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This was better than I thought. I admit that it seemed boring at first. It was just the same screen with you looking for different Santas. I was glad to find out it was bigger than what I thought. It gave the big picture. The animation/graphics are a bit too generic, though.

Of course, I know it wasn't meant to be anything too special. It's a simple game that's fine for what it is. There was some pretty good effort put into this. You could put in more variety. You should have the levels be different.

I guess I have to give this game credit for being quite challenging. I had no idea it would escalate like that. It was quite weird to have to collect all of those decorations just to advance. The graphics were okay. All in all, it was a mediocre game. It just wasn't something I would recommend.

The music is pretty good. You could have put in some sound effects. It just looks a tad shoddy. You could maybe use some shading. Happy, uh, very belated Christmas!

I thought this was pretty entertaining. It reminded me of some other games. I don't think they were made by you. I don't think I had ever heard of Lily Allen before! Well, maybe I just forgot about her. The graphics were quite good.

It got a little annoying with the purple chemicals. I don't think you can jump on those enemies' heads. You had pretty good mobility. I did get better as it went along. What's with the title's punctuation?

I admit that I was disappointed this wasn't another entry in the Miami/whatever shark series, but it was still good. It is fun to lift sharks. You should make a crossover game! I guess you're just into sharks. I liked the flying bit. I'm no good with the bus, though.

I vaguely remember the first one. You are just so prolific. I think you were pretty scientifically accurate. I know the whale shark is the heaviest. NIce songs, too.

At first, I thought this would just be a generic game. It did get more interesting as it went on. I'm giving this a high score only because it's one of the best of these kinds of games I've played. I don't really like these food games, but this was an exception. You had a nice variety of stuff here. I should have known you'd have to put the food in the right order. I guess it's more realistic that way.

I appreciate the decent graphics. There were sure some colorful characters in this. The sounds were fine too. It just a very pleasant game. Quite fast, though.

Wow, this really was quite an impressive game! I was intrigued by how unique it was. I am also glad you don't have to do everything in the order of which they appear. What I mean is, you don't need to have the letters touch each other. I was certainly glad for that. The sound was quite nice.

I really can't get into making longer words. I guess I'm just taking baby steps. The design is really nice. I'm quite surprised this didn't get popular at all. It's quite original.

I was quite surprised at how fun this was! It seemed like it was just a game about fishing. Well, there's these weird guys who are fishing. Still, it's great to just catch fish over and over. I think I didn't have much luck with this in real life. You know how to make it fun.

It really does show you how much fun it can be. Everything is so wonderfully paced. It really is a game you could play all day. I like just to see the little fish. It was very nice.

This was a good game, but it was a bit too easy. I thought maybe you were only supposed to hit the guys who had the Santa hats on. Well, more for everyone else! It's hard for me to hate this. I mean, it has a really nice appeal to it. I just like the idea of being in a movie theater too.

Hey, I'm a huge movie fan myself! It was quite fun to see the popcorn flying everywhere. That music never gets old. I don't know what a sheep has to do with Christmas. Maybe it's one of the animals with Baby Jesus?

That was quite fun. I admit that it wasn't too fancy, but it was good. Everyone makes Christmas games! Well, I just see them a lot at this time. While generic, it was still good. I wish you could have had them fall together in more than just a straight row. They should have vanished all the ones touching the row.

Well, maybe that would have made it too easy. I like how the title is done too. The Christmas music is quite nice. While not unique, it's completely harmless. It's worth a quick check.

I will give you points for being creative. My only complaint is that there isn't much detail. Maybe you could have put up a better background. It just seemed too bland. I at least appreciate the music. There could have just been more going on.

It still isn't too easy, though. It even took awhile for me to understand it. I like how you can move it at your own pace. It's well done that way. I would recommend this.

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