Of course, as a huge fan of the zombie genre, that was mostly just fine with me! I like the constant sounds and blood blowing up everywhere. It seems like you have been working on experimenting on a different kind of style. Your previous shooting games have not had an aerial view. I do prefer those games, but this was still pretty clear gameplay.

Bloons forever!

This was not as good as some of your other stuff with "Bloons" but still very playable. I think my favorite balloon would have to be the ones that give you so many more balloons. It was not until the second level with the bees that I had trouble, as the rest of it was really easy. I really like how you have such cute little graphics and a nice tune. You would be surprised at how much strategy you can plan with such a simple looking game. Who knew you could have so much fun in a video/computer game by simply popping balloons?

Cool driving game!

I liked this a lot, because it was so stylistic and so futuristic looking! The music was a little strange, but that did not take away from the sheer amount of enjoyment I got from playing it. I love when it changes its design completely like when everything becomes black with green outlines. It seems to be a test for your own cockiness. You can get through some of these empty spaces easily, but the more they go on, the more you want to put a combo put just to impress yourself. My high score was over 261,000.

A decent game

I enjoyed playing this, mostly because it was pretty difficult to understand. I would normally think the game's design to be a bit bland, but luckily, it turned out to be more flashy. I just thought it was weird how the mouse icon seemed extremely big. I mean, you were really trying to make it hard for us. Still, it was a good game because you showed off your creativity well because I had no idea what was going to appear on the next level. This sort of thing makes the player want to continue playing.

Let the fun begin!

I am so glad you guys made this and it turned out to be so fun! I find it baffling that I am the first person to review a submission that currently has a score of 3.75! What really stands out is just how literally colorful everything is. You really went out of your way to make sure that nothing looked bland and had real style to it. The dolls themselves were probably the coolest looking of any kind I have ever played in a game like this! The music was great and it reminded me of some classical James Bond movie.

A decent game

This was fun to play because it makes me anticipate the upcoming movie! I am surprised this does not have more views seeing as how it has a professional sponsor. This was indeed a very strange game to play, because I just had no idea to win. I tried making the railroad track so that it was nowhere near the town, but still it created an inferno that blew everything up. It is certainly a unique game, but takes getting used to. I guess I never realized how little I knew about trains until I played this!

ChrisKempt responds:

Thanks for your review, I think we suffered a little on the NG release as we clashed horribly with Halloween, the game has however been very well recieved elsewere which is nice (although TBH I would have loved to get a NG hit... oh well... next time eh!)

Alos.. thanks for your feedback, we're going to have a look at the game and see if we can make it a bit more obviosu how to play initially.



The original!

This was not as good as the followup but still very playable as you could expect from a game like this. You really motivated us to move on by having the only medal being one you would get by completing the game! The music is as stylistic as ever, and it is still hard to tell how this is even that different than the next one. I am glad you made this series, and I had high hopes for it when you released the trailer. I have no idea what this time period character is doing in the Stone Age, anyway. What matters is that it's a long game that you never get tired of.

Fairly fine way to start

It was interesting to see how this game started and it really does seem as though you improved on your work. It was interesting to notice that everything had elements very similar to the "Earthbound" game. The music was pretty good, too. My biggest complaint is that it was a bit annoying with how you had to press space to go into the next room. The graphics are decent and it seems to have most of what you would expect in a game like this. The other ones have more going on, so I am glad you improved in that aspect.

How adorable

This was a really cool game because it really beckoned back to my childhood. I was the biggest fan of dinosaurs when I was a kid, especially big dinosaurs to keep as pets like the one here! The gameplay is simple, but does take some work. While it was certianly not adult-oriented, I think you were thinking of a fantasy everyone has as a kid. Everything about this is just cute, like the sound the dinosaur makes when he runs. I decided to name him "Buttface" and I got tons of laughs out of that and I hope you win Daily Feature!

CannedMeat responds:

:'D thanks!

I've always enjoyed puppydog dinosaurs too.

Good and addictive!

I am so glad that I managed to know the ropes of this game better and take it for the truly epic masterpiece it is! It was just so fun to throw all those things and watch those guys look so stupid as they die. I did not read the instructions at first and did not understand how to even kill the guys who were coming at me with birds! It improves over the previous installment because it just brings so many new things to the table. I did not know whether to expect wizards, gnomes, or giant mushroom people next! It is very addictive because you keep getting motivated to get more points for weapons and other upgrades.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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