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At first, I thought this was going to be like a Javanoid game. I was a tad disappointed to find out that it really wasn't. It still managed to be a really cool game, mostly because it was just so much fun and it was quite original. I've never played a game where I had to stop the ball from actually hitting the top of the screen. I appreciate you trying to be innovative with your work. The music is also pretty cool.

It's fun with how it goes from one screen to the same one. The only downside of this is not being able to move fast enough, but I never have that problem anyway. At least I managed to get a couple medals. Blue is one of my favorite colors, so I liked the blue color tint. I like the dead (or alive?) fish too.

unlimitary responds:

Thanks. Fish is alive lol, none was hurt during this game development :D

I thought this was a pretty good game because it seemed to pace itself well. I had no idea that just by rearranging cards could make the other cards get cut up. It's weird how that works out. I was doing so well in this game I was rather devastasted when I started losing it. The music is fairly decent and sets itself up. The graphics, however, could be better.

It also has a pretty funny name now that you mention it. At least everything's presented in a pretty nice clearcut manner. I'm just not a fan of card games in general, especially ones that are in flash form. People who are fans of those kinds of games would enjoy it more. The music is fine, too.

GeneralVimes responds:

Thank you very much for the review! :)

I thought this was a good game. What really struck me as odd about it was that the one level with the large red strip and the green guy was impossible to beat! I even fired a dozen random shots in the air and nothing happened! You'd think, stastically, I would be able to beat the game that way! Anyway, this is still a nice game. It mostly works because the concept is quite original.

Finally, I get to play a game that isn't in the series of the latest NG Game Jam. I'd grown a bit tired of those games. I also liked how the sounds were really cool. You'd be surprised at how much this works as a strategy game. The graphics are nicely done too.

I thought this was just mediocre. It's mostly because there was just way too much dialogue. That could have been forgiven if not for the fact that this just seems to go on too long. The graphics also could have been better. I still at least have to admire something so many people took part in. It just seems to take too long to take to the Red Riding Hood theme even. \

At least it's a harmless game. The music is good and I think that might actually be my favorite part of the game. I am glad you added it in. Don't worry about me spoiling how to get the secret medals, I didn't get any. It's a very strange game, especially how it starts out.

I thought this game was okay. I have played games like this before and this didn't come off as good because the graphics weren't done as well. Yet again, I can't really expect stuff that good for what was made in a 72 work time. I also wished there could have been some music. Having a completely silent game is rarely a good idea. It does have somewhat of an interesting premise.

It's weird, because sometimes I can't tell where I can move. I assume I can just move everywhere, but I could have sworn there were some times where I couldn't go to some blocks for some reason. It's nice to have a wide open range too. I do wish there could have been more detail. It's certainly difficult enough.

FlyingColours responds:

Thanks for the review, Ericho! In fact, we did have some AP music in the game. Maybe it was a problem with Flash player, or maybe your speaker. As for the movement of the units, it should be possible for the units to move to any neighbouring square (except blank squares, but those are never highlighted). If you could not move it to a neighbouring square, it's probably a bug. Can you give me some more information so that I can fix it?

I thought this was a pretty standard game. At best, it's simply average. What I didn't like was that it was fairly hard to understand the controls. I guess I could take a better look at it later, but I just didn't have much control over what was going on in this game. At least the sound effects were decent when you got the jewels. I hope those medals are for overall points.

It is kind of fun to watch this guy fly around like that. In fact, it's pretty silly to watch him look so stupid. The music is alright. I think everything in the NG Game Jam has had numerous people working on it. This was nice for the jam.

I wasn't expecting this to be that good at first. It was mostly because I couldn't control anything in this game! At least I'm glad you made it so that you can control the direction of where the plant grows. It's nice that you have a game that's fairly clear cut. What I didn't like about this was that I felt it was a bit too hard with how the leaves went down after one touch. Of course, that would have made the game too easy.

Besides, I didn't even die when doing that. I do appreciate the graphics on this game. Again, it's impressive how you managed to make this in a relatively short amount of time. You really don't know what to expect with these games that have shown up in this month's game jam. This was just well done.

Spudzy responds:

Thanks alot! You're a legend at reviewing stuff :)

This was a really strange game. At first, I thought I would get the hang of it, but I didn't. What made it difficult is that the instructions themselves popped up at bad times and were blocking part of the game. That way, it was hard to follow through in terms of what was going on. At least you managed to have some good graphics. I'm actually surprised this took such a short time to make. It was also a tad too talky.

I think this may be the first submission I've ever seen that had the word "Zelda" in it and had nothing to do with the video games. At least the sounds and everything else are nice and sync up well. We've truly gotten some unique games this NG game jam. At least other people enjoyed this.

MonoFlauta responds:

Well, yes it was, we couldn't make everything so perfect for it, sorry about it, but we did our best in 3 days.

About the "Zelda" yes, this game is something unique LOL

Thanks for the review!

Wow, this turned out to be a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. While I didn't enjoy it that much because I wasn't good at it, it's still a nice game. It's probably mostly because it's just very creative. Granted, the graphics and design need a lot of work, but still nice. It was really annoying with how I couldn't change color even once. I thought it would be as easy as the tutorial!

You kind of psyched me out in that aspect. It also has a really cool name. I appreciate the nice and pleasant music, too. It just seems like you wanted to create something quick and fun. This wasn't a part of the NG Game Jam 7, but it seems like it should have been. Dang, everything has medals these days!

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