View Profile Ericho

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Dang, I can't believe how massive this game is. It takes hours to complete! With literally hundreds of waves, it potentially has no end. I still found this very playable. It was mostly because I'm too good at it! I can't even die!

I admit the graphics could have been better, but it doesn't matter. It sets out its purpose fantastically. It wasn't even submitted around Halloween! Well, it's October as I'm reviewing it now. It's on forever!

I admit that this game was hard to navigate, but it was still pretty fun. I especially like how it really is something different. It still gets annoying. I loved gradually learning more. I didn't understand the broken walls at first. Seems kind of silly to have them.

It was maybe a bit too simple. There wasn't that much detail. Still, what it lacked in that it made up for in gameplay. It is a game where you want to keep on going. I like the idea of a prelude.

Zanzlanz responds:

Oh hey Ericho!
Thank you for the review! I'm really glad you liked the gameplay, and I definitely agree with the pros and cons you mentioned.
I mean, your review was really nice seeing how old the game is and how quickly I made it. Hope you're doing well!

That was a pretty fun little game. I admit it isn't great, but it was something. I think the graphics are pretty nice. It was pretty easy for me to understand. Wait, does that mean it was too simple? The music was great.

Ghosts fighting zombies seems like a pretty obvious idea. I'm not much into turn games. I didn't know Warnockworld made games like this. It's nice to see the variety and it is October!

Sorry, but this didn't turn me on. It's mostly because it's too difficult. The houses were really annoying. How could a little house make a giant robot fall over? I thought I could step on them at first. This just wasn't satisfying.

The graphics are pretty bad too. I guess it was at least unique. Then again, that isn't always a good thing. It probably did need music. It was too silly looking.

Hmm, you know that game certainly was difficult but to a certain extent, I actually enjoyed it. I enoyed how I was able to understand more of it as it went along. Of course it is very hard. I'm still glad I got that far. If only there were checkpoints. The music was nice.

I admit that the graphics aren't that good. It still creates a pretty interesting world for itself. There's a lot going on. I just wish I knew the safe spots. I can see why a lot of people wouldn't like this.

xhunterko responds:

Thanks for giving it a try. I'm glad you enjoyed some of it! Thanks for playing!

Hmmm, this wasn't bad, but it had a huge flaw. There was no sound! I tried to see if it was something wrong with my laptop and the sound worked everywhere else. It just seemed really lacking that way. I still thought the game wasn't bad. It was easy to follow.

I kept dying when I went to the ground. Was that really the end of the level? It was too short. The graphics are pretty good. It's just not recommendable.

snoboxstudio responds:

That is really odd Ericho, did you have you internet browser tab muted? We have sound for every aspect of the game :)
Also I think you should go back and read the instructions. There is a way to control your flight.

EDIT: We have heard from our programmer and it doesn't work as well in Internet Explorer browser, possibly that was the problem for the sound?

I admit this game was quite hard, but I didn't think it was bad at all. It's mostly because it works great as a puzzle game. The animation could probably be better. Is this animation or graphics? I was surprised at how complicated it got. I thought it was quite creative.

The music is pretty good. I guess the backgrounds could be better. It really did create some elaborate set up. I can always appreciate that. I think the rating should be higher.

That was a really strange game to play. It seemed more like a flash cartoon. I mean, it was mostly story. It still worked out well. Don't worry about making the medals all secret. I got some of them.

Of course, with this many you're bound to, am I right? I liked how the medals weren't for beating the game, but just playing it. Wait, am I not supposed to say that here? The music was really nice and authentic. It's a very satisfying zombie game.

I guess the game was somewhat playable. That's not a compliment. What I didn't like how was the animation looked pretty bad. It is cool to have a game based on classic literature. I don't know how faithful this is as I haven't read the poem. I should do that.

The music was okay. The game jams have given us much better stuff. Was this guy supposed to be Jesus? Why would he be in Hell? I wish you could jump on the enemies.

Dang, why does there have to such a beloved game that I don't know how to play? Okay, I guess I technically did. I just couldn't advance very far. The music was awesome! You know how to create a mood for a game. Everything really does look nice.

I don't see how pressing up and down in midair helped me much. I still learned something. You have pretty good mobility here. I like the black box design. Was that an airplane reference?

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