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I really did have fun with this game. While it wasn't that difficult...that was why I enjoyed it! The sounds were great too. I just loved how you could never even lose. I thought your goal was supposed to be to AVOID the bricks. It would have been so less fun that way.

As far as Daily 4th Places go, this was really good! Everything is so wonderfully fast paced. I especially love when you get to the big brick mode. You can basically just jump up and down at the end of the screen for the goodness there! This is just very fun.

This was an okay game. I thought it should have been more detailed with more things going on. It was weird how the circle also hurt me. I don't know how that works. You also seemed to have too low of a score. I actually did think this wasn't too much of a bad game, though. It isn't hard to understand.

I REALLY have to stop awarding games points for that. It just doesn't have anything that good or bad. It's nothing to remember. It is nice with its pacing. I can see why this isn't that popular.

I really did like this game. What I found to be hard was well, everything. I'm always impressed at how games can be difficult even if they are not that complicated. This certainly fit the bill. It was pretty much unbeatable after the first level. The timer didn't help.

In fact, I think it made it worse. Why has no one made that joke before? While basic, it still got what it was supposed to do. I recall games like this. While not too memorable, still good.

Wow, that was one very strange game. I think it's safe to say Tom Fulp appears most frequently under inspirations. I personally did not find this to be all that good. I guess this is at least done in the style of Newgrounds. It was nice to learn some history, not that I didn't know that stuff already. It was too strange to recommend.

This is the first time I saw the medals show up below. They didn't even show up in the actual game! I heard the sound, but that was it. Maybe it was intentional? The shotguns didn't seem to work.

squidly responds:

This is not history, this is the future.

That was very strange. I would personally not recommend it, because it was too weird for me. I will say that it was quite unique. Everyone knows I always look for that in a game. I thought it would be easy on high quality with my laptop. Even from 2007, it was too slow! I liked the sounds.

At first, I thought it was going to be a dodging game. You know, where you'd journey through the tunnel and look out for things? It probably would have worked better that way. It seems like it could work as an educational game. That's what those shapes made me think of.

I couldn't care much for this game because there wasn't much going on. It was just you throwing sandals. I even think it was a bit too hard. I still have to give you credit for making something unique. While it wasn't good, it did stand out among other games a bit. The graphics could have been better.

I couldn't help but think this game was done through a game of Mad Libs. Rat things, sandals, dole, what's next? The music was okay. I was a little motivated to play, if only to find out what weird thing would show up next. Not too memorable.

Wow, I have forgotten how hard parallel parking is! You simply have some hard places to squeeze into. While not great, I did find this pretty original. It's always nice to be able to understand everything clearly. There didn't need to be any more detail. I can't ask for more, because it's already hard enough.

I do realize it isn't really the game for me. I still liked it because it was made in high spirits. You seemed to have a good realistic understanding of what parking is like. Well duh, most people can drive. I can't even remember the last time I ever had to parallel park.

As someone who is not a fan of football games, this was quite good. Yes, it's only because it's so easy to understand. You would think passing the ball would end the game. I was expecting this to get really bloody. Maybe you could make a version of that? The title's pretty cool too.

I also appreciated the music. You really got into the heat of this game. I guess it could have had more going on, but I wouldn't have wanted an authentic football game anyway. This was fairly fun. I wish I could run, though.

As far as air shooting games go, this was quite good. I think the best part of it was probably how it recorded your kills at the end of a level. I just find that very well organized. That's something I've always been into. The graphics are fairly good. While not a masterpiece, I still liked this.

The sounds were pretty good too. I liked how there were a pretty good variety of enemies. Explosions are always cool in games. They take away from the plot in movies. I liked how I could destroy more things than I thought.

I really was impressed by how it did manage to scare me at first. The rest of the game left me confused. I don't see the monsters besides the spiders. I guess I just have to be really good at this game to get that far. It got too redundant in that sense. It was just the same enemies over and over.

I will say that the graphics weren't too bad. Another Halloween game in August? Well, at least this didn't make the Halloween 2007 collection. The sounds were pretty good. While not bad, it's nothing of note.

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