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More fun than I thought!

This was really fun to play because I did not even realize what the point of the game was at first. It took me awhile to even realize that I was slowly going down in elevation. I first thought this was going to be something where you had to rescue somebody. Seeing as how you really blew stuff up, it was quite the opposite. You really have to let the bombs drop right where they are highest and not mess around at all. I did not like it how there was not a background and the graphics were mediocre.

Mixed emotions

I can see where this game gets it reputation (as having a big difference between the score and reviewer score). It was hard to hate this because it was pretty enjoyable. The biggest problem is that it was in fact just too simple. From what I could collect, it was just the same thing over and over. It still managed to be fun perhaps because of the very reason I just described! I like the music and the graphics and car designs you do have are actually really good. At least you made something fairly popular.

A little more detail

It did not take long for me to realize that you got more points if you managed to get more points on the second jump you made from your previous thing. The sound effect with that *ping* was really cool. This game did not seem to have much point, but neither do most games here anyway. I did like the music and the graphics that were there were really decent. It could just use some more detail and have more things going on. It is a pretty satisfying game to play and do well in, if only because of its simplicity.

Very nice!

There was something weird with it loading at the beginning. It seemed to load fully, but it did not until after the guy was halfway done eating the chocolates. The best thing about this was by far how imaginative it was. I mean, it's like you're tyring to make a video game version of Candyland with all these chocolate and candies just disappearing and flying around everywhere. I love the fun and child-like atmosphere this game creates. It is also convienient with how the doors really suck in the animals.

Really good!

I am not the biggest fan of these kinds of games, but this was just so awesome! It had a simple premise to it, and the best part was being able to send a force out like that. The best way to beat this game is simply to keep on sending guys the moment you are able to. The designs of the protagonists and antagonists are very creative. My only complaint is that the cut scene does seem to drag on a bit too much. The sounds and music sounded very authentic to the feel and they were fun to listen to.

What a puzzle!

This is a game where it's hard to really like or dislike because it is so, different. I would not recommend this to the average person on Newgrounds. However, if you are a fan of puzzle games, then by all means play this thing! It is so difficult to understand even with the directions but at least the layout is nice and it gives you space to do your work. The graphics are pretty good and admittedly creative. It was again hard to understand but I can not really hate a game for not being something I can easily play.

Needs more

This was an alright game to play and part of it works because it is fairly easy to understand it. The weird thing is that it was actually fairly hard to play. It's evena little too hard as I think there should be more room to work with, but maybe I'm just bad at this. It really would have helped to put in some music or sound effects as I always look for that in a game or flash here. The idea for a game it itself fairly good and original. The problem is that it was just not executed in the best way, but at least not bad.

Helps I'm good at it

This is a game that's a lot of fun to play because it knows exactly what it wants to do and doesn't waste any time. The graphics are great and have a CGI feeling to them. It's so satisfying when you get more points for hitting the target right in the middle. I like how they go on these little whirly birds and fly around and the balloons are cute too. You do really have to not fool around as you have a limited number of misses you can get. The music is really good and seems to be fast paced and enjoyable.

Great indeed!

I did not know what to expect of this, but this is one of the better games you guys at mofunzone have worked on! I felt it was great how the story was so clear. Things really took off when I got that big gun and I could just hold down the button for a machine gun effect. I like the use of the map and how it only shows you the progress you have made, making it organized. The design of the monsters and the backgrounds were really good too. This is a game that really sets you off on an adventure.


That monkey just won't stop looking like Albert Einstein to me! Anyway, this was pretty fun to play because it really did put a new twist on the defence game, but that was also a bit of a problem. It was pretty hard to figure out exactly what was going on and how it worked. I still have to praise you guys for your creativity. It took me awhile to realize that the guys who exploded after hitting the castle were actually damaging it! The music is also quite stylistic and it fits the medieval theme of the game.

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