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I really shouldn't be loving this. It's only because of how reminiscent of Mario it is. The medals are waaaaay too hard. I mean, you don't even get one for completing a zone! It just isn't that satisfying of a game for me. I still think it's a great game! It's extremely creative, just super frustrating.

There were always different enemies and environments. I only knew I would die a lot and never get any medals. I can tell you there isn't a medal for not skipping the cutscenes. My favorite was probably the cloud level. This reminds me of "Enough Plumbers" with how blatant of a Mario ripoff it is.

jupitron responds:

Sorry for medals being so hard, hope you enjoyed it besides that.
Thank you for playing!

Wow, that was rather odd. I mean, it was pretty annoying. I was just shooting over and over. It put strain on my finger! Well, it was definitely creative. It was just too easy to die with those women jumping on you!

They were easily the most annoying enemies. I still have to give this credit for creativity. It looked like a red Garfield was coming after me! Red couldn't have been in the wrong part of town if everything was red. Jumping usually helped.

Well, this game was extremely impressive, but it was certainly difficult! The enemies were so unique. I am so glad to have come by this interesting game. I can see why the score is so high. The timer was when it really lost me. It seems like more games have that nowadays.

The atmosphere was so amazing. I'm used to seeing VHS-style stuff. That seems to even apply for games. The worst enemies were probably the ones who came after you and fired after they died. You just have to take your time so well with these. This is sure to become a classic!

Damn, I was really surprised at how hard this got! Level 3 and beyond was when I had to look at a walkthrough. Happy April Fool's Day if that means anything! The music and nice and serene. I just didn't know what to do next. It seemed like such a simple game at first.

I know I say that too much. These games have such similar content that they should be considered sequels. It was a light push in every sense of the way. Well, I don't know how heavy these things are. It was quite enjoyable.

I have to admit that the style seemed a bit too simple at first. I'm glad to know that it really took off! It played itself so much after a while. I mean, it was just the same enemies over and over. I had no idea I'd be so good at it! I won't complain about that.

I thought those were just ordinary baseballs at first. Then I noticed how angry they looked. It was practically a lights show there. That "t" sign reminds me of Madness. It's certainly a game that can last.

s-zenmode responds:

(Note to self: clarify ingame that they're deformed coconuts, not baseballs)
Thanks for the review though :)

Okay, I played five games in a row, and not only did I lose, but I got shot every time. I know a pattern when I see one. This is an unbeatable game. It had great animation though. I remember that creepypasta. I got three medals and that was enough.

I wish you would have said April Fool's Day somewhere. I had a great one! I'm glad other people are partaking in it. I got past a level and still couldn't unlock anyone. I guess it doesn't really matter.

This was a wonderfully created game! I especially loved how creative the enemies were. I loved the setting, even if I couldn't understand it. It was annoying with the timer and how you couldn't move on your own. I still got a medal, so none of that matters! It has such beautiful colors.

The sounds were delightfully goofy too. It's easy to tell a lot of people worked on it. I couldn't pay attention to my health. I was just too busy focusing on whatever crazy enemy would show up. Even the powerups were cool. For me, it's a bullseye!

I ended up loving this game, but boy was it hard! I had no idea it would be so complicated! I mean, I knew it was too simplistic at first, but this was nuts! You had to be prepared for everything new in every level! The logic didn't even continue! It seems like we've had a lot of big games recently.

At least I had the right browser. I loved how faint the music was. You need all your concentration on this. It's hard to figure out a puzzle game when you have a time limit. Well, technically not in the same sense, but you get the idea.

STANNco responds:

it's been made a lil bit easier after feedback, the intention wasn't to stress (:

I remember the only version I played here and I loved that! I will admit this could have been more interesting. It was just lower quality than the last one. Still, this was a lot of fun. You can do a lot with such simplistic graphics. I thought it would be a more cooler version.

Instead, it was just sprites. It's still awesome though. It was just like the original, only slower but still good to play. I remember having to go through all those levels. I even remember that power up place.

Yes, I managed to complete some worlds with this game! I have to admit I have no idea at all why the score isn't higher. Okay, I will admit the level where you have to destroy every enemy to keep it during the night or day is complete murder. I thought this was wonderfully creative. I wished these levels were numbered. I'd love to give advice on the harder ones.

You have created this wonderfully giant world to interact with! I had no idea you'd be able to buy things. I just assumed there'd be medals for getting a hundred coins or so. The music was wonderful too. I love how you gracefully slide over the end of the level with that platform. Yes, graceful is how you'd describe it.

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