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Well, I didn't like this that much mostly because I had no idea what this soundboard is even about. I still have to give you credit because you made a secret medal that's easy to get to. I just think that next time you could have put more up like more colors and the like. It's harmless for what it is. I could have sworn that guy mentioned Ma-Ti at some point. Anyway, it should please fans of Red Bar.

I think this is the first soundboard I've ever encountered that had an actual medal in it. I guess it made sense it was so easy to get. The voices seem to sync up well. Then again, I guess you can't even do that on a soundboard. This is worth a quick look.

This is another one of those games that's just a roller coaster from beginning to end! I was amazed at how fast paced everything was! After awhile, it all comes down to you just not getting hit by the other things. There were so many of these little things flying around, I thought I was playing a bacteria game! The music is really nice too. Boy, do you need those upgrades.

I love how there are so many wonderful and colorful things to show off with your bullets. Sure, they're a pain in the butt, but at least they're pretty to look at. I had no idea I'd get so many medals! Of course, it helps there are a lot of them. It's difficult, but very fun.

ZEGMAN responds:

Thanks Ericho!

Woah, this is one of the most complicated games I've ever played before. I find it unbelievable how you were able to come up with this in just five minutes. I can't say anything good or bad about it, because it's too complicated for me to play. It definitley seems like there are people who enjoy this. I appreciate all the work they do for this game. You are one complicated dude, buddy.

I actually thought the music was nice. I had no idea something that looked so simplistic could be like this! It didn't have a lot of detail or anything, but had pages of tutorial! I wish I had some idea what the title meant. You deserve credit for making something so big.

Kwing responds:

After 8.5 thousand reviews, I think the quality of them is beginning to dwindle a bit. You didn't seem to mention anything about the actual gameplay, nor did you even touch on the graphics.

At its core, Lincari is a hybrid between a card game and board game, because the positions of the cards change. As you make each move, an entire queue will shift over in order to help replace the card you played. That's really the only thing someone could not understand.

Wow, this is another game that I was surprised at how much I enjoyed. It makes you realize just how many things you can do with the same style. I really loved the music and how fast paced it was. It seems like we really are getting ready for this year's Halloween! I loved the graphics too. It didn't have a very complicated story, but it certainly didn't need one.

It's fun to just fly and jump around everywhere. Well, you can't really fly but it sure seems like you can. I like how the level immediately ends when you find the green ghoul. It's nice to look at all the little details and obstacles. I love how the objects themselves just seem to be floating.

Woah, I am generally not a fan of point and click adventures, but this was nicely done. I think its main strength is how it sets itself up. I wasn't expecting that much out of this. It wasn't until I got the key in the whatever that thing is and then I had this weird dream. You really know how to create some haunting atmosphere. I am not surprised you won Daily Feature for this.

It truly gives you a sense of not knowing what's going on. You just go to this dreary world with all this creepy stuff in it. I liked how the swords in the logo were pixellated. I knew that was going to be deliberate and not an error. It may not be that well detailed, but it doesn't need to be.

I knew that the game seemed too easy/simple at first. I could tell that there was going to be a point where I would have to deal with the up and down keys being inverted as well. It's still an interesting game, because the premise actually is quite original. While it may not have a lot in terms of detail, it's worth checking out. I liked the different songs you used for this too. I guess it makes sense I would play this after playing a game where I racked medals up like mad.

It obviously takes practice. If there are people who are really devoted to this, I imagine they should be able to get pretty far. It's probably one of the largest games I've played in awhile. I guess there probably could have been some more detail. This game was hard enough not to need it, though.

I was actually quite impressed by this game. While it could have had a wider variety of enemies, it was still well done. The best part about it was probably how it was easy to get a bunch of medals! Yes, I'm that kind of gamer. I actually did think that the graphics were pretty nicely done. Again, there just could have been more detail.

I find it hard to believe a building is that high. Then again, these are magic ninjas we're dealing with. The music was also nice and it fit the mood really well. My advice is that you should look for the hearts above all other things. I don't even really know what most of the other powerups do.

TocoStudios responds:

Thanks Ericho, I'm happy we got you impressed by Fall Ninja! I'm hoping that I'll be able to make a Fall Ninja 2 with even more enemies like you suggest!

I'm going to say right now that I am no good at this. I guess it's not so much that I am not good at it, it's just that it takes too long to make. I still have to appreciate all that you have done for us. The funny designs of the characters help. If nothing else, it allows you to get a good way of listening to all your favorite songs. It's pretty easy to understand the directions.

It's funny to go backward and hear the song being distorted. It makes you realize the different sounds our mouths make. I guess it even makes you appreciate ventriloquists more. It's nice how everything is presented in such a clear cut manner. I'm glad you guys had fun with it.

Well, this is yet another game that should appeal to your fans. I guess the one thing I didn't like about it was how hard it was. I was a tad confused at first, thinking you could jump off the hexagon. You couldn't, but I guess that would have just made it harder. The music was really good in this. It's nice to hear such insane stuff.

The flashing colors fit the setting well too. It may not have a lot of detail, but it doesn't need to. Don't be fooled by its innocent looking appearance as it's hard. I really have probably never played a game like this before. I guess all I can suggest is to make it easier.

Zanzlanz responds:

Yes it's a hard game, but I definitely don't want it to be a play-once-and-win game. Plus Super Hexagon is probably 10 times harder than this...
But anyway, thanks for liking it :)

It looks like FlashPunk truly has given us some innovative games. The thing I didn't like about this was how it got pretty hard on that one level, as do most games. I remember playing a game or two like this before. I think the best part is probably how it sets itself as being unique well. I also like the spooky music. While it wasn't made in October, it was a nice game for the Halloween season.

While there isn't that much in terms of graphics, it's still fun to look at. There are a lot of interesting details here and there. It's Level 4 that is unbeatable to me. It's mostly because you can only rely on the other guy for so long. It was weird because in Level 3, I apparently only needed one of those guys to go in.

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