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Nice music

This was a very simple game, but that did not stop it from at least being a little bit of fun. I was confused as to why the Boo was yellow when normally the Boos in the games are white. Or, I think they are all white. If anyone wants to know how to get the first medal (which is worth 0 points, BTW) just get over 500 points. I think the next one you probably get by getting over 1,000 points and so on. It was just lacking detail in a lot of areas, but at least it had a pretty soft tone to it. I especially like how graceful it sounds.

Mariofan9 responds:

Thank you much for your review.
The medal is worth 0 Points because the Admins would not approve it, sadly.
Next time I make a game, I will put more detail into it.

Not bad

It is always nice to play a Halloween-themed game, but this had its ups and downs. The best part was how it was really addictive and it made you want to keep playing. My only complaint is that it was kind of weird to have just one never-ending level. Granted, that did make it easier to upgrade things. It got a bit repetitive after awhile, but it seemed to have most of the things that make something a good defense game or any kind of game. The graphics weren't bad; they could use some more detail.

Hard to understand at first

I am so glad that I was able to understand it. My problem was that when I was looking through everything, I did not realize it had to very specifically be a rectangle to form. I actually do not fully understand it still and I think it is up to the player to really figure out how it works. It was just fun to go around and make them disappear, but it seemed a little pointless in the long run because the game just goes on and on and on. The graphics were alright; I guess it had good enough ones to live up to what it was supposed to be. I would not recommend it, but it was fine.

No, it ain't

Dang, is it frustrating when you can not even get a single medal for at least getting past the first level or something! I am not going to be whiney and complain about how it is that hard, even though it really is. The thing I really liked about this was that it had the theme of cats and the cats were so cute. The funny thing is that it got harder I was actually able to overcome my love of cats to hit them dead! The meowing sound effects are also very adorable. The graphics are nice and it is cute to see those little paws claw away at my fortress as if you are going to lose easily, you might as well do it in a cute way.

Very addictive!

This was great fun to play becuase you really had no idea where you were going with it at first! It would have been nice if there was an easier way to get gems or something, but still great. The graphics are great and look as good as any platformer on an arcade system. It is fun to just throw those giant axes over and over again, especially as they get stronger and you're just pounding away at the giant monster. The sound effects are neat too and fit the gameplay well. I like how this guy sounds like Larry the Cable Guy for some odd reason.

Dang, is that music good

This was pretty fun to play because it had that awesome remix from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"! It was good otherwise, but the main problem was that it was pretty hard to remember those carvings. I never thought that I would have to work that hard just to remember some things like that in a game like this to get medals! There was not the most detail, but it still does a good job of delivering the enjoyment it is supposed to. I hope that you have a very happy Halloween too!

Lots of medals!

I really like playing this game not just because it has zombies but because there are so many things going on! The weirdest thing is that of all the medals to get, the only one I did was one by accident and it was even worth 50 points! You guys really know how to create a scary atmosphere with this. I am glad I got to review this before Halloween came. What's cool is that there are many different obstacles around, not just zombies, but hoardes of annoying policemen. I like all the gadgets and things that are around the car everywhere.

Pretty mediocre

It is always nice to show off a wide variety of games to choose from, but the main weak point was that the animation was just not that good. The ideas for the games were fine, I suppose. It seems like you also could have put some better controls to this. I guess the use of controls was pretty original, but it mostly came off as being weird to me. Another thing to work on would be the background by adding a lot more detail. It is hard to judge you as I have not seen your other work, but I bet you could do better.

loopchocolateman1234 responds:

Thanks, the next game I make will be better. I just gotta keep practicing and actually take my time.

Simple, but good

I can not get over how silly the fish look in this. The background was really cool and it seemed exactly like something that would be out of "The Sims". This game is almost too easy as I do not even think there was a single time where I hit any of the enemy fish. It is fun to just do something with so little thought. I would recommend this to someone who is a fan of good graphics, even if there was not the most variety. The music was also pretty nice because it had a nice, cheery feeling to it.

Quite enjoyable

I did not enjoy this as much as a lot of other people seemed to. The most frustrating thing was that you kind of had to limber around and wait to get another swing. I also wish the levels were longer. It still is a good game as the graphics are very impressive, especially with how smoothly the characters move. You were obviously trying to make something simple and enjoyable, but still something to keep you playing for awhile. How ironic that you would also get a Weekly 3rd Place award without winning any other award.

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