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If you teach a man to fish, he'll play this game all day. This wasn't bad. It was just kind of annoying having to play a rhythm game. Well, just catching a fish would be too easy. I guess I was thinking more of a game where you saw the hook go down. Those are just better.

This is some nice sprite work. I like how unique it is. I'm glad you can pause the game. I guess this is just it. It's fine for what it is, just not great. It's a pretty laid back game.

If you thought I had never heard of ZemmiPhobia before, you'd be right. There is a phobia for literally EVERYTHING. It is indeed a phobia of the naked mole rat. Well, it's more of a fear of the GREAT mole rat. This is very nicely animated. It is repetitive, though.

Given the surreal nature of this phobia, that makes sense. I thought the mole rat was animated by Luis at first. I can tell this is part of a jam. It still doesn't have its own section. I'm still motivated by how goofy this is.

Mabelma responds:

Thanks for the review! We are very happy you enjoyed it. It was animated by Fellowes and colored by me.

I would say that the cake is a lie, but that's a discredited meme. Wait, this came out before that meme! I can still say it! The cake is a lie. Well, not if you win this game. I didn't even know this was a game at first.

This is my brother's birthday too! I guess you could call this a celebration of his birthday! I didn't even know this was a game at first. You can tell it came from 1999. That must be some record for latest submission.

This was a great game, but it was very difficult. Dang, I sound too whiney. I know there's a walkthrough somewhere. I've gotten used to games like this from you. No, not that I'm getting better at them. I just recognize them more.

I got further than some reviewers! Yeah, it's the little things that matter. The music was quite appropriate. At first, I thought those red teleportation things were traps. The red blocks looked dangerous too.

Wow, this was a hard game. I had no idea it would just take one blow to kill you. I would have to really train to become good at it. It still has wonderful atmosphere. I mean, there was so much going on! I'm glad to have been part of it.

You have to deflect so many attacks. This is a good title at least. I can see why the score isn't that high. It's still something I would recommend, but you'd have to be more skilled to really beat it. I can still appreciate that. This was a game where you can just be killed out of completely nowhere.


thanks! yea the train level was really hard, its probably going to be one of the middle or later levels in the game, im planning on releasing more levels before it that start out easier and then gradually get more difficult so the learning curve is less steep

Yeah, it's pretty easy to get the medals. I admit that it seemed too easy. Well, there were still secret medals. At least it's not Kim Jong-Un invading South Korea. I liked the silly animation. It wasn't even a game.

It was more of a visual novel, I guess? There wasn't that much gameplay. A George W. Bush clip? That's old news. Well, Putin should be too.

Little-Rena responds:

It classes as a gadget, which is what it is listed under innit, there are only 2 submission options, Movie, or Game, and it's not a movie.

I could only play once a day?! That certainly sucked. I guess this game was at least unique. I had no idea it would be that hard. I've just never played a game like that. I had no idea what was going on at first.

This was okay for something ridiculous. I couldn't upgrade my turrets or anything. That sounds like "Tourette's" now. I don't see how everyone else loves it. I just wish I could play it more.

Stepford responds:

It's like regular Wordle, where it's different each day.

Well, I have to admit that wasn't much. I mean, it was just me standing around waiting to get killed. At least I got some medals. At first, I thought you had to beat the boss somehow. Well, he was the only enemy it looked like you could beat in some way. The graphics were okay.

It just had little point. I know I did nothing and still died. Whatever, the cat's pretty cute. I'm glad his deaths weren't graphic. I like how the master looks.

Hmm, well I admit I liked this game. It wasn't the most elaborate, but I got at least get into it. I appreciate how hard it can be with how simple it is. It is kind of unique here at least. I must have played games with a toy like that before. I liked the music too.

That's a weird way to show an "N". I didn't even notice the medals at first. Luckily, I got four on my first try. You know how to put up a good beat. I'm glad it's easy to get a high score.

Well, I thought I could understand this game at first. I believe I did. I think the objective was just to stay away from the enemies. I admit it was annoying how you had no means of defense. The title reminded me of Mewtwo. Well, that title is pretty generic.

I like the idea of controlling planet, even you couldn't do much. I'm surprised we got more enemies as it went along. I mean, the number per level. You can really just figure out how to get the medals on your own. For being secret, they're not that hard to understand.

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