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I think there's something wrong with my computer. I'm swinging at the thing, but nothing's really coming of it. I could control it at first, but lost control later. I guess it isn't really a game for me. I don't understand the title. It's probably just supposed to be nonsensical.

The little water splash is kind of cute. Weird thing for a golf game. The music was pretty good. I guess there aren't that many golf games here. For people with better computers, try it out, I guess.

I thought this game was just mediocre. What I didn't like was how it was a bit hard to understand. You just had to keep on giving the food to the people even when it wasn't the right food. What I mean is, you should have been able to go to the table after getting the right food. I'm fairly certain you have to have at least two entries. Then again, I could just play it better.

It is kind of funny to see food falling from the sky. "Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs" was such a great movie. I didn't like the burping noises. The graphics were pretty good. It just wasn't anything too special.

I found this to be a good game. I think its main flaw is that the graphics aren't that good. It really is pretty bland. I still enjoyed it for the most part. It's probably because it's so straightforward. It really is nice for what it is.

The music's pretty cool. I just like blowing stuff up. The messages went on a bit too long. I thought I had to go offscreen or something to get past them. All in all, a good game.

I thought this game had pretty good graphics, but it wasn't that good. It was basically something that I couldn't really get behind. I admit the sounds were pretty good. It's probably more enjoyable than most sports games I've played. I really don't know how to get past the guy with the bat. At least it's easy to understand for the most part.

It's pretty fast paced too. It was kind of unique. It looked a bit too cartoonish. I guess it just didn't seem appropriate for a sports game. Then again, it was different than most.

I did not care for this game. I think its main flaw was that there was really nothing noteworthy about it at all. I guess I just think you guys can do better. Then again, you've haven't made that many good games on your own. It's all a bit too simple. I like the actual eye thing.

It actually does have some fluid movement. There just isn't much to be said for the environment. I want more creativity in the games I play. I guess this did go pretty unnoticed. Unfortunately, I can see why.

Weird, only one of the medals I earned is showing up. Anyway, this actually is a pretty good game. What I didn't like about it was how repetitive it was. It was basically just you hitting enemies over and over. There needed to be more of an area. The music was quite good.

I guess the designs weren't bad. The graphics are pretty good too. I don't even see how the powerups really affect you. They just seem to make you look different. I still liked this.

Well, I do like these games. It's just that I'm not very good at this one. I do think it's a pretty good layout. I like how cute it is. It didn't make it any easier, though! Vitamins are nice. I don't think this was that educational, though.

It has a nice name, though. The music fits the cuteness. It seems to be done in high spirits. The animation's pretty good. It works well enough.

I thought this game was pretty good. What I didn't like about it was how it was a bit too simple. It was in fact just me chainsawing zombies over and over. It was a bit hard to get the right shot to stop them from attacking me. I still like the graphics.

I thought you could chainsaw that hanging guy. I guess that would be too easy of an enemy. I'm glad to have came across this in October. This certainly wasn't made at that time! Wouldn't recommend it, but not bad.

I found this to just be a so-so game. I didn't quite get how it was supposed to be played. I just dodged food over and over. It should have had more aim. Maybe it's MY aim that's off. Was that some kind of bad pun?

Seriously, I wouldn't recommend this. I guess the music isn't that bad. It actually does have some pretty good design. I even think it's creative. It just isn't very fun.

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