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I was pretty confused by this game. It did help that the music was really cool. What I don't understand is exactly how you're supposed to get that ahead in this. It just seems like the same picking over and over. It just took too long. I would have liked if there was an option to speed it up.

It just got boring too quickly. I suppose if I was more into this game, I could get to the better parts. I was, however, just not that interested enough. The artwork/graphics are fairly decent. I guess if you were a fan of the previous games, you should like this one too.

I can't say there was anything too bad about this. I think its main flaw was that it was just the same thing over and over. The part I found to be the weirdest was how there was really variety at ALL. I thought that I might finish the level when I had at least 1000 points, but I didn't. How do you advance in this? The music isn't bad at least.

I basically could stay in the same spot the whole time, just using the A and D keys. The alien that got out seemed to just go out on his own. I wish I had some way of telling you deliver that alien to the red cross place. The game is harmless enough. It just doesn't have much going for it.

I thought this was a really cool game! By cool I do kind of mean that literally. It's weird, because I still don't even know how to get a level beaten. On the first one, I mostly just destroyed everything in sight. I think it has something to do with getting rid of those white rabbits. It reminds me of "Alice In Wonderland".

It's too bad how one hit can kill you. The music is fairly decent as well. I love the graphics as usual. You guys will NEVER stop making games with great graphics. The detail is just so flawless!

I truly impressed myself with how good I was at this. It was a bit disappointing to find out that you died in one hit. I still managed to get two more medals than I do at some games. The artwork wasn't that well detailed, but it was still quite nice. I wish I knew where you could go and buy things. Eh, if I get back to it, I'm sure I'll find it.

I think it's funny to take place in Eskimo land and other places. This did have some fairly unique qualities in it. I think the best is probably how you get better at it when it gets harder. It isn't that hard to remember where to hit them. Except the time I lost, of course.

I was kind of confused with how everything was worth fifty points. It was kind of interesting, though. It was hard, because I couldn't even understand how the game worked at first. I thought you couldn't do anything because when you took a hexagon out, you always had to put it right back. You simply place it over the area where you want to put it in. It's still quite complicated, though.

There has to be something where you can change the axis of the thing to rearrange its position. It helps that the music is decent. While not one of your best, still quite nice. The graphics, what little there are, are very well done. It's a fairly pleasant game.

I was quite impressed by this game. I think it is probably the best one I have played all day! I think it mostly works because the formula is just so well done. There's this wonderful colorful world for you to go out and explore. It gives you a great sense of adventure. I think the hardest parts are jumping on the platforms with the skulls. You forget you can jump at times.

I just love how well animated everything is. There is so smooth animation and it flows together so well. I even like how the title is shown. It's interesting to see what kind of environment will show up next. The sounds are great too.

Well, I have to give this game credit for having some good graphics. The parts where it lost points were how hard it was. I would have liked it a lot more if the green blobs had come directly towards you instead of just scaring you away. It would have made more sense that way. I could tell that this was meant to be complicated. While it didn't have that much detail, it certainly worked well.

It just seems to pause when I avoid it. I wish I had some idea what the title meant. The sounds were fairly decent in this. You really can't move anywhere near the spikes. The colors are done fairly well too.

I found this to be a fairly fun game. I did not think I was going to enjoy it that much seeing as how it was from someone named FlashGirlGames, but it was good. I think my favorite part is how gracefully everything is set up. The soothing music also helps a lot too. It's even cool to see how sad the bee looks when you lose. It's just an overall cute game.

The graphics weren't great, but they didn't need to be. Those are a LOT of levels. It seems like medals (hey rhymes!) are getting harder to get nowadays. There's a very nice use of colors as well. Even the name is pretty soothing.

I thought the graphics weren't bad, but this did not seem to really go anywhere. It was mostly because I was confused with how every single thing was out to get out. You had to even blast the money bags because they hurt you. I don't get it. They don't look like they're made of rock or anything. The whole setup is a little cheesy too.

You are a bit motivated to beat the game, if only because of the medals. It's pretty hard to get anything done in this. You have to really manuever everything. I did think it was creative to have different kinds of goals on each level. I failed too much.

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