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I didn't like this much. I guess I'll give it credit for being a game that I could at least WIN at. I don't even know what I did. I just pressed random buttons and then a ten ton weight fell on my enemy. Works for me! It was really hurt by how there was no sound.

I didn't like how you used original characters. You should have taken some hot superheroines for the game. Vixen, Starfire, Power Girl...okay, enough with that. The graphics weren't that good either. Nothing noteworthy.

I wasn't into this game that much because I couldn't understand it. I don't even think I damaged the boss. I will at least appreciate it for being unique. There's something I'm not getting. I guess the design is quite good. I liked the boss' face.

I probably died before more instructions could be brought out. Dang, that is bad. I still like how you did something different. The sounds were alright. I just can't get too far.

Wow, you deserve props for making something like this. A pity it really is too complicated to figure out. It took me awhile to understand that I was the white box running around. I'm glad to have a game with such unique design. Unfortunately, I'm not that good at it. It's too hard to even get a medal.

I appreciate how good the music is. I would definitely recommend this. I don't even know HOW to get a medal. While a frustrating game, still one worth looking at. I appreciate that.

TerribleDesign responds:

Yay, someone liked the graphics! :)
How would you make the game more approachable? I tend to have difficulty with easy difficulty curves. So I thought that having multiple solutions to one puzzle that allowed for branching paths per screen would be a good idea. It is just as difficult as ever, but non linear!

The way I approached the game was with "action paths" that focus on avoid red squares and "puzzle paths" that take you though some crazy mazes! I also mix the two at times. I don't know if having that insight will really help you though.

Please support the music artists by checking the Bandcamp links in the description. Most albums are pay-what-you-want and that includes free! So be sure to check out the full tracks!

Well, I guess I can't say I would recommend this. It seemed weird to have a game with goombas where you couldn't kill them. Jumping on them just seems like the standard thing. I did at least think that this game was done pretty well. I think it's at least creative.

I'm glad that there was a lot of good music. I could understand how you didn't have to go all the way around with the large goomba. I don't think there's even a way to get past that guy. It was easy to understand how to get the medals. While not great, it wasn't bad.

JackAstral responds:

Thanks for playing and leaving a review anyway :)

I am sorry, but I could not really get anywhere with this. It was basically just these two areas. I wasn't able to get ahead at all. I think you actually made it a bit too difficult. I would liked it if you didn't have to specifically touch certain areas to get ahead. I think the graphics could be better too.

The music isn't bad, though. This just doesn't seem like anything particularly special. While not a fan of point and click adventure games, I have played better ones. You need some more detail. I would have forgotten the other games by now.

selfdefiant responds:

You know, well, I know you don't like these so it really doesn't make much sense to make so many complaints. For one, this is the 4th part. If you haven't played the other 3, you won't get this one. I know you think the graphics could be better, why don't you just say they could be worse? We have gone over this several times. I am so amazed that you play my games when you know you won't like it. I don't like dress up games, so when a super cool one comes out, I'm not going to go play and review it. It wouldn't be fair since, I don't like them and don't know if one is better than the next. Also the graphics of any game could be better. Some are so bad it's scary. Who cares, some art is better than other art and some art isn't like by everyone. :)

I actually really did like this game a lot! I think the best part is probably how simple it was. I loved how I could just click the same thing over and over and get what I wanted! Even the music is nice and sweet. It really is about leaving crumbs. The highest I got was 96%.

I think the key is to take the big bites out of the middle. You shouldn't repeat the same area. I'd like to see people get a 100% on this. The graphics, what little they are, are very good. I really do recommend this.

Well, I wouldn't recommend this. I guess it was kind of different. What I did like about it was the music! It was easily the best part! I didn't quite understand the gameplay. It seemed like you just did the same thing over and over.

I have no clue how you get far in this game. I thought the layout was quite good. It just isn't very rewarding. Dang, is that music catchy, though. I'm glad to have played it just for that!

Yeah, I was never really into this kind of game to begin with. I did get a little active in it, though. I appreciate how the designs are done. It really does have some good variety. Unfortunately, that also makes it too hard. There are just so many things to match up here.

It makes you realize how many animals there are. Well, it's a very broad topic, obviously. There could have been music. Then again, I don't recall any music from these kinds of games. Thank you for the hints.

I did end up liking this game, but I do think it was a bit too complicated. It was weird with how I had to have my characters duck to jump on their heads. That just seemed kind of pointless. I do appreciate this game for the most part. The graphics are quite good.

It was also nice how the idea was pretty original. I just liked the setting. The music wasn't bad either. It's weird how you have music listed for two intros. It certainly doesn't look old.

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