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Dude, this was one of the zaniest games I've played in a long time! I appreciate you really going out of your way to have such crazy stuff going on. It was weird, because I got like most of the opponent's balloons destroyed, but I still lost! I really liked how cool the music was. There was so much stuff going on. I wish I could understand it.

The weirdest thing was probably how you were in this strange place. It looks like there was a nice amount of detail put in the backgrounds and everything. I didn't even know what I was throwing against my opponent half the time. You really have to keep up with this game. I hope people like it!

Everything seemed to really work out well for this game. My only complaint is that when you switched characters, it just didn't seem to make sense when you couldn't use your main ability while clicking the space button. I still have to appreciate this for being inventive. It really is a fairly unique game. Snowboarding is a really cool sport. It makes me wish I didn't live in Florida.

It's also fun to listen to the wide variety of music you have. I'm surprised a game that isn't all that complicated turned out to have so many good songs. It's always nice when you can tell a lot of effort was put into making a game. At least you gave us some nice tips in the author comments. It is weird to have a winter game in July.

OONi responds:

Thanks! We live in South America so it's winter here. Does that count?

I was actually quite impressed with this. It really struck me as impresive with how it was so complicated. You would think a game about just placing stuff in the right place to win in a soccer game would be easy, but it was anything but! The music was also really cool, too. I appreciate the smooth graphics. I don't even know if I'm playing half the levels right or winning by accident.

It's probably the first time I've played a game where you had to put more than one soccer ball in the goal. I appreciate all the fancy colors. It seems like a lot of people had fun with this game. I like its high spirit, even if it's not that rewarding. It's just a good game.

I personally did not find this very appealing. The graphics weren't that bad, but the gameplay leaves much to be desired. I think the worst part is how it's just one enemy that you have to fire at over and over. It would be a lot more fun if it was actual aliens coming after you out of the ship. For attacking ships, you would think you'd just use a ship itself. The music was alright too.

The name of the main character (I think that's her name) was kind of lame too. I guess it was just meant to be silly. I was hoping that the barrels of toxic waste could hurt the enemies, but they didn't. True, they did give you health, but I was looking for more. This is okay of its kind.

I thought this was a really cool game. While not as good as some of your other works, still nice to look at. I thought it was pretty cool how your special attack by breathing tequila fire on the zombies. I probably should have realized that from the title. It was especially when when you managed to get a gun. I thought it was also really cool how you showed how close you were to beating the game.

I assume it's just that same level over and over. It's interesting how you keep playing yourself over and over to get the upgrades. The music's pretty cool too. Killing zombies is something that will never stop being awesome. The zombies were nicely detailed themselves too.

Wow, I really enjoyed this game, even though I'm very bad at it. I wasn't even able to get past the second level! What I did like about this game was that it really did have some unique gameplay that I was proud of. The graphics were simple enough. It's funny, because it quickly gets hard. There's just a huge number of ways you can hook these things together, but you have limited wire.

It might not that have been that well detailed, but I appreciated the unique layout. I guess people with more patience should enjoy this more. I like the music too. It's fairly calm, silly music and it fits the game well. I also like how there's so much going on.

Zanzlanz responds:

Thanks Ericho!
I appreciate your optimism in something you didn't get to play much xD
In level 2, I tried putting batteries in places that were very close to a winning place, so if you try again, you might just get it ;)
Well if you ever come back to play again, I wish you luck :D

Wow, this was one of the weirdest games I've ever played. I can't even say if it was that good or bad, just very strange. It was pretty funny how, in the opening scene, you just kept hitting space to make Michael Jordan and the ant move. I don't know what he or Jack Black have to do with ants. I mean, I at least have to give this some credit for being creative. You really had no idea what was going to happen next.

The graphics weren't that good, but I kind of doubt they were even intended to be that good. You can at least count on the environments being unique. It makes no sense at all, but it's still somewhat playable. I guess you made something at least. I wish there was music, though.

Well, I can't really say this game was bad or anything. It seemed to deliver most of what you'd expect from something like this. I was kind of hoping that the actual game would be about capturing pictures of wild animals. This still works pretty well too. I'm surprised how I wasn't able to figure it out at first with what animal was being targeted. It sure got annoying when it always switched.

Of course, that's what makes a game like this challenging! I also really like the music. It may not be that detailed, but it has pretty clearcut gameplay. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to get used to the scope. It's a fine game.

I personally did not care for this. What I didn't like about it was how the graphics weren't good. The medals don't even seem to be working either. At least it got a little fun when I managed to go out and kill some zombies. I just don't even understand why a cat was chosen of all things. This doesn't seem to take place in a world where cats live anyway.

I guess it's fairly unrelated to itself anyway. I wish the zombies weren't that hard to kill. I will say it was kind of neat to do a story on current events. You just need to improve on lines and stuff a lot. The cat isn't even that cute!

Emby responds:

Medals work, there are no pop ups.

The zombie is easy when you know his attack pattern.

Sorry you didn't appreciate it. However... real review = justification.

I thought the layout of this game was pretty cool, but there was one main problem. I was not able to move diagonally and I couldn't get even advance even the slighest bit! I mean, I looked through the instructions and I simply couldn't find anything to help me. It seems like I'm not the only person having troubles with the controls. I do like the controls that I can understand. It's really cool to use the sword.

I think you just have to keep on hitting the "Q" and "W" to go in the same direction. It seems to change too much. Hopefully, people who were able to understand it will enjoy it a lot more. The name was also pretty weird. I guess there have been worse things in games here.

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