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Very nice game

I really have no clue how I missed this one before, as it is pretty popular. Anyway, this was a great submission because you really worked on the backgrounds and designs well. It does not try to focus on humor or action, but on an authentic fantasy story. The premise is also great because in a way, we here at Newgrounds are all trading stories through our submissions. It should be easy to figure out that the strange creature first needs food you find in the caravan. Be sure to keep an eye out for acorns!

Good addition

I do not think these flashes are some of your best work. The nice thing is, when I say that to a person I really like, "not best" means around the area of 7 or 8. It was a bit difficult to understand, but the strongest part of it was the graphics which looked so high tech. In case anybody is wondering, you have to shoot the boxes to get to the rest of the targets. This is, of course, a game where you have a lot of fun shooting stuff up, so you probably figured that on your own. I think this may be the first game I realized your name was "Eric", the same as mine!

Pretty weird

This was fairly nice to play because it was pretty different than the stuff you guys usually make. I kept thinking it was like chess, but then again, I am pretty bad at chess. While the design was simple (maybe a bit too simple) the game was harder than I thought. It seemed like play after play, each side just kept progressing and erasing the progress the previous side had. It had a really even look to it. It does manage to be playable because you really have no idea who is going to have the most dominance in the end.

What a fun game!

This is a game that is great to play because it works so well in its simplicity. The biggest boost is probably how the level I played just seems to go on forever. It helps that there is just an infinite number of ways to play this, and you are really motivated to get those medals. Something that has a simple design can work, because we have simple pleasures. I enjoyed with how I could play the game by pretty much pointing my mouse anywhere and that was all I had to do. Man, is that a lot of ammunition.

amaupin responds:

Thanks for the review!

Yes, "Onslaught" goes on forever, with the bubbles getting stronger and stronger until you finally don't have a chance in hell. The course levels, however, last 13 minutes or so, in then back around and out.

Got better

This is probably the first game I have ever played where falling forever actually did not kill you! This was a very unique game because I really had little idea as to where I was or why I was doing anything. The graphics are original and I like the design of the gnome himself. You really have to just go around everywhere to advance with this game. It is a giant environment so it gives you tons of room to explore. While a little hard to understand, this is a pretty sweet game and I definitley recommend it.


This was a pretty good game, but the main problem is that it was just a bit too simple and could have used more going on. It is still fun to just run around like that forever. The most fun part was probably that you got medals for every kind of way you could die. The music is pretty good and it seems to fit the high speed pacing of the game well. I can understand how this could be addicting, as it is really the same thing over and over. This is good for some easy medals and I think it's funny how he dies.

Good to an extent

I was going to give this a "9" but it had one really glaring problem. I tried to get as close to the golf hole as I could, but then I realized I was right on top of the hole and it was still not going in! I guess I still have to admire this for having really good 3D graphics. I thought the arrow at the top showed you the direction you were supposed to be going. Any fan of golf should like this, and no, I am not one of those fans. Most of the design is pretty realistic and so are the sounds and the lack of music works too.

Agree with below

This was certainly different, but it also managed to be fairly good. Everything about it was pretty basic and if I had any complaint it would be that it was difficult to see exactly where you were going. I would still probably recommend it, as the graphics are nice and clear. It is not the best "rythum" game I have ever played, but certainly decent. I liked how you were able to go back and play notes. It's games like these that remind me of when I was younger and I used to play the piano all the time.

Decent game

I liked the little sounds the game made whenever you cleared a block. Boy, do you have to be quick on your toes to get a perfect score on every single level! In fact, the first one was the only level I played where I got the highest ranked medal. The layout was very simple, but it worked for what it was worth. I managed to do fine without any errors (except time of course) except for Level 7, which really got frustrating. I thought you clicked at the tiles at first, but then I realized moved with the mouse.

ZEGMAN responds:

Thanks a lot! :D

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