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I had no idea what this game would be about. I'd think it would be painful for Santa to be in Australia. It's so freaking hot! I still liked how cute the game was. It's just a nice little game. I thought the sound effects were cute.

There was some nice music in this too. It's just a cute little game. Nothing to write home about, but fine. Your other games are just better. I can at least appreciate this. This is fine.

I managed to get into this. Granted, that was just because I wanted to get that medal! It got frustrating like that. Those red guys are the worst. I admit the details aren't that good. It's still quite a playable game.

It's weird how I just zipped through the first two levels. There were certainly a wide variety of enemies here. It was hard with how they all had different attack patterns. I never heard of this pixel thing for this year.

JauqGames responds:

Glad you got into my game. I had a lot of fun designing all of the different ships and their attack patterns. This is my submission for the 2nd annual Pixel Day. The event is relatively new so I could see how one would not hear about it.


Yeah, I was pretty bored by this game. It's hard to believe you're the same guy who made "Mario World: Overrun". Has that been deleted from here? Dang, that was a great game! This was just too simple. It was you collecting turkeys.

I always like Thanksgiving stuff, but this was forgettable. I like how you grab them though. I guess it's fine as a goofy little game. It just isn't very rewarding. Uh, Happy Thanksgiving?

wvaldez responds:

Yeah it was suppose to be a quick little game for Thanksgiving. I do believe overrun was taken down, but it wasn't by me. If you liked the intense action of overrun, you might like one of my latest games on ios and android. It's called Assault Breaker. You can find it on indiepaparoos.com

I actually was quite impressed by this game. I guess it's mostly because it looks so nice. Maybe it's because I saw the last episode of "Regular Show" and I'm in a good mood. Well, maybe a good mood. I just love the artwork in this. Everything looks so authentic.

Honestly, this is a lot better than most of your other work. The other games are fine, but not as good as this. The colors are so cool. As usual, I'm not good at this game. At least it was fun to look at.

I was confused because Joe Cartoon made something very similar just a month ago. I thought this would just be a lame knockoff. Instead, it was awesome in its own right. I truly appreciate how satisfying the game is. I though the boss would just go on forever. It made it more rewarding when you attacked him.

I think my favorite kill would be the stapler. This wasn't as good as Joe Cartoon's, but it was still great. I'm glad I don't have an office job. The best boss I ever had left a long time ago. Okay, I'm not going to tell you my autobiography.

Okay, this game was quite goofy. It was basically just the same thing for the most part. I still enjoyed it, if only because it had shooting zombies. Well, there were more than just zombies. That made it more enjoyable! The sounds were quite nice.

I liked the graphic detail with their deaths. The graphics were really goofy. It added to the overall charm of it. I'm not that good at it, but it was still fun. Happy belated Halloween!

I guess there was nothing wrong with this game. It just seemed redundant. I mean, you're basically just fighting the same enemies over and over. There isn't any variety. I can still appreciate the gameplay. The music is fine.

I can always learn more moves. I guess it's too easy to understand. Well, it can get hard. Dang, are there a lot of cops here. For me, it's just passable.

I think my laptop's quality was low. I couldn't get that far after awhile. It was still enjoyable while it lasted. I was able to get some easy medals! I just didn't really know what was going on. It's okay to promote yourself like this.

I liked the sounds. The character designs were pretty good. I just wasn't that motivated. Now I'm running in the same place! Whatever, this was alright.

I really was perplexed by this game. It was just way too difficult. I had no idea what was going on. It was so hard to tell what was coming up next. I guess it was certainly challenging. It just needed to have more details.

It's just a very strange game. Well, it was a unique experience at least. I'll never be motivated to beat this game. It was interesting I guess. I had no idea where these enemies were going.

This game got a bit redundant at times. It's still nice, especially with how straightforward it is. Maybe it hasn't aged that well. The graphics aren't great. It's still worth checking out, particularly with the upgrades. The pacing is rather nice.

Weird how I haven't reviewed this before. You'd think zombie stuff would be the first things I'd be interested in. It's a pretty basic zombie game. I like how you get a good clear shot of everything going in. It was fun, but not great for me.

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