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I thought this was going to be really easy at first, but I didn't even know how the game was played. It would have helped if there was some music. It does seem like it achieves its goal of wanting to create a standard game of pool. It's too bad I've never played a game like this before. I've played pool a few times in real life and it wasn't that bad. While the graphics aren't well detailed, they are fine.

While it doesn't have that much uniqueness, it is good for what it is. It's really cool how you get a vision of where the balls are going. Then again, it's hard with having to put them in the right order. It's a nice little game and people more familiar with you should like it. While not the best, I recommend it.

Well, now this is really weird. I was angry at this game at first, becuase I had no idea how to play it. There was some glitch or something in the system that made it so that I couldn't unpause something. I just went to another window and it automatically paused for me and I couldn't get it back to normal. I had to go back for the menu with no other option. When you do get into the actual game, it is quite fun.

It's great you've come up with a unique design for the characters. The music is also extremely appropriate. I like how you have so much mobility. The enemies with the guns are those you really have to look out for. This was a good submission for Madness Day 2012.

Tupo26 responds:

When the game loses focus, example you click another window, it will automatically pauses itself. To gain focus back you need to click the game anywhere then press unpause key.

I guess I have to add a message that tells the player that focus was lost.

Thanks for feedback. One of my goals was to make my own unique madness characters.

Wow, dude, I have to give you credit for having a fairly complicated game. It's one of the longest tutorials I've ever played! It seems like I should get a medal for just being able to get through them. The sound effects and the graphics are in fact very nicely done. It just goes on so long I have little understanding if this game ever ends. If you thought playing with trains was simple, you've never played this!

It just kept giving me thing to thing after thing to do. I think there's some error on the medal label. The one that says "C-Zone" says "Complete B Levels" when there's already a medal for that. People who are a LOT more patient than me should have some fun with this. You guys really went out of your way to make this complicated.

gamezhero responds:

oops, medal's name is fixed

I have to give you credit because this is in fact a well done game. I guess what I didn't like about it was how strange it was. It looks like the game starts with you killing a demon and then he helps you. Or maybe he just teleported? I really have to give you credit for having a game with clear instructions. I was amazed at how quickly I got used to it.

The voice acting in this is also fantastic. You can really tell these characters have a lot of personality. As you might have expected, the graphics were fantastic too. I'm not a big fan of RPG's, but this was very nicely done. It's great to see these cool designs.

Now, here's the thing. I really don't have that much to complain about, because it pretty much is a nicely put together game. What I didn't like was how it just seemed to get too redundant. It took too long to get any medals at all. I know that's kind of a shallow thing to say, but it's how I felt. The sound effects were pretty good, though. It's one of those things where it gets tiring as it goes on.

I got used to most of the sound effects. I didn't know that you lost the level when the timer ran out. I thought that was just for extra points. You probably shouldn't have made every monster look the same. It's still a harmless game.

I found this to be a decent game. It's not one of my favorites, probably because it doesn't have that much going on. It's still good for what it is. It's great to have all these different locations and building. I think this may be the first time I saw the name of that song. I heard it so many times, but I didn't understand it.

It looks like the guy is being chased by the Slenderman or possibly Anonymous? I never even realized until now how much they look alike. The music was great, but it could have used the whole lyrics. I misread the first medal as you having to go to 1000 meters. The graphics are actually quite impressive.

This is weird, because this game just came off as really hard. I guess maybe I just haven't played "Tetris" in awhile. I still have to give you credit for being pretty faithful to the original game. I didn't like it how you couldn't change how the pieces rotated. Okay, you probably could, but I certainly have yet to find out how to do that. There could have been some more music.

It's a bit confusing with the controls. Of course, when you get used to it, the controls are the least of your problem. I can't call this bland, because it's supposed to be like Tetris. Then again, the Tetris blocks are usually covered. I just did not find this entertaining enough to recommend.

Wow, it had been so long since you made one of these, I thought they were done. This is probably the longest running numbered game series I've seen. The atmosphere and the visauls were just perfect! I was afraid I wouldn't have much to work with, but I did better than I thought I would. Once again, here's how far I got. Go to the right and click on the bar on the bottom to get a broken beam.

You can use the beam to get the keys on the left side of the area. Click on the key once it's up to use it. Use the key to unlock the lock in the middle of the game. Make the bar go far out and then you can push the button to make the platform go down. I guess I wasn't doing as well as I thought.

I admit that this actually is a pretty cool idea in theory. What I don't understand is why it didn't have any sound. While the graphics were not that detailed, they really didn't need to. It's nice to see a simple game that has complicated gameplay. I was only able to get past the first level. The lettering could probably be better too.

It's still an enjoyable game and should appeal to fans of yours. There was a nice variety of objects to work through. It made you wonder why all this stuff was around here. Eh, I'm just being nitpicky. While there wasn't much to think about in terms of detail, there was a lot to think about in terms of gameplay.

Wow, this is one of the most addicting games I've played in a long time! It was weird, because at first, I didn't even know how to play it. Once I learned how to, it certainly got a lot more fun! I just loved sending wave after wave of monsters after these citizens! It's so huge with how big everything is, then again, it is about the entire world. I think this was better than the original.

There are just so many good things about this. The music was fantastic. The characters and designs were all great. I even loved all the little achievements you could get! If only this had medals. As a huge fan of the zombie genre, this is a treat for everyone!

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