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I have to admit it isn't well detailed. I still liked it because it had zombies. It's weird how I'm not into horror movies, but I do love zombies. I can still love how simple it is. The second medal doesn't seem to be working. Oh, it did eventually.

I don't understand why, but whatever. This is the only Madness game I've played for this year's Madness Day. It's odd how it can be addictive. Well duh, I want medals! Still definitely playable.

This was quite an impressive game. I admit it's probably too hard for me to like that much. It was still quite interesting. The best part was how original it was. I admit that it wasn't easy to play with all those enemies. I hate it when they respawn!

I assume I didn't have to do anything special to fight them. I just literally went towards them. I wish there wasn't so much negative space. Well, it's probably used later. Could've had some music too.

What's with all these point and click adventure games on the front page lately? I will always give you credit for following the "Final Fantasy 7 Collab". This was still interesting. I thought this was going to be about the son avenging his father's death. It was unpredictable that way.

The art was fairly good. I'm just not that much into point and click adventure games. Still, it was at least innovative and had a nice story. I uh, got some easy medals. I need to stop saying that. The layout's quite good.

Hmm, wasn't really a game. It was more just of a movie with clicking. Still, it told a good story. I've reviewed so many things it doesn't really matter if I've seen the other installments. This seems good in its own right. Dregg kind of looks like a "Death Note" character.

The drawings and sprite work are really nice. It's hard to get into something so talky. Well, how can it be Part 3 if it's Medieval Cop 9? It's definitely nice to look at. I can compliment on how it's fairly unique.

Wow, that was a very odd game. Or should I say games. It was still amazing! I mean, I didn't even know how to release the plushies I got! I'd think that would be automatic. Still easier than a regular claw machine.

I hate those Flappy Bird games. Again, still easier than the real game. This was definitely elaborate. We're having tons of fancy submissions lately. The layout's great.

Dressup games? I haven't seen those in a long time. This was still worthy of giving a good score. I'm kind of glad you can't review his underwear. It's just a very cute little game. I was hoping there'd be some action.

It's still pretty nice. I really am impressed by a dressup game winning Daily Feature. That rarely happens at all! I like the cute little expressions especially. The backgrounds are okay too.

MKMaffo responds:

Hehehe thanks man! I think itd be neat next time to learn how to code more complex interactions or maybe something that will trigger a video clip? Who knows!!

Wow, that was really weird. I certainly liked it, though. It was nice to see how creative it was. I didn't understand the blue dimension at first. I haven't played the original game. It's not here, so I certainly didn't!

It's a very creative setup. Wow, we have been getting more good submissions lately. It is hard to understand. Still very innovative. iii's such a weird name too.

How did you know I was going to need to restart when I first played that level? You deserve a great score just for that. This was another unique game. I admit that it did get frustrating. Still, you always have to keep an eye out for everything! The music's pretty good.

I understand the concept with the cassette. I remember back when we used to have those. Well, now we just watch music online. Great for a game jam. Kevin Mcleod again!

Well, I definitely liked this, but it had a major flaw. It was too hard to get a medal! I know that sounds whiney. It's just that I want a medal! Okay, this is still a very unique game. It was just so interesting.

I'm glad you could slow down time. It still doesn't help much. Well, it can. The sounds are fairly good too. It doesn't really have anything to do with collecting.

This was a lot better than I expected. At first, it looked pretty shoddy. Well, it was featured right on the front page, so it must have been good in some way. I'm glad I was pleasantly surprised. The graphics were really creative.

I just can't get past Level 3. That guy's tough! Looks like there's no section for this year's Robot Day. Too bad! At least this got the recognition it deserved.

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