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Sheesh louise, was this game hard! I must not have been pressing the right buttons, because it was just basically one shot after shot that was destroying these guys! I had no idea how I was even supposed to advance in this. I didn't seem to get any stronger. Sure, it got better when I got some assistants, but they died pretty easily. I was so weak, it took me like five minutes to beat the first boss!

At least I managed to accomplish something out of all this. The sounds were at least decent. There probably could have been some more variety in the enemies, but it was still pretty cool. I wish I could rapidly fire that dang gun more. I must have been doing something wrong.

I really did not care that much for this. I think its main fault was that the controls did not work out too well. They were easy to understand, although it did get a tad obnoxious when you had to get used to all sorts of new stuff. What I didn't like is that it seems you have so little control over your characters. They just seem to run too much. The graphics are also not that good.

I still think this was cool because it was a fairly original idea. I liked the music too. I wish I knew how to recommend stuff for a collection, because this should go in Robot Day 2012. It may not be popular, but it has medals! For guys like me, that's all that matters really.

Frixolydian responds:

Thanks a lot, man :). If I make a new game or a sequel, I'll be sure to follow your recomendations.

This was a rather weird game, because I didn't even really understand how to play it. I mostly just kept pressing stuff and I got ahead, so I guess I didn't really care. The best part was probably how it was at least easy to move along. In fact, it might have even been a bit too easy. That's hard to say, because mostly these kinds of games come off as too hard to me. I think you also need some more details with the graphics.

At least the music's pretty good. The clearcut manner in which everything is pretty cool too. I appreciate all the stuff going on, even if it isn't that well detailed. I'm not that big a fan of simulation games, but for people who are, they should enjoy this. It is fairly unique.

GimmeSumJava responds:

Thanks, I like how long your review was!

This was truly a cool game! I think the best part about it is probably how well you can move around. I thought that I skipped the original cutscene, but it turned out to be even longer than I thought. It's not often you see much of a story in a fighting game. Come to think of it, you really don't see a lot of fighting games on this website. The graphics were nice and slick too.

My only complaint is that the controls are a bit hard to understand. The music is also pretty cool. I loved how everything moved so fluidly in this. It's just a game that seemed to really want to set out and be unique. I'm surprised it isn't more popular.

josh-tamugaia responds:

I was surprised too. But not anymore. Anyways, thanks a lot.

Well, this game was laid out in a really nice manner, but it was too difficult. I'm on the second level where I collect the red note and then collect the blue note and nothing happens. Even when I didn't collect the blue note, I was unable to advance. At least this has a really pleasant appearance to it. What I also didn't understand was why you had a button that could reassign you to restart the level. Even if you used it, the notes you used weren't there anymore.

You could just as easily restart the level by just dying on purpose. The character is pretty well detailed. I tried to look back through the instructions, but even when I refreshed the page, I couldn't find the instructions again. I guess bigger fans of yours will enjoy this more. You've certainly succeeded in creating a surreal game.

I thought this game was really cool, probably because of how how much I had. It truly is an original game. I have heard that llamas spit on people, so this was pretty funny to see. Another cool thing about this is how good the graphics were. It was funny to see that silly looking llama boncing around everywhere. Llamas are pretty cool.

It was also really cool how the game was saved. There's rarely a game where it tells you that. I liked the different variety of enemies there were too. Why would people even want to fall into apit with a llama? This was just a really cool setting and execution.

This was yet another weird submission for Robot Day 2012. I think what struck me as weird was how it didn't even seem like a robot. It looked more like a starship of some kind. It's still at least a creative game. I feel sorry for having to create an extremely simple level in order for me to get that medal. Oh well, at least the music is good.

It does work pretty well as a puzzle game. It's mostly because it's simple nature fools you into thinking it's easier than you think it is at first. You could have done better with some of the sprite work. I guess I'm just more used to robot games that have you blow stuff up. Granted, there WAS some of that in here.

Well, I was very confused by this game. It was mostly just you (the player) going out and just clicking on whatever showed up next on the screen. At least I can give you some points for being creative. It was so hard to understand, because there were no spoken words. BTW, I did LOVE how you used the sound of the Playstation gearing up in this. Man, it's been forever since I heard that thing!

The graphics are fairly good. It seems like you certainly created a nice, surreal game. It's a pity I can't figure out how to beat such a short game. I kept thinking it had some spiritual message to say. Most likely, it probably doesn't have one.

It's about time I looked through some more robot games for good ol' Robot Day! I thought this game was incredibly frustrating, because it was so hard! The hardest level was the third one, because you had to time everything perfectly. I don't know why, but the robot kind of looked like Dr. Eggman. I mean the actual character, not one of the robots he made. At least the music is really cool.

People with greater patience should enjoy this more. I hope you had a great Robot Day! Too bad I mostly forgot about it. I liked the use of sprites and also how there's always so much stuff moving around here and there. It's just overall finely detailed.

For something that had nothing to do with robots, this turned out to be great! Yeah, it wasn't subjmitted on Robot Day, but it's still a great game. What really matters is how much depth you put into every detail. I think my favorite part is how everything just moves so much. Even the coins seem to be bouncing around here. I love how this entire thing revolves around a dog trying to meet his master.

It seems like it really tells you a statement about life. Or maybe that wasn't the intention. Whatever the intention was, it was something that turned out great in my opinion. I love how fast this dog moves around everywhere. It really gives you a great world to explore and survive. The music is fantastic as well.

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