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Pretty nice

I find it strange that this was supposed to be a puzzle game of any kind. The best part was probably how I could go on the Internet (in the game) and play games like "Tank". It is still pretty funny how fat and pathetic the guy is. While there is not that much gameplay, it is interesting to see something take a turn for being more realistic than most games. As an Internet addict, I would know all about that stuff. The graphics really could use some work as it does look a little cheap for the period.

It's a lot of fun

It is amazing how fun you manage to make something with such a simple premise. The only complaint is that it is kind of hard to aim the ball. I am not even sure how hard it would be to be able to hit everything that I was supposed to. Still, it is very entertaining because the graphics are flawless and the sounds are so impressive. It is especially funny how the little ball just bounces around everywhere. This is just a really addictive game to me because it is so easy to get a lot of points at first.

GameBalance responds:

Maybe someday I get back to that concept and improve it with better and faster gameplay.

Great joy!

Here is a game that works so well because it just has a great spirit to it. I could not help but think that the dog looked like that one dog from the "Adventure Time" cartoon. The gameplay was very original but still managed to be fairly easy to understand. I loved whenever the big dog made a silly yelp. This game is just so random it really relishes in how silly it is. It does not seem to be that childish even, as it gives off a good sense of wonder and creativity and simply just fun as you play it.

I-smel responds:

GREAT, that's what I was goin for

Not for all tastes

This is a very different game because it relies so much on what happens after you position the ball or can even do anything to affect the game. I was just waiting here when suddenly the ball started going downward! The music was pretty good. This entire thing can become very unpredictable so you really have to learn from your mistakes. It works great as a puzzle game even if it might not take that much brain power to beat it in the long run. You always seemed to do your research about how magnetism works.

I thought it was a movie at first

Is it just me, or does the guy in silhouette kind of look like Woody Allen? Anyway, this was pretty fun to play because I am always eager to play any kind of zombie game with shooting (which is what most of them are anyway). The strongest point was probably the unique way the game was played with the graphics. It was pretty hard to take down those zombies. I think my problem might have been that I was aiming for the skinnier parts of their bodies, which did not cause much damage. His yell makes him sound like Daffy Duck.

Very fun

This game is pretty addictive because it gives you a lot of freedom to go around and do whatever you want. There are so many combinations and so many ways to beat it. I love the goofy little technologic sounds it makes whenever you launch the ball or hit anything. It is strange how this is considered a puzzle game, but then again, I can not really think of any other category it would go under. The graphics are really impressive and just look so lush. I also like goofy the appearance of the whole game is.

Pretty playable

The biggest complaint I have with this game is that it just take so long to kill those stupid zombies. At least it is comforting knowing that you are not the only one out there killing them, especially with two other guys. I was a little bothered by the small size of everything, but it worked out fine overall. I normally do not think of taking five rounds to kill a single zombie! Then again, I love zombie stuff which I why I became a bit addicted to this game. It is cool how you have so much mobility to go around everywhere.

Good graphics

After finally managing to get past the point where I got over that thing, I was then unable to go past the second, taller thing! Anyway, this was still at least very good to look at. Making a shadow and teleporting with it is a pretty original idea. I just keep thinking of "Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series" every time someone mentions the name "Steve". Thank you so much for including the option of just skipping past the level. I doubt I will ever get a single medal from this game where it is now sheer luck to jump high.

Great graphics!

I was a bit confused at first as the first level was simply so ordinary for a Sonic game. It definitley got harded when it went into Tails' nightmare, but what matters is that it is still fun. I just love the graphics in this one and how they look so computer generated. Tails has never gotten a game of his own, despite being the next most important good guy to Sonic. It was great fun to use all of his flying powers. It was a great spotlight for him and especially fun to see the variety of the enemies and locations.

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