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You have to keep up!

This was a very cool game to play and its only flaw was that it was just so hard! The graphics did seem a little shoddy too. Still, as a big fan of these kinds of games, I could not help but become a little addicted to it or at least try all four planes. Yeah, it was annoying how the powerups went away when you got hit and are only given one life. I guess it evens out in the end and the ships did have some pretty good designs. You kind of have to be patient and learn to wait for powerups at first.

Well, it is Madness Day

This is probably your best game ever, simply because you really tried hard to make it like the cartoon. These actions seem just like what the characters in the series would do. It is certainly the most complicated game you have made, but that is alright for smart guys like me! It was fun to just think about which enemy would show up next. The designs are probably the best you have ever worked on too. A lot of the steps are so complicated that it is so satisfying when you finally managed to kill those guys.

Still very fun

This was pretty fun to play because it really had most of what you could want in a "Madness" style game like this. I especially liked how you were able to move a lot around. Dang, can it be annoying to not have those medals appear on screen and just be plain text. My favorite part is how the damage to the enemies build up over time. It is just so fun seeing these guys get weaker and weaker (hey, it happens to the player too). While a lot of the gameplay was unclear, it was still just fun to play.

It's back!

I have to admit that this is probably the least of the series you guys submitted on Madness Day, but still fantastic. There is so much effort to do and yet it is so hard just to get a single medal. The graphics are as impressive as any of the other games you have done. This gets addictive, mostly because you just have to keep playing it. I do kind of wish you could get more of a wide shot to know where your enemies are. You simply never know when to stop with this as they NEVER stop coming.

Not bad

It seems like you were trying to combine the "Raiden" games with the traditional "Space Invaders" game. While the graphics were pretty impressive, the main flaw is that there is not that much detail. It can get a bit repetitive but that is the point. I wish my projectiles could reach to the far back of the screen. The sound was alright and so were the sound effects. You definitley have a good start and it is hard to believe that this really goes on for 20 levels, given how hard it was at first.

Interesting at least

This was pretty interesting to play, but it did seem to have some faults to it. I put in "music" but you say you do not understand music even though you mention it yourself as things you should add. I also have trouble putting "code" in there or whatever I should. It is always funny to see how you animators look in real life. This is especially good when you look so much like your drawn avatar. The music was alright and I guess it was good for something quick but not that much in the long run.

It was Frogger!

When I first saw the layout, I thought I was mistaken in terms of it being similar to the classic game of "Frogger". I do wish that this game was simply easier to beat, as it is very, very difficult to do so! It was reassuring how it was just as hard for the computer as it seemed. The game was already complicated enough, I did not need more stuff for it! I still thought the graphics were really good or as authentic as any "Frogger" tribute could be. It was just fun to plop around and sometimes you really have to not go in the same angle.

One of the best

I do not remix music in anything I have really done, except in probably a really goofy fashion. This was still fantastic because it brought me back to the days when I played the piano. Those memories will always be with no matter what and this is the perfect way to pay tribute to them. It is simply fantastic with how there are so many features and so many ways to express yourself yet it isn't too complicated. I mean, who knows, I might even start submitting stuff to the audio portal soon. This day also happens to be my second year anniverseary of being on this website and I am glad to celebrate it like this!

Too difficult

This game was just too hard to follow through to make it enjoyable. It was pretty nice how I was able to move so well but the fact that there were so many enemies that could follow my every move made it impossible to beat. It was especially maddening when it was hard to find what side of the screen I was supposed to go to! Even in F11 it was hard to tell! I guess you did have some good ideas like only being able to get energy when you poked at something. Something with more gaming talent could probably do better.

I really enjoyed it

What is really fascinating about this game is just how much freedom it gives you to move around. You allow the player to go to so many places in such a goofy manner. It gets harder as you go on, but at least you sort of get used to losing health. You really have to take your pacing well because I believe you slowly lose health as the game goes on. I can see why this is one of your most popular games. The best powerup is probably when you get to freeze all the enemies for awhile.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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