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Very cool!

I am surprised that this does not have a higher rating. The graphics in this were very well done. You (Jimp) always make the best graphics and it was great to see a racing game taken from this perspective. While it still wasn't CGI, it certainly wasn't a side scrolling game either. Well, I guess it's impossible to make a side scrolling racing game, but the angle is wonderful. At first I was confused as to what those yellow enemies are.

I thought maybe they were competitors, but apparently they're civilians. It's great how this takes place in such an amazingly colorful world. There's so much to look at even if it doesn't have the most variety. I also liked this a lot because I was able to get so far on my first try! At least this managed to make front page.

Awesome game!

It's weird how the best game I've found lately is not a Madness one! This is cool because the animation/graphics are downright fantastic! I get the absolute perfect feel of being on the road and shooting people up. It's great to see how each wound expands on one another, until finally they collapse and blow up. I am also glad there is not a boss on every level. There's just an amazing amount of detail put into this.

I notice that whenever you move along the ground, you even release some black dust around you. I was afraid jumping off the bridges would hurt you, but it doesn't. I have estimated it takes about ten shots to take one of these guys down. This game is just coolness personified, especially with how the car moves. Who knew being a delivery man could be so action-packed? The backgrounds are wonderfully designed too.

Not a bad game

This was interesting because it seemed like you had a very straightforward game. I am so glad you mentioned to press space to get through the ads. Hey, I don't blame you for having so many. It was also really cool to use things like grenades. I'm glad that I at least managed to get as far as I did, even if it was only to the third enemy. I thought maybe it would be a more traditional adventure game, but it wasn't. My suggestion is that you perhaps put some more attacks in.

I guess I am just used to RPGs having a wider variety of ways to attack at different times. The artwork is very nicely done, particularly with the designs of the enemies. It was also interesting to have a backstory to why this was all going on. I am now getting used to the appearance of the Madness Day 2011 banner. All the characters had pretty unique designs.

Quite a unique game

It's great to see the angle of a game done like this. You don't see many Madness Combat games like this or any other games here for that matter. I am glad to review my first Madness cartoon of the day! Well, it's a game, but you get the idea. The most annoying thing is that you can keep on firing and firing but never hit anything. You really have to follow the red stripe because a lot of the times I'm fooled into thinking the enemies have to be near the gun.

I was kind of hoping the car would explode when I died. It's still interesting to know that there are great vehicular combat games like this. It was still unique, because it wasn't you fighting over cars (except for the truck). I love to just see the agents flying around and being splattered everywhere. With the shaking off action, this seems like it would make a good game for the Wii.

Not bad!

I am not a fan of RPGs because they are hard for me to understand sometimes. The weird thing about this is that I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was more complicated. It's still fun to play, especially with a light-hearted promise. Everything is fairly straightforward in this. I do kind of wish that you were able to get a bigger vision of what's going on with a large environment. It's still quite playable.

The biggest strength is probably how smooth the character designs are. I know some people might critique them for being too simple, but they're actually fairly unique. It's great to see an RPG that is so straightforward, even though it isn't the best. Everything is just presented in a nice, organized manner. The music isn't that bad, either.

Not the worst

I have to give this credit because it actually wasn't the worst thing out there. I was still very confused as to why this was a game. I may have been doing something wrong, but nothing seemed to come out of this at all. Of course, maybe that's the joke and I am just taking it too seriously. I have to give you some credit for having a very creative collection of colors in this. Infinite loops can be good, but are not always the best.

I still can't figure out exactly what it is I'm supposed to be looking at. I know it's a word and it seems like "Fasinos" or something like that. The music isn't bad, mostly because I didn't even understand how it was supposed to fit the style of the game. If you're going to show the same thing over and over, you can at least make it colorful. If you scroll down really slowly, you can in fact see parts of it clearer.

Quite different

I always look for unique games and this seemed to fit the bill pretty well. The best part is how good the animation is. I was pretty confused as to how it was played at first, but it mostly plays itself when you just go in the air like that. I had no idea, though, that it could be so difficult when you have to keep touching the dots in the right order. It's still a pretty nicely done game. It's just that it can get frustrating when you have to be so precise on how you do your flips.

Missing so much as one gives you zero points. I would think you'd at least be able to get some points for getting a good bit of it done. Of course, that does motivate you into doing a lot better in the game. The animation, while again good, could have used some more detail. It was a little hard to tell if it was a monkey or not.

Don't be offended

I think the only reason a lot of people gave this a low score was because they were offended by it. Anyone who's seen a Doug Stanhope special would know that there's worse things than this. The weirdest thing is how there are missiles around. I don't recall there being missiles at the September 11th attacks. Then again, it's probably not supposed to be realistic. I appreciated the fact that someone submitted something on the tenth anniversary.

You would think more people would talk about it. The music and graphics in this game are not that bad. The main problems are that it is mostly just the same obstacles in your way over and over. Admittedly, it does get a bit of a change when it becomes a lot faster as you go down. The medals shouldn't be that easy to figure out.

Kevin responds:

Trust me, if the person who did the art of this wanted to be co-authored... This would have probably a million plus views now.

That's how big he is.

Not even BSing.



Wow, I had no idea that killing everyone on the Earth could be so much fun! Now it's easy to see why God does it all the time in the Old Testament. As an interesting note, this was actually released on May 23rd, my birthday! It's cool how you made it so wonderfully fast paced. There were just blood and guts flying all over the place as stuff got blown up. I even managed to have a lot of fun with the preloader game.

It wasn't that hard, even when I was on hard mode. The victims here just look so stupid, you don't feel any guilt incinerating them. Everything is drawn a lot better than in the first game. It's great to see how far you were able to come when it wasn't a long time since the first game. The backgrounds are impressive and the music is fun to listen to as well.

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