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I was really impressed at how cool the graphics were in this. My biggest complaint is that I had no idea when I was supposed to complete a level! I am at least glad I was able to kill a couple guys. It really was pretty spectacular when they simply blew you to to pieces. It feels like there should have been some music in this too. At least the sounds were pretty good.

I guess I should have paid more attention in the tutorial. I like how the areas you are in are pretty well detailed. It's nice to see how smoothly your character moves around. I've come to think that everything that has "Combat" in its name here has something to do with Madness Combat. It just looks fancy all around.

I thought this was actually a fairly decent game. The thing I didn't understand the most was the name. I'm guessing it was supposed to be a joke? If so, I couldn't really understand it. I think the weakest part of this was probably how it was basically just you jumping over the same buildings again and again. I do appreciate that the gameplay was actually fairly good.

It's a formula that actually works fairly well. The graphics were also fairly nicely detailed. I like the sounds too. Gee, it's been awhile since I've played something from Robot Day, I thought I'd played them all! You must have gotten your medals after awhile.

I admit that it didn't seem that interesting at first. This did, however, manage to impress me as time went on because it did have a lot of cool stuff in it. I don't even understand most of it. It still managed to be pretty entertaining overall, even if it did lag at times. I just think the design of this flying sandworm is cool. It's been so long since the original game came out.

I was so motivated to see my monster get bigger! I had no idea NyanCat(s) were going to show up in this. I couldn't help but eat their pop tart bodies! Of course, I heard those things are terrible for you. The sounds were also really cool.

I honestly did not care much for this game. I think it was mostly because the game just seemed to move too slow for me. I thought the graphics were great as always, it just wasn't that enjoyable. I think it might be because it appeared you had such limited ways to move. The levels were a tad too long too. I at least have to give you guys points for creativity.

At least everything's presented in a fairly organized manner. I like how silly those ostrich heads look. It seemed like there was a fairly nice amount of detail put into everything. I just wish there was a better way to advance. It just seemed to take too long to wait for the right oppurtunity.

I actually found this to be fairly enjoyable. What I didn't like about it was how there was just little sense of difference in a level. I would have liked more detail in this game. I still have to appreciate the cool graphics, because it's pretty funny to see all those versions of that guy just fly around everywhere. I am glad you didn't have to collect all those things in the same level. I didn't care much for the cutscenes.

I think the music was also pretty stylistic. I like how it had this good futuristic theme to it. Hey, it's the year 2012, we should be arriving at that future pretty soon! You really had to do some good timing with the jumps. I don't even know what happens if I don't collect everything, but I'm going to try to do that!

io3creations responds:

Thanks for the feedback. :)

I'm glad you liked the music :)

Collecting the coins is optional. It is there for people looking for extra challenge and medals (hint, hint) :D

I guess I thought this was going to be more colorful since it was inspired by drugs. Anyway, this was at least an okay game. I didn't really understand what the biggest point of it was. Of course, most games are like that anyway. I think the graphics could have used some improvement. At least it had a pretty funny title. I have no idea how to get a single medal.

Again, most games are like that anyway, or at least the ones with medals. Seeing as how it was based on drugs, I would have liked to see some flying monsters or something. At least there's some color. I appreciate the sounds, at least they were not terrible. I don't know how similar it is to real life.

UPTX responds:

Flying Monsters aren't part of the average drug experience to the extend of my memory.

Well, this is one of those submissions where I can't really hate it, because I know the kind of people who play it. Everything was obviously meant to be really hard and not that good in terms of graphics. I'm glad you succeeded in that. I appreciated how it was at least a bit unique. I didn't like it how it was so hard to kill the enemies. You really had to just let the blue stuff kill them after spraying it, or shooting it, or whatever.

The music is fairly omnious at least. It seems more like something that would be at Halloween time, but I guess it's not a big deal. I am stuck on this one level where I face off against this orange cat thing. I try jumping over him, but then I just fall into nowhere. There's a platform there, but it doesn't work!

I don't really know why, but this was I think your best game ever! I'm just going to assume that's Rina-chan doing the voice of teh little girl. I just freaking loved how awesome this turned out to be! It was just so nice to hear all these wonderful voices, all of which sound familiar. The animation was some of the best I've seen in a game ever! While I'm generally not a fan of point and click adventure games, this was a massive exception!

The music was also fantastic, with how it set such a wonderful creepy glow. It really makes you want to continue the game to find out more about the creature. Everything moves so wonderfully around here. Is it crude to say I'm reminded of John K.'s blog? I appreciate all the effort put into this masterpiece. We need more games like this.

I was really impressed by this game. I think the best part about it was probably how unique the gameplay was. It was really interesting to try to figure out where you were gonna go next with your bomb. It may not have been that well detailed, but still very well done. The omnious music was really cool too. It's nice to see how the explosions pan out.

This is probably the first game of its kind where you were not supposed to actually blow up the thing you were trying to hurt, just set it on fire. It's interesting when all of these elements come together in the end. Hey, that's where it gets its name of course! Bombs are always great to have in a game. It really escalated when there were more of them.

This was a very strange game. As someone who's made over 3,000 game reviews, this was still quite unique. It wasn't so much of a point and click adventure game as it was an adventure game. I had no idea what was real and what wasn't. I thought maybe the fact that I woke up meant I had gotten into the real world, but were the previous parts a dream too? It was just so bizarre.

With all that being said, I am still glad to say I really enjoyed this. I think its best feature is probably how good the graphics are. You also move really fluidly around everywhere. It can be kind of a pain to have a game where you don't know how to get most of the medals. Still enjoyable, though.

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