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I couldn't help but think the main character is this looked like Aang from the "Avatar: The Last Airbender". What I thought was really cool about this was how it was just like the classic Legend Of Zelda games. I was a huge fan of those on the Game Boy. I also love how there's so much style in everything. It's great to see this wide variety of colors and stuff being used in these sprites. It's truly creative.

Even the music reminds me of the classic Zelda games. It makes me realize how far I was able to get in those games. But besides these comparisons, this is a great game on its own. It mostly works because you have created this great world for the player to explore. I love how everything moves too.

The funny thing is that I didn't care much for this game, but I found myself playing it. You probably could have made it better by putting in more detail. It seems like it's just the same enemies being shot over and over. Of course, it still isn't terrible. The best thing about it is probably how you have so many cool upgrades. Yeah, it's still a tad annoying with how they all go away with one death, but still fun.

I thought the music was nice and fit the mood pretty well. Everything is in fact pretty easy to understand, I guess. The background's alright too. I appreciate you having some fairly good graphics. It's okay, I suppose.

Well, this certainly lived up to its name. As a game of its kind, it achieves pretty much what you'd expect from something with this title. There's really nothing to complain about as it's as good as any other Mahjong game. You know it's funny, I've never played that in real life. In fact, I'm not even sure if there is a version of it in real life. The designs are all pretty nice.

I think the best thing might be the music. It shows off a good mystic sense. It doesn't have that much to do with the game, except for maybe the symbols on the tiles. The backgrounds are actually pretty good. All the little things count in a game.

I think this is the best Robot Day submission I've seen yet! Granted, it's only the second one, but it's still really cool! I think what mostly works about is how you let the game play itself. It's interesting to see what kind of things, you, the player, can put in motion. As expected, you can't completely block them off. I think it would be cool if you could do that and they could destroy the towers in their way.

The music was also great. I like how each of these monsters are designed in a different way. It's especially funny to see how they clumsily just fall onto the ground. Dang, those bosses are harder to kill than every single enemy combined on a level. Happy Robot Day!

This was a fairly weak game. Everything just wasn't that detailed at all. I wish there could have been a wider selection of thing to choose from, but it does make me wonder what you'd even have for stuff regarding tomato. For the record, I found the secret and it was actually pretty cool with the points I got. The graphics aren't terrible, I guess. The music was alright.

I guess you can't really do much with a tomato or tomato soup. At least it was something that was fairly original. There isn't much else to say because not much else goes on in this game. This game seems more like something that would be an Easter egg in itself. I guess the bowl is supposed to be full of tomato soup.

TastyPotion responds:

I didn't really want to make a dress up game. More like a parody.

I was really shocked at how easy this was at first. Of course, I knew that all had to do was advance for it to get harder. Of course, the medals would be a lot harder to get too! I really liked the graphics. It really makes you appreciate the pirates of common folklore. A pity the modern ones aren't as cool. I really thought the music was cool and set the mood well.

I was also impressed at the different variety of cannon balls and bombs. It was great to slowly use strategy to beat the level. I love how the guys wail as cannon balls are hitting them or they're about to be blown up. Those trophies are freaking difficult, again. It's just a fun game.

I liked this game, but I didn't really like it that much. I think its biggest weakness was probably how the closeup was too much. I couldn't really get the bigger picture here. I appreciate you trying to put some originality in this. I thought at first that I was supposed to keep on going in the same direction after I collected one thing. This may be the first game where you were able to change direction.

The graphics are fairly decent too. I think the music seemed to fit together pretty well too. I liked how the levels had some variety. It wasn't detailed that well, but was certainly playable. I think the guy in this looks kind of funny.

I got a score of, I think, 25,808. What really struck me as cool about this was just how relentless it was! I was surprised that something that didn't seem to have a lot of detail could be so much fun! I especially think it's really cool how you can just keep on firing and the ammo keeps coming out! I knew it would be too good to be true for you to keep the weapons. At least you knew how long you could have them.

I appreciated the really cool music. The graphics reminded me of something by gel. It's mostly the blue tint. I appreciate you creating a fairly original game that has this stuff blowing up and it's just fun from beginning to end! The gameplay isn't that complicated and I am glad of that.

I thought this was another alright game. What I didn't like about it was how the graphics were just not that good. What I did like about it was like it was a nice tribute to the classic Snake games. It always amazed me how a game so simple could be so much fun. The sounds were pretty good too and I liked the wide variety of music. It's a harmless game for what it is.

I just think the lines don't seem to flow very well in this. Everything just looks like it was arranged far too quickly in the program. I do like it how I was able to get a 10 cookie medal on my first try. I thought that was a medal for dying at first because that's what I did. Either way, I got something.

I thought this game was just okay. What I didn't like about it was how it just seemed to not have good graphics. There wasn't even much detail overall. That being said, I at least have to give you credit for having some good music. It just looked a bit too weird when you died. I guess people that are better at this game should enjoy it more than I did.

My hat is tipped off to those people who have managed to get scores in the thousands! At least someone managed to have a good time with this. It just doesn't look good for 2012. I am a tad motivated to play it, if only to get medals. That of course makes it frustrating.

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