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This game wasn't bad. I just thought it was a bit unfair. I guess it's a pretty original concept. Well, maybe not, but it was playable. The music was quite good. It certainly fit the mood of the game.

The name of this is freaking awesome! I still wouldn't recommend, though. It got too difficult with the icons. I didn't have a good clear understanding of what I was hitting. Again, not bad.

I ended up liking this game. It was quite, uh, colorful. I don't even think you could die by eating your own tail. I thought it might have been too easy at first. It was still really interesting to see how much more difficult it became. The sound effects were nice.

This game didn't need a lot of details. It worked fine for what it was supposed to be. The music was also pretty cool. I don't know which color will show up next. This was quite playable.

I found this to be a pretty good game. I did not really care for how difficult it got. Of course, it might not have interested me that much to begin with. I guess it was a bit bland. I still found it pretty creative, though. I always like new things.

There was always something going on. It was just more of the same. The music was quite nice. It did get more interesting as it went on. It wasn't quite something I would recommend, but good.

I came to like this game, but I certainly admit it had its faults. Its main fault is that it just goes on too long with the same actions. I like the variety of enemies, though. Sticks never really will die. I was kind of relieved when I did die, though. The sound effects got a bit redundant.

I could still count on new kinds of enemies to show up. The ice guys were the most annoying. The overall graphics are quite nice. I could get into this. There should have been more background, though.

I didn't think this was anything too special. For some reason, I couldn't crouch. The graphics didn't seem like anything special. At least you have Bruce Lee in it. He probably was the best martial arts actor out there. The music got a bit repetitive.

I guess other people will have more fun with this. It's a pretty basic game. The backgrounds are a bit too repetitive. I will admit it's kind of a cool effect. I guess this game's popularity plummeted.

Seems like I'm hitting the bullseye with great games lately! At first, I thought this would be about, well, furries. I am glad that it wasn't. They really were literally furries. I wish you could move the bombs. It was sad how they got sad after awhile.

I definitely appreciated the colors. It didn't seem like so much a girl's game, like a kid's game. I can like all kinds of games! The music was really nice too. It's good to have a pleasant game like this.

Great game! I was quite surprised that it was this fun. It seemed too mundane to really like that much. It's always nice when there are a lot of things to look at. I was able to find most of what I wanted right away. The horse was pretty cute.

Not as cute as those ponies of course! The music was really nice as well. I could get a great sense of softness in this. I haven't played the whole game, so I hope it doesn't get nasty later. Nah, I doubt it.

I really liked this game! It's mostly because it's quite unique than other games. I especially love how I'm quite good at it! You get a great idea of where your fireball is going. Setting things on fire is just fun by itself. The levels aren't too hard at first.

I even like the little sounds of the fireball going around. It sounds like a golf ball or something. The graphics and design worked fine for themselves. The burning of the crates was a great addition, too.

While not a great game, this was quite good. It's mostly because of when the elves appear. I just like firing in the air, I guess. I couldn't help but be reminded of "Alien Hominid". Yeah, ripoff maybe? Well, the gameplay there was heavily based on Metal Slug anyway.

The sound effects were quite nice. I like how the bullets were just flashing balls. Those are cool bullets. You had pretty good mobility. I don't want to kill Christmas. Good enough game.

Here's another pretty standard game. I was thinking that you would have to hit them with the right color, but that was optional. I don't know why they exploded. It seems like that shouldn't have happened. The music was quite nice. It's pretty good for a Santa game.

I like how you can go around everywhere. It still doesn't give you much difference, though. A pity Christmas is long gone. You know, I think the music probably is the best part. I like the flashing elves.

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