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You guys are known for making bigger games, so I was surprised this was made in 48 hours. It should be part of the NG Game Jam (whatever number that is). The best part was probably how it continued fighting after you died. Geez, I was always the first to go in these. There's just so many targets and so much power the enemy has. At least it was fun playing.

The graphics are done really well here. There isn't a lot of space to move around, but there isn't supposed to be. Fans of you guys like me should like this a lot. The music is nice and suiting. For someone with good patience, this game is for you!

This is strange. This first appeared as something that you guys apparently took down and I could see why, but now it's back up. This is weird, because it's easily the worst thing you guys ever worked on. You aren't even the kind of people who work with sprite stuff. It was weird how there was no music or sound. There wasn't a lot of detail either.

It looks like you guys were just experimenting. It was just the same page over and over. I thought the blue things were supposed to help you at first. I couldn't help think this was a late April Fool's Day joke or something. Well, you tried, I guess.

Pikanjo responds:

This was my first attempt at HTML5/Canvas which I did for a class assignment a year ago. It is a tiny and repetitive game, but this was more to test out HTML5 submissions on NG for myself as well as Mike/Tom.

I didn't care that much for this, because it wasn't well detailed. It reminds me of some other Windows parodies that were better. There was one from awhile ago that managed to actually have some pictures and songs. This just seems to be a bit of a waste. Of course, I have to say I enjoyed it because of the medals I got. It looks as though they are back to working.

It was fun to see those medals pop up over and over. I've probably gotten all of them in just one play. There could have been better graphics. You did seem to get everything right with how the text was represented. It doesn't take much, but it fits.

TheMadWasp responds:

Thanks Ericho, I can add more detail, but that would mean finding pictures of Windows XP Desktops, icons and other stuff.
I could make pictures and songs appear on my next error gallery, but I'm comfortable leaving it with this one.
Thanks for the review.

As someone who is not a fan of RPG's, I wasn't that interested in playing this. I was very surprised to find out how fun this game was! It seems like you have made such a wide variety of games! It was great to see how well the graphics worked. There were all sort of interesting things going on, like the giants or the different kinds of houses. The music also kept you in high spirit.

It was amazing to look at all the cool little details. It was even nice to hear the cries from the people. This is one of the best RPGs I've ever played. I guess when you review as many things as I have, you tend to find something in every category that you like. It was great positioning and playing everything in this game! I hope this wins Daily Feature.

IriySoft responds:

Thanks %)

I was quite impressed by how this turned out. I really didn't know what to expect at all, but it turned out to be really cool. I had a little trouble at first, but it really is a lot of fun! It just goes to show that you don't have to be too elaborate or anything with this. It's quite inspiring how it's the kind of game anyone can make. I also like how the variety was good.

It wasn't a frustating game at all too. Some games make the mistake of being too complicated after just a few levels. I guess I'm just better at these kinds of games. Even the name is cool. It doesn't mean much, but still cool.

I admit that I was not much into this, because I was unable to understand it. On "Candy Corn Challenge", it just said that I click on a corn two spots away from another corn. That didn't work. I guess I have to at least praise this for having some fairly good graphics. I mean, they're not much, but they work for what they are. It has a nice Halloween theme.

I've always loved candied corn. I guess the reason I'm so bad at it is because I was never good at actual Solitaire. At least this one doesn't have the explosions everywhere. I tried clicking on everything and nothing works. It's very specific.

I have to say that I was actually quite impressed by this. I think the best thing about it is probably how everything is presented in such a clear manner. Granted, I was only able to beat the game on Easy Mode. It was still fun to see all the little things that were lying around. I expect it would get more fun for me on the harder levels because it will be more of a challenge. Easy Mode was, well, pretty easy.

I also liked how some of the stuff re-emerged. You mostly had to look for dark stuff in dark places. There didn't seem to be that much about witches. It was mostly just ordinary stuff. I, of course, had no problem with that.

Woah, this is one of the hardest games I've played in a long time. It's different than most other games like this, in that you are so limited in what you have. You are only even able to move one piece. For anyone who can get any medal in this, I have my respect for you. While there isn't much in terms of graphics, it was still well animated. Not much for sound effects, but that wasn't really the point.

I think the game has a cool game at least. It's just so easy to fail miserably. It probably requires a lot of practice if you want to truly get ahead in this game. It's just not something I really care for, becuase of how hard it is. I do have to give you credit for having a good setup.

I managed to find three out of the five pages. I was actually somewhat surprised at how far I managed to get. The only thing that did me in was when I was simply cornered and I had nowhere else to go. I could see his white figure even in the darkness a few times. I had no idea this place was so big. The white block parts seem to go on forever.

I guess it only figures there have been a lot of Slender Man games around Halloween. That reminds me, we still haven't gotten pumpkins yet. I think the music is really suiting as well. It's nice to see all the detail put into this. Happy early Halloween!

Well, I have to say that I enjoyed this game, even though none of it made any sense at all to me. As I am using a laptop, it was hard to get good control. I wish I had some idea how many lives I had. It was mostly just me shooting stuff over and over. At least I was able to figure out how to work the controls. The sounds synced up pretty well too.

It was funny, because at first, I just had to have the other guy do all the shooting for me. I then came back to life and it said I won as the enemies were all dead. I guess it's fairly playable in that sense. I think the graphics are fairly impressive. It's strange, but worth a look.

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