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I understand the title now

It was fun to place this game, but dang was it weird. I mean, first I was going off in space and then I died and I guess I was supposed to continue on with the game or something. Anyway, I loved the layout as it reminds me of the classic Zelda game I played on my Gameboy. Boy, does that bring back memories. This could have been more enjoyable, as I believe some of the robots were simply impossible to kill with the gun. At least you made it so that all of the enemies stayed dead on levels where you reformed.


This was really cool to play because it was a whole new different kind fo gameplay to use. I love how the medals were arranged in a manner in that you saw more of a continuing game go along. The music was pretty appropriate and I have played microscopic games like this, but this is easily the best one I have ever played. The gameplay is very straightforward and requires you to use more strategy. I was confused as to why the medals did not show up on the screen but I did get them. Could have used a little more detail, though.


I thought this was really cool to play, as I always enjoy it when people make social commentary in their games and flashes. It was different than the normal Mario stuff, but still good. You had to be careful of everything flying around and it was nice to simply touch fish without dying (well, they were already dead). The graphics are wonderful and it seems just like what a professional gaming company would make if they did something like this. Sometimes you can just wait for them to come and stay in the same spot. That reminds me, I should be getting my money from BP because their oil spill caused bad service to the place I worked at this summer!


It says, "click on one of the bases and then the button to start a series of battles...". What is this button you are speaking of? I click every other button on the entire screen and nothing does anything. Nonetheless, I guess I have to praise you for making a game featuring the Tankmen and the Madness characters. It seems like you could have worked a little bit on the graphics, but they are not overall terrible. There was obviously a lot of detail put into this game given how hard it is to start.


This was a pretty nice game to play to celebrate Pico Day. I guess the only reason I did not like it as much as some of your other stuff was because there were not medal points to go with it. It was still pretty fun to shoot all of those guys. You seemed to have gone out of your way to use characters that are really popular. I think this may actually be the first time I actually saw one of those "Cyanide And Happiness" guys in something else. Not the best graphics, but good for some quick fun.

Fun, but hard

I would definitley recommend this game to anyone who likes zombies, but man is it hard to play. You would think that with only four levels, it would not be much, but boy was I wrong! There are just hordes after hordes after hordes of monsters coming at you! Don't even think for a moment that a $3,000 attack will ensure victory. It is definitley complicated and it was weird to see that one giant zombie attack you. The graphics were really good and the gameplay was pretty straightfoward.

That's cool

It took a little bit to understand exactly how to play it, so I will explain it to everybody right now. This game is played by creating a trail between the two parts with the same colors on them. You can only use the parts of the cube that are colored gray and not black. While not very elaborate, I am impressed at how I was inspired to continue this to test my IQ. It is fairly easy once you get used to it, and is one of this website's classic puzzle games! For being 3D, it does not really look CGI.

Could be better

If there was anything I didn't like about this game, it's that it was hard to figure out. I had no idea this was going to be a puzzle game and thought it was more of an action one. It did frustrate me with how you could hit the regular trees over and over and over and still not knock them down! This did have its positive sides, like the good graphics. The music was also very vibrant and the layout was pretty creative and original. It is the kind of game that takes some getting used to, so not bad.

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