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Why the fairly low score?

Dude, this is one of the most awesome games I have ever played! It really helps that the artwork is just plain fantastic. Another awesome thing was how you were just able to plop around and really do whatever you wanted in this game. I love this giant world that you have created. It's just so adorable to see the cow run around in the grass all the time. The best levels are the ones where the backgrounds become colored as the game goes on.

I know Jimp has great artwork, but this is some of his best work! The music is also very calming and gives you a great feeling of being in a peaceful world. Some people might not like that, but I love it! There are just so many things going on with all these great places to explore! This is one of the best underrated games I have ever played on this website. I hope you continue to make great stuff like this!

Such cute cats!

I have to give this credit for having some truly adorable animals in it! That is probably the best part of this. It's just awesome to see these cute guys cut up aliens in such an awesome way. The graphics are really good too. My only problem is that this does seem to be kind of a slow game and it takes awhile to advance. I would like it if you put in a speeding up button. It's still a decent game to play.

It's interesting to play a game that's so dang colorful. Every single bit of animation just seems to be wobbling around ready to go into action. While it isn't that enjoyable, it's actually quite addictive. The best part is seeing the kittens chop up the aliens like that. Forget "Monsters Vs. Aliens" it should be "Cats Vs. Aliens".

How strange

In terms of pacing, this is a pretty standard avoid game. I'm glad I found one of its kind that doesn't involve hentai of any kind. Now, the fault of this game is that the design is a bit too simplistic. It was still pretty fun to play, it could have just been detailed better. What's also cool is how these little powerups just keep whirling around the screen. Their appearances are so random, they're probably not even worth seeking out.

You're better off just letting them hit you as that certainly happens. The music was good and it's great that you have such a wide variety of music. I think my favorite powerup is when the colors get all flashy. It doesn't amount to that much, but it's still nice to look at. The text could have also been presented a bit better.

How strange

Wow, what else can you say about a game that's literally about the menu screen? I have to give this credit because it was certianly creative. I don't know how to even play it, but it's definitley worth checking out. I tried submitting some gibberish and it just said it wasn't compatitible. This has to be one of the most incomprehensible games I've ever played. I really have to recommend this, because it's so absurd it's worth checking out.

Maybe someday I'll be able to progress in it, if I even can. The music was decent. It was cool how you used an audio submission called "00001" for something about the menu screen. It's a very basic game, at least I think it is. I guess the text could have been a bit more elaborate, but this is simply something that is what it is.

Fairly interesting game

What I like about this game is that it does give the player a fairly unique experience. It was hard to understand at first. I thought you had to switch colors, but then I realized you could just collect any squares that you wanted. The best part was probably how you managed to go everywhere when the screen gets bigger. It could be a little better paced, but still enjoyable. The graphics were fairly decent.

Another thing I noticed was how the sounds are really cute and it gives you a sense of being in a strange world. It could have more details, but it's still fun to play. I also like how it's presented in this really cool way with all these points. You have shown yourself to be a competant flash maker. Congrats on getting medals.

Great game!

This game was a ton of fun to play if only because you kept being encouraged to keep on playing it. It seems like such a simple premise, but it's so easy to fall through the cracks. I don't even think there was a single time where I lost because of my health bar. I do wish that it was easier to understand how to shoot. There could have been more variety in the enemies, but it's still very well done. I just love plopping around everywhere.

The graphics were great in this too. It especially reminded me of simple notebook drawings which we can all associate with. The music was also nice and gave off a tone of simplicity. It's one of the most casual addictive games I've played. I like how you have just created this own world where you go off and fly around.

Bush never looked so good

The coolest thing about this was how fast paced it was. There was just nothing but shooting over and over. My only problem is that it did get a bit repetitive. It's weird how the President himself was able to shoot so many terrorists, let alone anyone doing that! The music was really good and it truly gave me a sense of being in on the action. My favorite kind of attack is when I kill them before they even get to shoot. That's when they roll on the floor, BTW.

It's funny to see such goofy depictions of the Bush administration. You guys also made a game where Obama fought aliens. This is better, because it's more well paced. Congradulations on also having one of the most played games you've ever submitted. I love how you can shoot the background stuff, like paintings.

Can't hate it

This was a pretty hard game for me because I didn't know how to get strong enough to eat a human. I will give you credit for making it so that you keep all your blood as you go along. I also have to give you tons of credit for actually having a walkthrough in this. I will simply not be able to progress through this game without it. I thought the graphics were decent, especially with how the piranha swam. I know all I need to about piranhas from "Piranha 3-D".

As a note, that's probably the most disgusting movie I've ever seen. It's interesting to have those little holes you can teleport anywhere with. The music is also good and it fits the tone. I do wish that you would make it easier to kill the guys as I keep clicking on them and nothing's happening! At least it's fun to wreck their boats.

Very unique!

Wow, I know you guys have all made tons of games before, but this is one of your best! I think it mostly helps that the graphics are just plain gorgeous! There are so many things going on here it's hard not to love! The designs of these characters are downright fantastic! It really is quite unlike any other thing that you guys have worked on before! I especially love how the items wave around and glisten before you collect them.

This just has so much heart in it. It's a fairly pleasant atmosphere used to show off a wonderful world of fun. I just love how these characters just strut around everywhere and do their things. I think my favorite design would have to be the enemies, particularly with how their go around with their spider legs. Spider legs are always something that I have loved in art. The colors are drop dead gorgeous too!

I hope you had fun with this!

I am not the biggest RPG fan, but I still managed to appreciate what this was good for. It was interesting to see how you could interact with your environment. The coolest part was probably how you had a lot going for the graphics. These are just simply wonderfully designed! Even if I don't like the gameplay, I can still appreciate all the hard work and effort put into making this. The music is great and puts in a very appropriate tone.

It's the kind of game that really lets you explore and figure out what's going on. You can find everything you need by what you are being told. Gameplay like that is something that any fan of gaming can appreciate. I love how the character moves so fast. You really have to interact with everything here, sort of experiment you know?

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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