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I admit that I wasn't that interested in a game that was about origami. I don't think I have ever tried that in real life. That being said, this turned out to be fun. I even managed to win a medal, which I personally thought I could never do. It shows how you can create a good pleasant atmosphere. There isn't much in terms of graphics, but the artwork is still done well.

I was hoping this would involve fighting dragons or something. It did not, but it certainly didn't need to. The music is so wonderfully soothing. This was a fairly unique gaming experience. It's interesting to see how many layers you can control at one time.

This is a very interesting game. It was cool to come across all these strange scenarios and characters. It reminded me of some other games that have been made here like Chaos Faction. In the first level, I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to find the exit. You basically just have to keep on fighting if you want to beat the level. It's awesome that there is so much assistance.

Don't get me wrong, that didn't mean I didn't help out. The artwork and graphics are quite impressive too. I love how the dead enemy bodies just fly around everywhere. There's so much sweet action going on in this. It's easy to see why so many people like this.

I thought this had some decent moments, but probably not something that was that good. I guess it just struck me as weird how the whole game was layed out. Dr. Vile looks like that one guy from "Tekken". In fact, the music even seems to remind me of that game. The artwork was a bit simplistic, but it didn't need to be complicated. At least the premise was very simple.

I especially appreciate how you can hit everything with the bat. You do have to be careful about not getting cocky. A guy can approach you from the side and hit you three times very quickly. Too bad the people you beat up don't give you supplies. It's still fun.

I was pretty confused as to how this game was played. Once again, the medals did not show up onscreen. It was weird, because the achievements did in fact show onscreen. Either way, there's some evidence of what I did. I thought it was too easy at first, that your goal was to just knock down the guy. You also have to have him hit the red blocks.

I liked the music in this. The graphics, on the other hand, didn't have that much in terms of design. It does still have some pretty good gameplay, especially with how you can move the demolisher. The red guy looked like a monkey or something. It was fine for a wrecking game.

Maras responds:

Thanks for your feedback!

There aren't all achievements remade into NG medals.

I recognize this character as appearing later. It was a bit confusing exactly how you were weakened. I thought it was as simple as being hurt by the trees. Apparently, you can't go too fast or you'll fall off. What's wierd about that is the game says I have to move faster. Yeah, I guess I should have looked at the instructions first.

The graphics are decent, although they do look a little dated. There could be more detail in the ground. It's just the same grass design over and over. It's still fun to kill rabbits. Pink is of course the best color to make of animals you're killing.

At first, I wasn't that interested in this game. It seemed like it was just a game where you chose different things to ask like a dating sim. It's so awesome it turned out to be more than that. I was really impressed by the artwork in this. I thought that it was inspired by David Firth at first. I then realized he came after this so maybe HE was influenced by this?

The music was also great and very soothing. It's so fun to beat up and/or shoot those guys over and over. I'm glad I figured out you just have to keep your finger on the button to shoot. It's fun to watch them slowly die through being shot, especially. It's just a very ambitious game.

I was not very much into this at first. I just found it weird because there were so many instructions so it was hard to keep track of everything. I then realized it was easier than that. You just had to command your units, that is until they died. I managed to get the first medal at least. I thought the graphics were decent, but still a little "off".

What I mean is that they looked kind of weird. The faster speed didn't seem all that different to me. The music was quite triumphant. The details for the environments were good too. It would be silly of me to ask that the game be simpler.

I knew you were good at drawing stick figures. It seems like it had been so long since you drew human characters. Call me a pervert, but I was let down by how the woman's costume didn't bare her midriff. When the gameplay started, I find out it did! Then again, there weren't many front shots to show her breasts.

Okay, I'm getting off topic. I'm not a fan of point and click adventure games, but you're so good at them, I can make an exception for you. Even the name is really cool. I like how the gameplay is fairly simple, but at the same time not easy. I shouldn't have thought that you would press the same key the second time you encountered someone.

PopBrain responds:

Thanks for this good review :)!

Here we have another strange game. I did not even know how to play it at all originally. I tried going everywhere, but it wouldn't let me. I then realized that you had to click the arrows to move on. From there on, it went pretty quickly. I was surprised at how easy threatening someone could work.

I will admit that there weren't a lot of details in this. It did get creative at many times. My favorite part is probably when you go into the cave with the imps. A lot of it is unpredictable with good gameplay. I'm glad I was able to get as far as I did, with those imps.

Wow, I was never expecting something like this. It was weird because at first all it did was talk about some mystical quest. I didn't understand how that worked as you were just in an ordinary room at first. Luckily, you were able to actually go into the video game. I was surprised at how many medals I was able to get. I'm generally not good with RPG's.

That is also the reason why I don't like them. I really did like this one, because it showed a lot of things going on. Well, maybe it's more of a point and click adventure game than an RPG. It has interesting graphics and very nice detail. The music really fits the mood as well.

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