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I believe this game is, as many people believe, the best in the series. What really struck me as cool about it was how it was so creative. I really have never played a game like this before. It was a bit strange to play a game where you were supposed to fall down somewhere. The music was also really cool and had a great funky beat. The way the slime throws his food up reminds me of the Achievement Unlocked game.

Wait, in that game, I think the elephant pooped stuff up, not threw them up. I didn't know there were games that were made in 72 hours for this. No wonder it's better than nearly everything else! It's simply a pleasant and very enjoyable game. It did get a bit darker when you could die, though.

MintPaw responds:

Thanks man, great review, I'm always inspired by Achievement Unlocked and jmtb02's other work.

Okay, now THIS is the most popular game featured in this contest or whatever it is. I did think it was kind of convienient with how you could let the game play itself. I wasn't expecting that in a zombie game. What I didn't like is that I'm just used to there being more detail in a zombie game. At least you showed some good creativity. Man, you guys get a lot of people to work on these things!

I didn't even recognize Luis' art. I've seen so much of his stuff, you'd think I would. Now that I look harder, I can see it more in the background. It's cool how this has such nice music. It sets up the zombie tone well.

I think this might be the most popular game submitted in this. I don't know if there are any contest winners, but it's an okay game for what it is. Its main strength is that it does have some original gameplay. What I didn't understand was how easy it was for you to lose. It seemed like every other second, the guy was looking at you. I wish I could have had some means of defense against him.

It would be cool to see a cow fighting like that. At least the music was good. I always appreciate it when people create so much music customized for a game. The graphics could be a lot better, though. Then again, you didn't have much time.

That was a very strange game. The thing I found weirdest about it was that I had no idea who I was fighting or what. It was even hard for me to tell which of those guys I was. Maybe not so much that, but it was strange when the hearts disappeared and I thought they belonged to my opponent. I'm fairly certain they belonged to me now. I would like a way to tell when my opponent was being weakened.

Of course, this wasn't made in that much of a time seeing as what it is a part of. Your artwork reminded me of the stuff by Sean McGee/Weasel. He's the creator of the "Thing-Thing" series. At least there were some pretty good designs. It's a very strange game and I did win some medals.

Well, this game was fairly poorly designed, but there was no way I could hate it. It was when of the simplest games I could play that had medals. Yes, that is shallow, but it's not terrible at least. I thought the music used was decent and I appreciated you wishing someone a happy birthday. Again, it could use a lot of work with the graphics. Of course, it probably wasn't meant to be anything that good.

You should make it so that your goals are not layed out so easily. You should have a bunch of harder stuff to do like fight enemies or something. The single blue block guy wasn't much of a colorful touch, either. At least this is a harmless game. Just try to work on more detail next time.

makehimanoffer responds:

no problem man. was rushing to do it before the end of a person's birthday ya see. may make a more indepth one soon.

Well, here's the thing. It actually is in fact a pretty well designed game. I myself had a lot of fun when I was able to figure out how to fight those ghosts and stuff. The problem is that the controls are not that well done. The jump key is on the right of the moving keys and that makes it harder to touch. Most games like this usually just use the "E" or "S" buttons.

What I'm saying is, you should have customizable stuff. I do appreciate how you were fairly creative with this game. There are so many exits and so many ways to advance. In this sense, I imagine it's fairly easy to make a wrong turn. The sounds are good too.

Wow, you deserve to get credit for making this crazy game! I thought it would be rather mundane giving the opening cutscenes, but it was anything but. I guess it probably is the first RPG I've played that focused entirely on Christmas. Apart from the fact that the graphics are great, it's just so creative. You have a lot of great mobility. It's cool, because the game quickly becomes more surreal and even seems to be about going into the elf's mind.

I think this may in fact have the most credited songs on any submission I've ever seen! Congradulations on making something so good and creative. I can really tell you put a ton of effort into this. I love how you have no idea what's going to happen next in the game. Very well done.

This was a very weird game. In case anyone's wondering, the first three levels are the same as the tutorial. I appreciate you making a unique game because it truly is like something I have never seen before. It's just that when I got to the fourth level, I couldn't get past it! I have no idea if you can change your players, but that would be nice. I couldn't help but think the female character was modeled after that one pokemon girl.

I think the coolest thing about this is probably how the blocks all literally look at the player. It shows that you live in a strange world. It kind of reminded me of that Gigi Pudding stuff. I guess people who can figure this out better should enjoy it more. You'd think I'd understand it more, given the sheer number of games I've reviewed.

It's hard to love this because it's mostly the same as the last game. That does still mean it has the good stuff of the last game! Wow, I am #1 and really any other number as everything else just says "0" with your name on it. It's too bad this thing has gotten so unpopular. At least you bring that same old goodness to it. You could have probably changed all the levels entirely.

Again, it was nice to have such a wide variety of music. The extra levels didn't seem that much better. I think my favorite is still probably the happy face level. Turning on the gravity doesn't help as much as you think. It's still mostly luck.

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