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I was reje for that spajeje.

This certainly reminded me of Candy Crush! Yeah, I'm majorly addicted to that. I especially love the designs. I was able to get every medal! It was weird how the first stage was the hardest for me! You had to get the highest score to do it!

Well, maybe it's meant to be ironic. It is hard to think about romance after watching that Evangelion cartoon. This was great for a Three Match game. The sounds were creative too. I guess we'll just ignore Saint Patrick's Day.

KOLANI responds:


Hopefully some of the crew is down to go back and polish this stuff up. I'd love to add more to it!!

Wow, these really are good sims! Thanks for not being porn! I wish all the characters talked. I mean, I wish you could hear them all. Shouldn't Trash-can be Trash-tan? I mean, that must be a typo. I even liked the loading title.

I'm glad the game isn't that hard. Well, I know about visual novels now. Yeah, Saint Patrick's Day isn't popular enough. Even the song is pleasant. Here I was thinking "A Satina Christmas" would be late.

mettoretto responds:

Trash-can was intentional

I wasn't expecting it to be that good. I mean, I should have known with the high score. I especially love how it's not porn. I really thought it would be given the setup. Well, I haven't gotten that far... The drawings are fantastic!

Yeah, I'm not into sims like this because they don't have much design. This was an interesting take on it. I especially like how the art changes. I now realized almost everything submitted here will have a ton of credits. It's too late for Valentine's Day, how about Saint Patrick's Day?

I know I've played this before, but I haven't voted on it. Maybe it's just deja vu? I mean, it was released in January so I obviously could have. Anyway, the actual game isn't bad at all. It's just frustrating. I guess a laptop isn't that suitable for it. I was surprised at how well it escalated.

Well, it got hard all at once. Wow, that sounds dirty. I'm not good with the hook. I like how quaint it looks. Stop making me question if this is deja vu.

Damn it, I don't have a mouse! I use a laptop! Well, anyone can figure something out, can't he or she? I love how there's so much going on. I have no idea how to get any of these assignments fully done. The animation was fairly good.

I just wish it was easier to understand. I can at least read the stuff written on the bottom. With all the music credits, you'd need a long song list. I can't go 360 degrees. I was never good at a skateboard in real life anyway.

I thought the title was "Bimbo". Well, that would have been too far from the actual name. I still loved this, because we need more parodies of computers! Michaelsoft's a pretty funny pun. I knew there'd be an explosion when I shut down! It's just great to search for every little detail I can. We all know what it's like to deal with a faulty computer.

Well, back in 1997, all computers were like this. I think I had a computer back then? I remember being in class at that time and being like the only kid to not have a computer. That's such an original joke for Minesweeper! Nobody really liked that game. The lack of medals showing up makes it more authentic.

I'm probably only giving this a high score because I managed to get far in it. At first, I was afraid I'd have to do different tasks every day. I'm glad the game was so much simpler! I just got stuck in a fence at the end of the game. Maybe that was because of the pills I took. I still couldn't beat it.

I was afraid the banana peels were trash I was supposed to push along. I was afraid all the trash was something I had to push along and I'd lose by swallowing them. That's why licking toads gets you high! Well, it's reversed in this scenario.

I admit that the artwork didn't look that good. Well, should I say the spritework? This was still a pretty addictive game. Yep, it's only because of the medals. I'm glad to have come by such a big game. You really get the big picture here.

The music was impressive, although maybe a bit too loud. You had a fairly good variety of enemies. I am glad it got Daily 4th Place. That um...seems to make sense. It's good for a timewaster.

Well, this is indeed a great game, but damn is it hard! I mean, I thought I'd get medals for just beating the boss! It was still gorgeously done. I'm glad sprite work is still popping up every now and then. You had to do a lot of maneuvering in this. I'd have to train for a long time to get it done.

The colors are so wonderfully bright. I don't care about the backstory. I've never heard of any Mech Jam. Well, there's so many of those jams to even keep up with at this point. I thought I was better at games.

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