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This is my favorite in the series. Most people would say it's the best too. I just thought the designs were much better. You really have improved with them over the years. I don't know why he's yellow. I keep being reminded of the Simpsons.

The backgrounds are much better. It's a pity I'm not into point and click adventure games. Still, I can learn to appreciate all kinds of stuff. You were pretty talented. You could work with a wide variety of stuff.

This was a very different game from you. I was confused by the opening. I thought you'd be able to fly. Whatever, this was still fun. I've never heard about a vampire on a toilet. Seeing as how they only drink blood, that would be a weird situation.

I think Smosh made a joke about that. I admit the design isn't that good. It's still fun for a little game. Those disappearing blocks are a pain. They were fine at first.

I admit that the graphics were pretty simple, but this was still enjoyable. It's mostly because I was motivated to go on. I really was annoyed by the controls. It was so hard to stop! I just couldn't control myself! The graphics were fine.

For an early submission, this was decent. The score seems to make sense. You guys were quite prolific. A pity you aren't anymore. Well, no one really is now.

Yeah, didn't care for this. I mean, there's practically nothing going on. It's just you shooting guys. They should have at least looked like aliens. The artwork is actually pretty good. It's just not very rewarding.

I saw "Plan 9 From Outer Space". Well, I saw it on Rifftrax. I've actually seen much worse movies. I didn't know this was a game. At least I got better at it.

This wasn't bad. I really did like how simple it was. It probably could have been more fast paced. I do like pinball machines. It's been too long since I've played one. I can understand the simplicity.

Well, maybe it was too simple. The colors were right. It should have been more elaborate. I still appreciate what you have done. You're pretty talented.

Dang, you are prolific. I don't know if I've ever seen a game series go on so long. Please ask for your own series! I did love the artwork. I really am starting to recognize these characters. The fat zombie looks like Edward Cullen to me for some reason.

That franchise needed zombies. The music was great. I'm getting so used to these. Well, at least with the easy medal. You deserve this Daily Feature.

Muja responds:

Thanks a lot, I just love both to tell stories and to make games. And I'm extremely happy you're enjoying them!

I didn't like this at all. It's mostly because I couldn't even fire. I guess it might be because of my faulty laptop. This game is just too generic. I can understand how it's your first submission. Everyone seems to have old shame here.

Even the title is too generic. I guess it's not the worst game out there. It's not insulting or anything. It's just very forgettable. I loved your Zwill series.

I admit it was probably too minimalist. I mean, it was just you firing bubbles. Still, the artwork was quite nice. I love the name Mason. That's Dipper's real name! The colors were great.

It was labeled "2" in the game but not in the title. I certainly don't remember the first one. I like the designs of the dogs. Bubbles are pretty cool. It doesn't have that much going on.

I admit I didn't think much of this game at first. It just seemed too easy. You just smashed everyone. I'm glad those pink guys were there. They made it way more challenging. That's a really funny image.

Wait, didn't "South Park" use that later? The creators said "The Simpsons" had so many of their ideas. You had one too! The sound effects are so funny. Not well detailed, but funny.

Really, no reviews in over a day? Oh odd for something that made front page. I admit this game was really, really hard. At least I still got the top score. I thought it would be like "Space Invaders". Well, it technically was.

I was amazed at how fast those enemies were. Well, more of how fast they were with firing their weapons. I could barely keep up! The music was quite nice. It's just very hard!

UltimoGames responds:

It is not hard compared to real retro games. Just bought a mini-NES.. those games were really hard :) Thanks for the review Ericho !

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