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I admit that I was not very interested in this game at first. I didn't see how something so simple could be fun. To my surprise, it was quite enjoyable. I think it mostly works because the artwork is so good. I think it just seems to fit the theme of how you're in this tiny space. It's too bad you missed Halloween, but I guess all scary stuff isn't for that time.

It was good to see how each level expanded. I'm not quite sure what the purple flies do. I do admit it's kind of sad to see what looks like a vampire bat eating flies. Of course, this is probably more realistic. Then again, turning into a human at all means it's not supposed to be like that.

I thought this was just an okay game. I was pretty turned off by the fact that it was so easy to die. I would have liked it more if you could have just touched the green surface and then advanced. It was annoying with how you had to land so delicatedly. I still appreciate you having some pretty decent graphics. I think the music is also good.

I remember how there were a lot of games like this back at this time. I rarely see any of them anymore. I'm glad you don't have to refuel every time you die. It just has an overall nice and funky beat to it. I can not remember the first one.

I found this game to just be mediocre. There wasn't really anything in it that I found to be that good or bad. I would rather you have better graphics. They seem to look dated even if they're less than a year old. I like how there are a lot of interesting things you can remove. They even have a way of being removed in a different manner.

The music just struck me as okay. I guess there could have just been more variety. You would be amazed at how annoying that "Checking" thing at the end could be. I did like how you had some facts about nuclear weapons. I'm usually fond of that.

I didn't care much for this game because I couldn't understand it. It seems like it was just me fighting a bagel and I couldn't advance at all. I tried to attack him with anything I could. I thought I might be able to hit the doughnuts, but they didn't help me much. At least I got the medal for dying.

Seriously, I don't feel complete if I play a game without getting a medal. Anyway, the graphics were alright, I suppose. I just didn't find it that creative. I think the sounds were synched up pretty well, though. A sandwich isn't that much of a breakfeast food like a bagel is.

rhys510 responds:

ok? ...

I remember those old men from the Legend Of Zelda games. I appreciate you including themes like that. I admit that some of the enemies seemed too difficult to kill. The worst offenders were probably those jumping green guys. I couldn't understand how to injure them. I'm glad you didn't have to kill a different old man every time for the medal. Wow, I'm deranged.

I thought the graphics were really good. I just like the idea of a barbarian having more than one weapon, one being a gun of all things. It reminds me of "Gundarr". The sounds were pretty authentic too. There was a unique way of showing health and of getting new things.

Hypnohustler responds:

Thanks! Really glad you liked the design choices.
You have to shoot the green guys and then slash them when they turn red :)

This is a very strange game, but it is still enjoyable. I guess it's mostly because it has such a nice atmosphere to it. You really get the sense that you're in a strange world. You can even sympathize with the main character. I thought you would get more skills as you went along. It reminds me of some game I played.

I don't even see what happens to the giant after awakening him. It kind of reminds me of "The Iron Giant". Granted, I've never seen that, but I've heard about it. I like the limited use of colors. This was a fairly unique game.

I was quite surprised how fun this turned out to be! I think the main reason I didn't like it at first was because I didn't know how to use it. I just hit the skeletons and nothing really happened. It's so nice of you to include instructions so easily in the game itself. It's interesting to see the different kinds of platforms and everything here. It reminds me of a strange round of minature golf.

The graphics are indeed fairly well done. It's nice to see how everything turns out. It's the kind of game that's complicated, but with enough going on to be enjoyable. It seems like I have some trouble finding all the coffins onscreen. Luckily, it doesn't let me advance until I do so.

It's great to have this series back with all the previous implications. Now, you have more stuff going on with being able to get help from other cheaters. Doesn't this teach coercion in this game? Speaking of which, couldn't all of those kids just get together and instead study? Ah, I shouldn't apply logic to this. Even though there was little detail, it was still nice to look at.

I guess it's because the character designs give you a lot of space to move. You can get a clear cut vision of who your allies and enemies are. The voices were pretty funny in this. I don't know if that was intentional. I liked how it moved at a good pace, too.

I think that I agree with most people that was this a good game, just not a great game. I was surprised at the amount of mobility you had. I was thinking this would be something Halloween related given its date. Of course, there have been great submissions on Clock Day that had nothing to do with the holiday. It's still rather cool to look at.

I think you should have done better with the graphics. Your other games are much better. Anyway, it's nice to see you try your hand at something like this. My favorite space shooting game here will always be "RaidenX". It's kind of sad, because now I compare that to every game like it.

I admit that the graphics were quite impressive. I just wish that I could say the same about the gameplay. It was basically just the same places over and over again. I probably would have enjoyed this more if I had actually been good at it. The sound effects seemed to be pretty authentic. It had most of what you would expect in a game.

I probably should have read more about how to accleretae. I thought I was going as fast as I could, but I still never saw those other drivers after I fell behind! The colors are what make it as it does have some decent variety. You just need more detail in the background. It's playable, but not worth a second look.

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