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Fun to play with

This is good because I just had a lot of fun playing with that multi-colored ball. Granted, it was one of the hardest games I have ever played, but still very fun. This is mostly because the colors are so bright and the sounds are so cute. You really know how to create a good atmosphere to keep the player feeling good. The music was also impressive and reminded me of easy rock. You definitley have to be careful with how hard you hit the keys in this one, as the slighest miscalculation will send the ball flying.

Nice imitation

I have played games like this before, but it is still fun to play something like it that works so well. The best part is probably with how you do not have to worry about being detected before you steal something. It does seem a bit strange to have it pointed out what you are supposed to steal when it is clearly there. The graphics were simplistic, but that works for a game like this. I also liked the really casual music. I would never attempt this in real life, as most stores will make a sound if you take something without paying.

Pretty fun game

I liked playing this because it did have a pretty unique design. I could still not control the plane very well, but at least I could attribute that to the wind. While it does not have the most action, it still manages to be fairly creative. The best part about it is how the graphics are good and I could just spend all day playing those custom levels. You just never know what you are going to get there or even in the regular levels themselves. It was especially fun to see the total number of blocks destroyed rise up.

Very strange

This is one of the most peculiar games I have ever come across. It featuers these two polar bear-like creatures going nowhere trying to solve riddles (along with the player). I could not understand the point of this as it was just so ridiculous. I guess I have once again chosen to go right in the middle and say that it is neither great nor terrible. I guess it was certianly a unique game, which I am always looking for. I could not help but be reminded of "Yeti Sports", only without any sports.

Very good game!

While I could not get that far, this was really fun to play because there was just so much action going on! I especially love it how you can use the fire thing and annihilate all enemies at once. The music really suits the game. It is so cool to just see all the fire blasts and blood stains flying everywhere! There is so much going on and it is all so cool to just send out guy after guy after guy when you get enough money to. This game is so simple, just keep pressing these random buttons and let the action take its course!

Good and easy!

It was weird how there was this big bar that said it was connecting to the network at first. Then, it appeared to be part of the actual flash as I recieved medals and it appeared as a background object. I guess I have to give you credit for creating a game where it is so easy to get the medals. The gameplay is really easy. You do have to pace yourself, but it pays off. I just wish that there could have been more to it, but then again I do not want to spend my whole day here at Newgrounds getting all the medals.

Magical-Zorse responds:

I don't like spending all day trying to get medals either

Good and strange!

This was a game that was quite incomprehensible to me. It was at least nice to have that pretty good music playing the whole time. The best thing about it was that the graphics were good and simple. The idea of beating the levels was anything but! I am almost ashamed of myself for not being able to progress further in this as I try to get far in puzzle games and certainly worked as one better than any other category. You at least created something that is sure to keep our brains occupied.

Pretty good

The atmosphere was definitley spooky, so you managed to create something that lived up to its name. I did kind of think that the artwork could have used some improvement. Still, this was a fairly playable game, especially for someone like me who does not regularly play point 'n click stuff. All of the elements of a good game are in here. The graphics are not the best again, but they actually are pretty unique. Everybody knows that a church is where all the spookiest things can happen.

Very fascinating

I have certainly heard of the "Grow" game and played it and other games like it. This reminded me of "Sim City" (which I am a big fan of) only simpler. What is so great is that you can actually have so many orders to do and you manage to get a lot further than you think you could. I only got a tally of 25, and I still managed to fill up the entire screen. The music is also nice and it is really a game where you can simply relax and let everything take its time. It does play itself as long as you know the right combination.

Another great game

The thing that is the most fun about this game is how it really just plays itself. While it took me awhile to get everything organized, most of my moves happened simply after I made a single move. The graphics in this are really good too. I like these games mostly because they revolve around looking for certain patterns and trying to consistently find them. While there was not much music, the sound effect they made when they disappeared was pretty funny. I can just randomly click things to get ahead.

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