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I thought this game wasn't that bad. I think what mostly struck to me as annoying about it was how to get rid of the elves that were coming from the back. It just didn't seem like there was any way to fully avoid them. Still, you know how to put good style in your games with the graphics. They really were some of the finest I've seen in awhile. A pity the gameplay didn't come out that well.

There probably have been a couple violent Christmas games out there. It only fits with how Santa is sometimes depicted as evil. I wasn't even sure if I was supposed to avoid the grass at first. For however hard it was, I was at least able to get down to 2810. The title was a tad strange too.

I really liked this game because of how crazy it was! At first, it kind of looked like it would be disorganized, but it didn't matter! I just loved how fast everything moved and how there was chaos everywhere! There was so much going on! At first, I thought I was supposed to collect those black squares I kept seeing. Needless to say, I did better after I realized those hurt you.

I love how there's no dark lines to outline the ships and enemies. It's just poor action from beginning to end. It seems like there's always new things to find in this game. I even learned that you could go the very bottom of the screen to avoid the enemies. It's just pure fun!

This is a game that really works because of how creative it is. I was hoping that you would have sixty seconds to complete every individual level. Suffice to say, I didn't like it when I found out I was wrong. It's still a nice game, though. It mostly works because it's a very original concept and the sounds are cool. It seems like a lot of games I have been playing recently have good, cartoonish sounds.

Good thing there was a medal for pretty much everything. For a game that was fairly short, it really did have a lot going on. Of course, that might be just because you have to act fast in a game like this. The graphics were nice too. I thought this would be a game where you sold burgers or something.

This game was quite frustrating, but still good. What I really liked about it was how good the graphics were. It was just funny to see this little guy roam around and jump everywhere like a giant marshmallow. It may not have been that good in terms of gameplay, but it was definitley creative. It really helps when you can kill those guys. This is the game where you have to go fast to avoid the traps but still relax to get the big picture.

I like the goofy, cartoonish sounds too. I wasn't expecting a giant saw to appear in this. When I thought I was finally in the clear, suddenly spikes appeared on the side of the wall for the first time in the game. It's pretty standard in terms of collecting coins. I appreciate the nice design.

Wow, this game was a bit hard to enjoy that much because it was just so weird. I thought it would just be a game where you put stuff on a machine. It probably would have been a lot more boring if it was just that. Instead, you had to go out and fight. I couldn't even tell what I was supposed to click or if I even was supposed to click anything. At least I managed to get past the first level.

It's a good use of steampunk. I like it how there's a different way to show how the Nitrome logo is presented to fit the game. It's the little things that matter. It's always nice to have a game where you can figure stuff out for yourself and experiment. You guys will just never stop releasing front page stuff, huh?

Geez, this is one of the most complicated games I've played in awhile. It even seemed like the tutorial level was hard enough for a world in itself! Anyway, this was very nicely done with some good focus on detail. I think my favorite part is probably how colorful everything looks. It is a bit hard to really understand why you're even doing this. Even after all those instructions, I'm still kinda lost!

This is still good because it creates great atmosphere. I have done my research and said that at a certain level metal drills would indeed melt. The lowest hole we've ever dug is around seven miles deep. They couldn't go any further because the drills started to melt. Then again, these are different planets.

I thought this was a really cool and innovative game. I think what made it the most cool was how there were just so many different levels and ways to beat the game. I liked it how it seemed like no two levels were the same. The music was also fairly nice. It was especially satisfying when the rocks went back and hit your enemies! I thought it was just going to be like the same thing the entire game.

That really shows how much you care about putting variety in your games. The overall graphics were really nice too. I think my favorite level would have to be the third one. I just like how those guys die so easily and then fall to the ground when they're hit by their own rocks. It was hard to even tell this was a defense game as it was so unique.

I was pretty confused by this game because I really had no clue what was going on in it. You didn't give any directions on how to beat it in the author's comments. It uses the basic controls, the arrow keys, I believe. I thought maybe you were supposed to advance to the next level by falling down, but that just kills you. At least it looks nice. It would have been better if there was some music in it.

I guess the title is supposed to represent how the world is in ruins or something. Whatever it is, I couldn't understand it. I guess people more into Stencyl and your games will like it more. At least it manages to be a fairly unique experience. The colors are nice and vibrant here.

I think there might be some kind of glitch in this game. I tried doing everything I thought I could do and nothing happened. The only thing that changed was when I ran fast and managed to get all the gems or gold or whatever. I thought that means I would beat the level, but I went over to where the main gem was and nothing happened. It's just too bizarre to recommend. For what I was able to understand, it actually wasn't that bad.

The graphics are fairly decent. I appreciate all the little details put into everything. I thought the green blobs were enemies you could attack but whenever I use the attack button, nothing ever happens. Oh well, the design's nice at least. I like how the character has a funny little hair style.

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