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I couldn't really find anything that bad about this, but it was still wasn't that enjoyable. I think it might have been because it got hard fast. I think on the level before the one I wasn't able to beat, I literally had more than half of my ink left. The graphics looked kind of shoddy in this too. The sound effects weren't bad. I guess there should have been some music.

The only medal was one I did not know how to get, so it was hard to get motivated. I suggest you being a little more creative. You could have different kinds of obstacles. If you're a fan of these kinds of games, it shouldn't be too bad. It's just mediocre. I've played so many games that I have seen better.

It's great to see where this series got started. Even the graphics/animation hold up after all these years. The best part is probably how you try to be so well detailed in your deaths. With the sword, he could have just died in one slash, but you went the extra mile. Without faces, these guys aren't too sympathetic. The screams and cartoonish sounds are great too.

It's not really so much that the deaths themselves are cartoonish, it's just how well they're played out. After someone dies, these blue bubble letters pop up and it's so funny. I just love how everything pops up in this game. You even manage to get some good jokes in. I especially like the hit in the nuts one.

I admit that I am not much of a fan of puzzle games. No, I'm not stupid, it's just not the kind of games I'm good at. I was quite relieved at how utterly simple this was. On the first level, I didn't even get the right combination and I advanced! Probably just something for that level. On the following levels, I managed to do well and even when I messed up, it didn't end the level!

That being said, it was probably too easy. There wasn't that much in terms of graphics, but I doubt that was the point. I assume if you don't get it done quickly, you get fewer points. It did in fact remind me of a slots casino game and I am no gambler. Of course, I probably would gamble with this.

I found this to be a good game. I do notice that the graphics don't seem to hold up that much. It's still a decent game, because it's fairly easy to understand. I didn't understand how I was not able to pick up the sandwich powerup. I couldn't find anything about that on the instructions. I now realize that you simply have to wait until you lose energy.

I love how the robots died when they were hit by the laser. I was also interested in how good the designs were. You weren't expecting different enemies that weren't robots to show up. The coolest part is probably how you can smash everything. Hammers just make good weapons.

I admit that the overall layout was decent, but I really didn't care that much for this. It just got ridiculous how on the sixth level I was beaten so easily. It seemed like you were basically just fighting the same guys over and over. There needed to be more variety. On said sixth level, it looked like a redneck hunter joined the mafia! I guess that was what really took those ninja down.

The artwork, however, was fairly decent. It did seem like a fairl original creation, though. It could probably benefit from having more sped up speeds. Even at 2X, I couldn't even tell the difference! The music is decent as well.

I thought this was fairly nice, if it was a bit too simple. I was thinking at first that you could only die if you touch the spikes. I mean, they were themselves labeled "death". It turned out to be more difficult as bumping into the sides of the mountain hurt you too. It would probably be too easy if not for that. It seemed like you were really lacking music.

The sound effects it did have were decent. It was interesting to see how far you would go with the powerups. I pretty much ignored all of them that were not directly in my way. The death spikes make it look like the cave had teeth. It's good for itself.

This was a fairly strange game. It annoyed me when the one word that I didn't spell right was the one that gave me a medal. Don't worry, I got an oppurtunity later. It was weird how the sheep just slowly came into view. It's odd how the letters on their bodies were just being randomly generated.

I appreciate the music, which I guess I'm supposed to. I don't count sheep when I go to sleep. That's probably for younger people anyway. I liked how everything had such a soft tone to it. You couldn't expect something involving counting sheep to not have it.

Well, this is probably going to sound strange, but I actually really enjoyed this game! It was most likely because the gameplay was just so easy to understand. It's not one of my favorites from you, but still really cool. I basically just had to move around all the time because firing was automatic. The sounds were pretty cool too. The one I died on was Stage 2 of the second area with the giant boss.

It's bad enough when a boss has a big bar of health. The bigger bosses have three bars of health! While it wasn't that imaginative, I thought the designs were pretty good. It probably could have used some better graphics, though. It's a fun game for fans like me.

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