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I knew One Punch Man would appear in this eventually. For some reason, the medals didn't show up on screen. I know I earned them. The animation was so good here. My favorite part was how Rosalina and Daisy reacted to Luigi. He's attracted more women than Mario!

It was a short game, but it got its work done. At least it was easy to get medals! I'm such a sucker for those things. The music was fine. It's a pretty good little game.

PoliuxDimension responds:

Thank you, I actually decided to put medals and high score board few hours before the
original planned upload time, I found an article discussing about medal pop up coding, but it didn't work somehow, and it was too late for me to dig into that problem at that moment...

Another issue is that it seems NG have a limited number for the high score (the punch force can be really amazingly high), I will have to beware of this in the future game. Like change the unit etc...

If someone has experience at making the medal popup thing, I'm willing to learn it. Anyway, I will have to solve this issue in my future game sooner or later.

I admit it was hard to play this. I think it's because I don't have a mouse. I couldn't click anything other than the red stuff. At least the premise was cool. A pity I'll never get any of these medals. I did like the animation.

I named my character "Mybutt" again. I just love Gumball so much. The music was pretty good. I never was into point and click adventure games. At least this was something different.

I didn't care that much for this. I just found it odd that I was well, bad at this. Well, I never did once duck. I was confused as I thought this was a movie at first. I mean, it had scene select and everything! Well, at least the opening was great.

Maybe this would have worked better as a movie and not a game? This was still not terrible at least. It just takes awhile for me to get used to the gameplay. I'm just not that interested in it. Nice to see games have their own series.

I didn't care for this because it was just the same stuff over and over again. You just kept on punching. I was annoyed at how long a boxing match took. It just wasn't fun. Well, other people seemed to like this. It just isn't for me.

My keyboard stopped working while I was playing it. I'm not going to try it again. I don't want to jinx it! I guess the music is fine. The animation is kind of good.

colburt187 responds:

Yeah it is definitely not for everyone, thanks for giving it at try anyway.

Took me 244 seconds. Then again, I did look at the walkthrough. I'll help you guys a bit. Go into the men's bathroom. Look in the second stall for a key. Go to the lockers and put in the code 162.

Take the coat hanger. Use the key to go into the women's bathroom. Use the coat hanger to open the second stall. Take the quarter. Figure out the rest on your own or see the walkthrough.

Well, I enjoyed it. Granted, that's really only because I was able to get an easy medal. It was finding the map. First, it said I couldn't collect any orbs. I collected one. THEN it said I couldn't collect any.

I'll never understand that. I liked the graphics. Well, whatever they're called here. There was definitely good atmosphere. The music was nice too.

selfdefiant responds:


I'm probably giving this too high a rating. It's mostly because it has a medal I can actually get! I wish all things were that easy around here. I'm even glad the porn didn't get too graphic. Well, maybe it does later. I didn't get that far.

Is 1440 far? I doubt it. I like the sprite work. This didn't even seem like a dating sim at first. Well, it really isn't. I still found it unique.

I was quite impressed at how hard this game got. Well, it was just one screen. At least you gave us a lot of freedom. I appreciate the style. The music is very good. It's like Tetris.

The main difference is that you don't have them go over each other. Did I word that right? Dang, the medals were hard. I'll just play this once and be done with it. It does a lot for a simple looking game.

BryceSummer responds:

Thanks so much for the feedback!

Wow, this currently has over nine-t...you get the idea. I was amazed at how hard it was. How come there wasn't a health bar? I had no idea how far I could get. There were so many obstacles. I still like the graphics.

I like the layout. It's nice how all the weapons operate so well. Wow, 50 hits to beat one guy? The others only take one. I mean, fifty times as hard is a massive leap.

I know I played this before, but I didn't review it for some reason. How do you get start the fire burst at the end of the first level? Even throwing grenades at it did nothing. I like how your job isn't done when you throw a grenade. You still have to kill the enemy. The graphics could have been better.

I really did like the music. It's quite stylized. Was this a remake of something? It's just that the "Gold" title makes it look like it. I just wish I knew how to get past that exhaust pipe.

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